The Student View

Each year the Students' Union submits a number of Student View documents to the University which include recommendations for change which could be made to improve the experience of students at Cardiff. These reports are based on data from the Union's annual Speak Week campaign, as well as Student-Staff Panels, and other data gathering activity. 


These Student Views are written throughout the year and written on particular themes or key issues. Following their submission the University review the documents and provide a written response detailing the actions they will take as a result of the information provided. In 2022/23 academic year the Students Views were: 


  1. The Student View on the Cost of Living 
  2. The Student View on Housing 
  3. The Student View on Estates and Facilities 
  4. The Student View on Assessment and Feedback 


Executive Summary



The Cost of Living










Estates and Facilities





Assessment and Feedback