Rebecca Deverell VP Welfare

Rebecca Deverell
VP Welfare
IL Lles

Hi | Shwmae! My name is Rebecca (She/Her) and I am so excited to be your Vice President Welfare!


I have just finished my Law degree after 3 very long, hard years and I am ecstatic to continue my advocacy for increasing mental health support and awareness across campus. Throughout my time at University, I struggled with my own mental health and understand just how much it can affect not only your work but your social life and relationships too.


After struggling in my first year, I was determined to make something of my second year and wanted to help support struggling students. I joined the Welcome Team, became part of the Advice and Welfare Executive Committee and became President of the Buddy Scheme. Having struggled socially for first year, I put all my heart into shaping this Student Led Service into an active scheme. I wanted people who felt socially isolated to reach out and so the service could connect them with another student just so they could have someone to talk to. Together with the committee, we increased applications to over 150 people and I have met so many wonderful people who are as passionate as I am about helping struggling students. This role showed me just how vulnerable students mental health can be and I am committed to doing my best to support both new students and students who have been here several years. I also became Mental Health First Aid trained which has helped open my eyes to the support services available and how the definition of mental health is different for everyone.


Last year I was honoured to be your Mental Health Officer and I loved every minute of it! I ran events such as The Big Unwind, Palentines, Winter Wonderland Walkabout and the popular weekly Walk to Talk. My highlight was definitely hosting and running The Big Unwind which over 250 of you attended to paint plant pots, do bingo and decorate some cupcakes! It makes me so happy to continue hosting these events for you and more!


Please contact me at the details on my Contact Me page if you have any suggestions or ideas for me! I would love to hear them!


My main priorities for the year include:


  • Hosting more wellbeing events for students to relax and take a break from studying
  • Encourage inclusivity through Sober Social week as well as working with the new campaign officers
  • Remain present and consistent throughout the year!

What I'm Working On?