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About My Role

Georgie works as a direct liaison between the Union and the University on all non-academic issues in the best interests of students and represents your welfare needs to the University.

About Me

Shwmae everyone, I’m Georgie, your Vice President Welfare and Campaigns!

I’m from a small village in Essex, where I lived until I was 15. I was then lucky enough to move to Abu Dhabi with my Dad’s job. I lived there for 4 years, where I completed my GCSE’s and A Levels. After a year back in the UK, I decided Cardiff University was the place for me! I am now very proud to graduating with a First-Class degree in Human Geography.

After an anxious start, I decided I needed to throw myself into the opportunities Cardiff and CUSU have to offer, and I’ve had the most amazing three years since!

I joined my course netball team where we went on tours to Budapest and Prague. My course also allowed me to travel to Amsterdam and New Orleans where I made the strongest friendships and the most incredible memories. I have also volunteered for the Welcome Team, and worked in the Advice Department for 2 years.

Working in the Advice Department really embedded my commitment to the SU and our students. I have always been a very compassionate and empathetic person, and coupled with my bad experience at the start of university, I knew from very early on that this was the role for me. As students, we have the knowledge, the awareness and the voices to change our university experience, and I’m excited to do everything I can to facilitate that!

I will do everything I can to improve the welfare of each student at Cardiff University. Please know you can always get in touch or pop in with any questions or suggestions, or even if you just fancy a cup of tea and a chat; I’ll do anything I can to help!

My main priorities for the year include:

  • Primary mental health training and preference system for personal tutors.
  • Free STI kits and student focused clinics/advice.
  • Free and accessible drug testing.
  • Continue to advocate for, and meet the needs of, all students (especially BAME, LGBTQ+, dis/abilities, and all religious groups).
  • Continue to campaign to remove the stigma surrounding Mental Health and medication – including providing more out of hours support.
  • Wellbeing ‘hubs’ for each student halls residency.
  • Letting agency comparability tests/website.

What I'm Working On?