Matilda Durant LGBTQ+ Officer

Matilda Durant
LGBTQ+ Officer
Hi / Shwmae everyone,

I’m Matilda (she/her) and I’m your new LGBTQ+ officer for 2023/24. I was involved with the LGBTQ+ association last year, helping to plan a Queer Prom. I can’t wait to get started this year and meet you all!

I believe that a few changes could create a better environment for all LGBTQ+ people in Cardiff University.

My priorities this year are:

1 - Events Create a queer club night at the Students Union. Although the Students Union is intended for all students, many LGBTQ+ students feel a lack of representation in SU nights out. I’d create a brand new club night, separate from Yolo and Juice, aimed at LGBTQ+ students.

2 - Welfare Improve access to welfare services. Many LGBTQ+ students face challenges with their mental health and well-being. I’d improve access to counselling and drop in services for all students. I’d also run a series of well-being initiatives, such as craft afternoons and walks, including specific sessions for LGBTQ+ students.

3- Education Improve representation of LGBTQ+ issues and voices in the curriculum. Queer people face different challenges, and have different health outcomes to cishet people. I’d push for more LGBTQ+ education in healthcare courses to account for this. I’d also push for better representation of historical queer figures in humanities courses.

I study French and Italian so you can usually find me in MLang or at a french society social. Any questions, I’d love to chat! Find me @lgbtqplusofficerscsu

Let’s push the gay agenda,


Shwmae bawb,

Matilda (hi) ydw i a fi yw eich swyddog LHDTC+ newydd ar gyfer 2023/24. Roeddwn i’n rhan o’r gymdeithas LHDTC+ y llynedd, gan helpu trefnu Prom Cwiar. Rwy’n edrych ymlaen at ddechrau eleni a chwrdd â phawb!

Credaf y byddai cwpl o newidiadau yn creu gwell amgylchedd i’r holl bobl LHDTC+ ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.

Fy mlaenoriaethau eleni yw:

1 – Digwyddiadau Creu noswaith clwb cwiar yn Undeb y Myfyrwyr. Er bod Undeb y Myfyrwyr ar gyfer pob myfyriwr, mae llawer o fyfyrwyr LHDTC+ yn teimlo diffyg cynrychiolaeth yn ystod nosweithiau yn yr UM. Byddwn yn creu noson clwb newydd, fydd ar wahân i Yolo a Juice, wedi’i anelu at fyfyrwyr LHDTC+.

2 – Lles Gwella mynediad at wasanaethau lles. Mae llawer o fyfyrwyr LHDTC+ yn wynebu heriau gyda’u hiechyd meddwl a lles. Hoffwn wella mynediad at gwnsela a sesiynau galw heibio ar gyfer pob myfyriwr. Hoffwn hefyd cynnal cyfres o fentrau lles, megis prynhawniau crefft a theithiau cerdded, gan gynnwys sesiynau penodol ar gyfer myfyrwyr LHDTC+.

3 – Addysg Gwella cynrychiolaeth o faterion a lleisiau LHDTC+ yn y cwricwlwm. Mae pobl cwiar yn wynebu gwahanol heriau, ac mae ganddynt gwahanol faterion iechyd i bobl cisryweddol/heterorywiol. Fe fydden i’n gweithio tuag at fwy o addysg LHDTC+ o fewn cyrsiau gofal iechyd er mwyn cymryd hyn i ystyriaeth. Bydden hefyd yn galw am well cynrychiolaeth o unigolion cwiar hanesyddol o fewn cyrsiau’r dyniaethau.

Rydw i’n astudio Ffrengig ag Eidaleg felly gallwch fel arfer dod o hyd i mi yn MLang neu ddigwyddiadau cymdeithasol y gymdeithas Ffrengig. Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, cysylltwch â mi am sgwrs ar @lgbtqplusofficerscsu

Gadewch i ni hyrwyddo’r agenda hoyw,


What I'm Working On?