Cardiff University Conservative and Unionist Association

Cardiff University Conservative and Unionist Association is the most active political society at Cardiff University and the only society that represents the views and concerns of centre-right students on campus!

Throughout the year our members will be given the opportunity to meet high-profile politicians and engage in a range of regular socials, from drinks receptions, port & policy, nights out, and join in with local campaign sessions. We also work closely with the wider Conservative Party, supporting our elected members in the UK Parliament, the Senedd, and at a local level too.


What we do:

  • Champion the concerns of every student at this university Whether you're an undergraduate in your first year or a post-graduate working alongside the academic body, we strive to ensure your interests are protected. Our members have always been one of the more vocal in raising concerns and putting forward motions at the Students Union AGM.
  • Offer a real alternative centre-right voice for students It's vital every student at this University be given the opportunity to debate and discuss. We offer students the ability to do just that through the network the Cardiff University Conservative and Unionist Association creates for its members.
  • Take part in national and local Conservative Party campaigns giving you the opportunity to meet high-profile figures in the Conservative Party and the wider conservative movement. From conference to weekend campaigning, this society gives students the tools to get out and participate in politics firsthand.
  • Campaign regularly in Cardiff at a university and local level We'll continue to hold Cardiff University and our Students' Union to account, ensuring your interests are kept at the heart of the decision-making process. In the run-up to the 2024 General Election, we'll be out supporting our candidates across the whole of Cardiff and South Wales. 
  • Offer and arrange experience in both the Welsh Parliament and the House of Commons Many of our members have gone on to work for our MPs and MSs, as well as a range of other jobs in politics - we'll do what we can to support you.


Our Events:

  • Join us for our regular speaker events! Whether it be former Deputy Prime Ministers, Secretaries of State, or renowned journalists and political commentators, we host a wide-ranging variety of speakers giving you the opportunity to meet them, make connections, and ask questions.
  • Attend our 'Pint and Policy' evenings! Every Tory Society up and down the country hosts port and policy, and Cardiff is no different. Whether it be debating motions or hearing from keynote policy speakers, our regular port and policy events have you covered. 
  • Take part in our regular Thursday socials! Every Thursday our VP Membership and Events hosts us for an evening of drinking, discussion, and debate before we finish the night off in one of Cardiff's many clubs.
  • And finish off the term by joining us at our formal dinner events Cardiff Univeristy Conservatives host a bi-annual dinner event where we're joined by a high-profile speaker, giving you the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of your term at Cardiff. 


Make sure you check out our FacebookTwitter and Instagram pages to stay up to date with what we're planning throughout the year and feel free to message us if you want to know more information or get involved!

We offer a range of fantastic events and opportunities, you can be a part of our movement for just £5, so make sure you join below!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Committee Member

Elected President

Elected Secretary

Elected Treasurer

Elected Vice-President Membership and Events




Vice-President Membership and Events


  • Cardiff University Conservative and Unionist Association Standard Membership£5.00