Help and Support
From time to time, everyone needs some help or support so don’t be afraid to reach out. The Students’ Union and University have a range of options available to you. We’ve compiled them here to help you find what you need and perhaps inspire you to take the next step.
Information about when to refer to SSIT and the support that the team offers can be found on the Student Intranet here.
To get in touch complete this referral form or email
If you, or the student you are concerned about is in immediate danger or a danger to others, please call 999. If they live in university-owned residences, you can call Security on +44 (0)29 2087 4444. If they live in privately-owned residences, please contact the residence manager.
You can find details of support available from the University on the intranet here.
Report and Support
Report and Support is an online tool for students to report incidents of violence, abuse, threats, hate crime and mental health concerns. It can also be used by staff and members of the public to report on behalf of or in relation to Cardiff University students.
Users can choose to make a report anonymously or give details about themselves. There is also an option to report on behalf of someone else.
You can access the Report and Support tool here:
More information about the service can be found here:
Students' Union Support
STRONGER TOGETHER: Stronger together is a new Student Led Service in Cardiff University that is here to support survivors of sexual assault/abuse, and anything likewise, to help friends and family learn how to support their loved ones and to raise awareness for this ongoing taboo issue.
STUDENT MINDS: Student Minds Cardiff aims to support students' wellbeing - spreading awareness of a range of mental health difficulties often experienced at university, and running events aiming to bring people together in a safe and empowering environment.
PREGNANCY: This webpage shares what options and services are available to Cardiff students that suspect or know they are pregnant.
ACADEMIC ISSUES: During your time at university, you may need advice about an academic issue. These pages provide information and guidance on academic issues that you may encounter while a student at Cardiff University.
CARDIFF NIGHTLINE: Cardiff Nightline is a student-led listening service that is available for students of Cardiff 8pm to 8am on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Call us on 02920 870555 or use our instant messaging (IM). If you’d like someone to talk to outside of these times, Samaritans are available 24/7 on 116 123.
SUPPORT FOR DISABLED STUDENTS: All students with long-term physical or mental health conditions, specific learning difficulties, autistic spectrum conditions and sensory or physical impairments can access support through the University's Disability and Dyslexia Service.
JOBS, WORK EXPERIENCE & SKILL DEVELOPMENT: One of our big aims is to help you become more employable during your time in Cardiff. We offer a range of opportunities to volunteer in the community, and the chance to gain work experience while you study. Visit our Jobs and Skills pages to find out more.
LGBTQ+ STUDENT SUPPORT: This page provides information for students and prospective students who identify as LGBTQ+. On this page you can read about LGBTQ+ Halls, support for LGBTQ+ Students, and how to get involved with CU Pride or Enfys.
TRANS & NON-BINARY STUDENT SUPPORT: Transitioning can take many different forms and there is support available from the University and Students' Union to help you with this. You may not even be sure if you want or need to transition, but you are still be welcome to access support to discuss any queries or needs around this topic. We understand that people can question their gender identity for many reasons, and they are all perfectly valid reasons for you to make contact.
Cardiff University Support
INTRANET: To see the range of support available from the University to help you manage your emotional, mental and physical health, you can visit the student intranet. We've also summarised some of the services below:
STUDENT CONNECT: Student Connect service is your first point of contact if you need any support while you are studying at Cardiff University. You can call Student Connect on +44 (0)29 2251 8888, email or ask their chatbot questions 24/7 on the intranet.
TALK CAMPUS: TalkCampus brings students who are going through the same struggles together. It provides an instant connection 24/7 with someone to talk to, to listen and to understand what you are going through. It's professionally moderated and is powered by a leading mental health support network TalkLife. Find out more about TalkCampus and how to access it.
CHAPLAINCY: The Chaplaincy provides a place for friendship, hospitality, reflection, prayer, support and dialogue, offering opportunities for you to engage socially and to explore faith and spirituality.
SELF-HELP RESOURCES: The University have a self-help resources and access pre-recorded wellbeing workshops, for information, advice and coping strategies that address common student challenges. These include: anxiety, depression, building resilience and stress, mindfulness, managing lifestyle, improving sleep, exam anxiety, relaxation techniques, culture shock, and homesickness.
IT SUPPORT: University IT provides support to students and staff in getting the most from the IT services at Cardiff University. The IT Clinic is located on the second floor of the Centre for Student Life in room 2.24. You can find out how to get support and what services are available on the intranet.
WELLBEING CHAMPIONS: Wellbeing Champions are students who have received health and wellbeing training in order to provide peer support to fellow students. They offer knowledge, experience, and social or practical help to fellow students, promoting the importance of self-care, providing information and signposting on a range of wellbeing-related issues and taking part in promotion activities across campus.
