Welcome international students – this is your go-to source for the latest events, news and support services specific to the international community at Cardiff University. This page is designed to help you stay informed, get involved, and access the resources you need to make the most of your time here. Whether you are looking for updates on upcoming events, opportunities to connect with other students, or guidance and support during your student journey, you’ll find it here.
Croeso fyfyrwyr rhyngwladol – dyma ble i ddod ar gyfer unrhyw ddigwyddiadau, newyddion, a chefnogaeth benodol ar gyfer cymuned ryngwladol Prifysgol Caerdydd. Mae’r dudalen hon wedi’i dylunio i'ch helpu i gymryd rhan a chael mynediad at yr adnoddau gallwch eu hangen tra byddwch yma. Boed os ydych yn edrych am ddiweddariadau ynghylch digwyddiadau, cyfleoedd i gysylltu gyda myfyrwyr eraill, neu arweiniad a chefnogaeth, dewch o hyd iddo yma.
Upcoming events
Keep an eye on this page for upcoming International and cultural events!
Cadwch lygad ar y dudalen hon ar gyfer digwyddiadau diwylliannol a rhyngwladol!
Hello everyone, welcome to Cardiff!
I’m Ana, your VP International for 2024/25. I’m here to represent you in matters of education and wellbeing and to ensure your experience at Cardiff University is as good as it can possibly be!
Shwmae bawb, croeso i Gaerdydd!
Ana ydw i, eich IL Rhyngwladol ar gyfer 2024/25. Rydw i yma i'ch cynrychioli mewn materion addysg a lles, ac i sicrhau bod eich profiad ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd cystal ag y gall fod!
There are over 200 societies for you to take part in regardless of what you’re studying. Don’t be afraid to join one today!
Joining societies is a great way to make friends, learn new things and enhance your CV and employability skills.
Mae dros 200 o gymdeithasau i gymryd rhan ynddynt, dim ots beth rydych chi'n ei astudio. Peidiwch fod ofn ymuno yn yr hwyl!
Mae ymuno â chymdeithasau yn ffordd wych o wneud ffrindiau, dysgu pethau newydd, a gwella eich CV a sgiliau cyflogadwyedd.
Student Advice
Cyngor i Fyfyrwyr
You can contact our Advice team via email, or by calling 02920 781410 (active Mon-Fri 9am-5pm).
Gallwch gysylltu gydag ein tîm cyngor dros e-bost neu trwy ffonio 02920 781410 (dydd Llun-Gwener 9yb-5yh).
Student Voice
Llais y Myfyrwyr
At the Students’ Union, we want to empower you to use your voice to improve your experience at Cardiff University.
Yn Undeb y Myfyrwyr rydym am roi’r grym i chi i ddefnyddio eich lleisiau i wella eich profiad ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.
Check out the Student Voice webpage to learn more about Elections, Student Senate, Speak Week and the Annual General Meeting (AGM). All students are invited to attend the AGM and cast their vote on the proposals that will affect their student experience.
Ewch draw i dudalen Llais y Myfyrwyr i ddysgu mwy am Etholiadau, Senedd y Myfyrwyr, Wythnos Siarad, a’r Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol (CCB). Gwahoddir pob myfyriwr i'r CCB i bleidleisio ar gynigion a fydd yn effeithio ar eu profiadau fel myfyrwyr.