College Forum

Cardiff University is made up of 24 academic schools which are split between three Colleges:


- The College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS)

- The College of Biomedical and Life Sciences (BLS)

- The College of Physical Sciences and Engineering (PSE)


The Students’ Union holds College Forums, to give Student Academic Representatives to discuss feedback with the elected Sabbatical Officers and senior university staff. The Chair and Vice-Chair of each Student Staff Panel is invited to attend, to provide an update of what was discussed at their last meeting, and raise any issues that cannot be resolved by school staff. If a problem cannot be resolved at a Student Staff Panel, it can be brought to a College Forum.


Student Academic Representatives across the college will have an opportunity to speak on behalf of their school. Sabbatical Officers chair the meetings, and support students to engage in conversation with the college Deans, and representatives from other professional services. As well as raising concerns, this is a really good opportunity for Chairs to share best practice in their college. They can share ideas and solutions to common problems with their peers.


The dates for the 2023/24 College Forums are below, but please note that some dates are subject to change. Each Chair and Vice-Chair will be automatically invited by the Student Voice Team. If you would like to discuss the College Forums, or a specific meeting, please contact


College of Biomedical and Life Sciences



Postgraduate Taught

Postgraduate Research

28th November 2023

4th December 2023

29th November 2023 

12th March 2024

11th March 2024

21st March 2024



College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences



Postgraduate Taught

Postgraduate Research

27th November 2023

4th December 2023

29th November 2023 

15th March 2024

11th March 2024

21st March 2024


College of Physical Sciences and Engineering



Postgraduate Taught

Postgraduate Research

30th November 2023

4th December 2023

29th November 2023 

11th March 2024

11th March 2024

21st March 2024




Fforymau Colegau

Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd yn cynnwys 24 o ysgolion academaidd sydd wedi'u rhannu rhwng tri choleg:


- Coleg y Celfyddydau, Dyniaethau a Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol (AHSS)

- Coleg y Gwyddorau Biofeddygol a Bywyd (BLS)

- Coleg y Gwyddorau Ffisegol a Pheirianneg (PSE)


Mae Undeb y Myfyrwyr yn cynnal Fforymau Colegau, i roi cyfle i Gynrychiolwyr Academaidd Myfyrwyr drafod adborth gyda'r Swyddogion Sabothol etholedig ac uwch staff y brifysgol. Gwahoddir Cadeirydd ac Is-gadeirydd pob Panel Staff-Myfyrwyr i fynychu, er mwyn darparu diweddariad am yr hyn a drafodwyd yn eu cyfarfod diwethaf, a chodi unrhyw faterion na ellir eu datrys gan staff yr ysgol. Os na ellir datrys problem mewn Panel Staff-Myfyrwyr, gellir ei thrafod mewn Fforwm Coleg.


Bydd Cynrychiolwyr Academaidd Myfyrwyr o ar draws y coleg yn cael cyfle i siarad ar ran eu hysgolion. Bydd Swyddogion Sabothol yn cadeirio'r cyfarfodydd, ac yn cefnogi myfyrwyr i gymryd rhan mewn sgyrsiau â Deoniaid y coleg a chynrychiolwyr gwasanaethau proffesiynol eraill. Yn ogystal â chodi pryderon, mae hwn yn gyfle da iawn i Gadeiryddion rannu arferion gorau yn eu colegau. Gallant rannu syniadau a datrysiadau i broblemau cyffredin gyda'u cyfoedion.


Mae'r dyddiadau ar gyfer y Fforymau Coleg 2023/24 isod, ond nodwch y gall rhai dyddiadau newid. Bydd pob Cadeirydd ac Is-gadeirydd yn cael eu gwahodd yn awtomatig gan Dîm Llais y Myfyriwr. Os hoffech drafod y Fforymau Colegau, neu gyfarfod penodol, cysylltwch â


Coleg y Gwyddorau Biofeddygol a Bywyd



Ôl-raddedig a Addysgir

Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig

28ain o Dachwedd 2023

4ydd o Ragfyr 2023

29ain o Dachwedd 2023 

12fed o Fawrth 2024

11eg o Fawrth 2024

21ain o Fawrth 2024



Coleg y Celfyddydau, Dyniaethau a Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol



Ôl-raddedig a Addysgir

Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig

27ain o Dachwedd 2023

4ydd o Ragfyr 2023

29ain o Dachwedd 2023 

15fed o Fawrth 2024

11eg o Fawrth 2024

21ain o Fawrth 2024


Coleg y Gwyddorau Ffisegol a Pheirianneg



Ôl-raddedig a Addysgir

Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig

30ain o Dachwedd 2023

4ydd o Ragfyr 2023

29ain o Dachwedd 2023 

11eg o Fawrth 2024

11eg o Fawrth 2024

21ain o Fawrth 2024