MONEY SUPPORT FUND: If you are in financial hardship and cannot cover your essential costs, help may be available through the Money Support Fund. The programme can only help with essential living or study costs. It cannot help with fines and lifestyle choices such as running a car, private gym membership or holidays.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME AWARDS: If you are in financial hardship and cannot cover your essential costs, help may be available through the Financial Assistance Programme. The programme can only help with essential living or study costs. It cannot help with fines and lifestyle choices such as running a car, private gym membership or holidays.
EXERCISE REFERRAL SCHEME: The Student Health and Wellbeing service, in partnership with Cardiff University Sport, provide this scheme for students experiencing low mood or anxiety who may benefit from a supported exercise programme.
Cymorth a Chefnogaeth
O bryd i'w gilydd, mae angen cymorth a chefnogaeth ar bawb, felly peidiwch fod ofn estyn allan. Mae gan Undeb y Myfyrwyr a'r Brifysgol ystod o opsiynau ar eich cyfer. Rydym wedi eu casglu yma i'ch helpu i ddod o hyd i'r gwasanaeth addas ac eich helpu i gymryd y cam nesaf.
Gellir canfod gwybodaeth ynghylch pryd i gyfeirio at yr SSIT a'r gefnogaeth gall y tîm ei chynnig trwy'r Fewnrwyd Myfyrwyr yma.
Er mwyn cysylltu gyda'r gwasanaeth cwblhewch y ffurflen hon neu e-bostiwch
Os ydych chi neu fyfyriwr arall mewn perygl neu'n berygl i eraill, ffoniwch 999. Os yw myfyriwr yn byw yn neuaddau'r Brifysgol, gallwch ffonio'r Tîm Diogelwch ar +44 (0)29 2087 4444. Os yw myfyriwr yn byw mewn llety preifat, cysylltwch â rheolwr y safle.
Adrodd a Chymorth
Mae Adrodd a Chymorth yn adnodd ar-lein lle gall myfyrwyr adrodd achosion o drais, cam-drin, bygythiadau, troseddau casineb, a phryderon iechyd meddwl. Gall staff ac aelodau o'r cyhoedd hefyd ei ddefnyddio i adrodd ar ran neu ynglŷn â myfyriwr Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Gall defnyddwyr dewis gwneud adroddiad yn ddienw neu rannu manylion. Mae hefyd opsiwn i adrodd ar ran rhywun arall.
Gallwch gael mynediad at yr adnodd yma: Gellir canfod mwy o wybodaeth am y gwasanaeth yma.
Gwasanaethau Undeb y Myfyrwyr
CRYFACH AR Y CYD: Mae Cryfach ar y Cyd yn Wasanaeth dan Arweiniad Myfyrwyr sydd yn cefnogi goroeswyr trais/cam-drin rhywiol, yn helpu ffrindiau a theulu i ddysgu sut i'w cefnogi, ac yn codi ymwybyddiaeth am y mater hwn.
MEDDYLIAU MYFYRWYR: Nod Meddyliau Myfyrwyr Caerdydd yw cefnogi lles myfyrwyr, codi ymwybyddiaeth am ystod o broblemau iechyd meddwl, a chynnal digwyddiadau er mwyn dod â phobl ynghyd mewn amgylchedd diogel a chroesawgar.
BEICHIOGRWYDD: Mae'r tudalen we yma yn cynnwys gwybodaeth am yr opsiynau a gwasanaethau sydd ar gael i fyfyrwyr Caerdydd sy'n gwybod neu'n credu eu bod yn feichiog.
MATERION ACADEMAIDD: Yn ystod eich cyfnod yn y Brifysgol, efallai y bydd angen cyngor arnoch ynghylch mater academaidd. Mae'r tudalennau yma'n darparu gwybodaeth ac arweiniad ar faterion academaidd gallwch eu hwynebu tra'n fyfyriwr ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.
LLINELL NOS CAERDYDD: Mae Llinell Nos Caerdydd yn wasanaeth dan arweiniad myfyrwyr sydd ar gael i fyfyrwyr Caerdydd rhwng 8yh ac 8yb dydd Mercher i ddydd Sadwrn. Ffoniwch 02920 870555 neu os ydych angen siarad gyda rhywun tu allan i'r amseroedd yma, mae'r Samariaid ar gael 24/7 ar 116 123.
GWASANAETH ANABLEDD MYFYRWYR: Gall pob myfyriwr gyda chyflyrau corfforol neu iechyd meddwl hirdymor, anghenion dysgu penodol, cyflyrau ar y sbectrwm awtistig, a namau synhwyraidd derbyn cefnogaeth trwy Wasanaeth Anabledd Myfyrwyr y Brifysgol.
SWYDDI, PROFIAD GWAITH, A DATBLYGIAD SGILIAU: Un o brif amcanion yr Undeb yw eich helpu i ddatblygu sgiliau cyflogadwyedd tra yma yng Nghaerdydd. Rydym yn cynnig ystod o gyfleoedd gwirfoddoli a phrofiad gwaith. Ewch i'n tudalennau Swyddi a Sgiliau i ddysgu mwy.
