Accountability Council: SU President


We want all members of the Students’ Union to be able to get involved and shape the work that we do. One of the ways you can get involved is through the SU Presidents' Accountability Council. 


The accountability council is responsible for supporting and assisting the SU President in shaping their work and ensuring it responds to the needs of students and the expectations students will have of the President. These expectations are based on the President's manifesto and the motions passed by students through Student Senate and AGM. The Accountability Council will track the progress of the SU President through meetings and will help ensure they are moving in the right direction, and where this may not be happening are their to ensure they know how they can do better. 


The accountability council also have the power to award the offices ‘notices’ in recognition of either really good work or when they want to see improvements in their activity. A Notice of Satisfaction is considered when the committee wish to formally recognise an elected officer for outstanding work in relation to their role, responsibilities, and manifesto commitments. A Notice of Required Improvement is considered when the committee is dissatisfied in an elected officers work or conduct. The committee may also consider a more severe motion of censure when the committee believes the elected officer has committed a serious offence again their office or democratic responsibilities.


The SU President's accountability reports can be found here:


Accountability Session 1
Accountability Session 2


Accountability Session 3


The accountability council is made up of eight students elected in the Autumn Elections. You can nominate yourself using the button below. 


Nominate Here