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  • -12 score
    16 voters

    Travelers Association and campaign officer role for Travellers and commuters.


      What is your idea?

      To create a campaign officer for the traveller community that helps both traveller and commuter students feel represented and supported in the university. This would also lead to the creation of a Travellers Association to bring the students in this demographic together to socialise and talk about issues affecting them and raise awareness to the rest of the SU and university.

      What problem is being solved?

      The lack of official support for travellers and commuters. There is currently no position for a representative of this community and no official support from staff. With the student housing crises and cost of living crises, many people are deciding to stay at home which can be 2 hours away for some people. A lot of clubs and societies don't take that into account hence, we have a community that is forgotten about despite it growing in size.
    Penny Dinh
    9:42pm on 17 Nov 23 I think this idea needs a bit of workshopping. “Travellers” usually refer to people from Romani, Sinti, and other nomadic backgrounds and that’s how I understood it when I first saw your idea. Having read on and understood what you meant, I still don’t think the solution you’re asking for is necessarily the most effective one. Having been a campaign officer, I find that there’s actually not a lot of scope in the role to make structural change. The SU could review its policy and consult commuting students on their needs with or without an unpaid campaign officer. I don’t believe that creating a campaign officer and an association is the solution to everything.
    Jay Harley
    2:58pm on 23 Feb 24 I want to support what Penny is saying and request this is changed to “commuter” in the suggestion. I work for Gypsies and Travellers Wales and this is a very inappropriate use of the term Traveller, which is reserved for those with an ethnic Traveller background or whose nomadic lifestyle or identity is aligned.