CEFNOGAETH LHDTC+: Mae'r dudalen hon yn darparu gwybodaeth i fyfyrwyr a darpar fyfyrwyr sy'n rhan o'r gymuned LHDTC+. Ar y dudalen hon gallwch ddarllen am lety LHDTC+, cefnogaeth ar gyfer myfyrwyr LHDTC+, a sut i gymryd rhan yn Pride Caerdydd.
CEFNOGAETH AR GYFER MYFYRWYR TRAWS AC ANNEUAIDD: Gall trawsnewid cymryd sawl ffurf wahanol ac mae cefnogaeth ar gael gan y Brifysgol ac Undeb y Myfyrwyr ynghylch hyn. Efallai nid ydych yn siŵr os ydych am drawsnewid ond mae croeso i chi gysylltu er mwyn trafod cwestiynau ac anghenion yn gysylltiedig â'r mater hwn. Rydym yn deall y gall pobl cwestiynu eu hunaniaeth rhywedd am sawl rheswm, ac mae gan bawb hawl gofyn am gymorth.
Gwasanaethau Prifysgol Caerdydd
CYNGOR BRYS: Dewch o hyd i gyngor brys, gan gynnwys beth i'w wneud mewn argyfwng, camau os oes gennych bryder am eraill, sut i ddatgelu profiad o drais neu gam-drin, a mwy o gefnogaeth ddefnyddiol.
Y FEWNRWYD: I weld pa gefnogaeth sydd ar gael gan y Brifysgol i'ch helpu i ofalu am eich iechyd corfforol ac iechyd meddwl, gallwch fynd i'r Fewnrwyd Myfyrwyr. Mae rhai o'r gwasanaethau wedi'u crynhoi isod.
CYSWLLT MYFYRWYR: Cyswllt Myfyrwyr yw'r lle cyntaf dylech fynd os oes angen cymorth arnoch tra'n astudio ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Gallwch ffonio Cyswllt Myfyrwyr ar +44 (0)29 2251 8888, e-bostio neu holi cwestiynau trwy'r chatbot ar y fewnrwyd 24/7.
TALK CAMPUS: Mae TalkCampus yn dod â myfyrwyr sy'n wynebu'r un heriau ynghyd. Mae'n darparu cysylltiad 24/7 gyda rhywun bydd yn gwrando a'n deall yr hyn rydych chi'n ei brofi. Mae'n cael ei gymedroli'n broffesiynol ac mae wedi'i bweru gan y rhwydwaith cymorth iechyd meddwl blaenllaw TalkLife. Dysgwch fwy am TalkCampus a sut i gael mynediad ato.
CAPLANIAETH: Mae'r Gaplaniaeth yn darparu lle ar gyfer cyfeillgarwch, lletygarwch, adlewyrchu, gweddïo, cefnogaeth, a sgwrsio, gan roi cyfle i chi gymdeithasu ac ymarfer eich ffydd.
ADNODDAU HUNANGYMORTH: Mae gan y Brifysgol adnoddau hunangymorth a recordiadau gweithdai lles sy'n darparu gwybodaeth a chyngor ar heriau cyffredin y mae myfyrwyr yn eu hwynebu. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys: gorbryder, iselder, gwella cwsg, straen arholiadau, newid diwylliant, ac unigrwydd.
CEFNOGAETH TG: Mae adran TG y Brifysgol yn darparu cefnogaeth i staff a myfyrwyr. Mae'r clinig TG wedi'i leoli ar ail lawr Canolfan Bywyd y Myfyrwyr yn ystafell 2.24. Gallwch ddysgu mwy am y cymorth sydd ar gael trwy'r fewnrwyd.
HYRWYDDWYR LLES: Hyrwyddwyr Lles yw myfyrwyr sydd wedi derbyn hyfforddiant iechyd a lles er mwyn darparu cefnogaeth i'w cyd-fyfyrwyr. Maent yn cynnig cyngor a chymorth gan hyrwyddo hunanofal, darparu gwybodaeth, a chyfeirio at wasanaethau ar gyfer ystod o faterion lles.
Y GRONFA GYMORTH ARIANNOL: Os ydych yn wynebu caledwch ariannol ac yn methu talu eich costau hanfodol, efallai gallwch dderbyn cymorth trwy'r Gronfa Gymorth Ariannol. Mae'r rhaglen ar gyfer eich helpu gyda chostau byw ac astudio hanfodol. Ni all helpu gyda dirwyon neu ddewisiadau o ran eich ffordd o fyw megis gyrru car, aelodaeth gampfa breifat, neu wyliau.
CYNLLUN CYFLEOEDD YMARFER CORFF: Mae'r gwasanaeth Iechyd a Lles i Fyfyrwyr, mewn partneriaeth â Chwaraeon Prifysgol Caerdydd, yn darparu'r cynllun hwn ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy'n profi hwyliau isel neu bryder a allai elwa o raglen ymarfer corff â chefnogaeth.