Soyal Khedkar International Students' Officer

Soyal Khedkar
International Students' Officer
Shwmae | Hello!
I'm Soyal Khedkar, your International Student Officer 2022/23, and I am thrilled to take on this role!

I am currently a third-year BA Media and Communications student at JOMEC. I am from India, but I lived in Myanmar for the better part of my life. Naturally, this made me an international student who was immensely invested in exploring and engaging with different cultures.

This year, my overall goal is to bring together Cardiff's diverse community and celebrate these different cultures. I will try my best to present many opportunities over this academic year so that students can have fun and memorable experiences with one another!

If you have any questions, requests, or just want to chat, please feel free to contact me! I'm always looking to meet new people whilst exploring the beautiful cafes around Cardiff!

My main priorities for the year include:
  • Organise cultural fairs with societies to involve more people to learn about Cardiff's diverse community.
  • Organise various festivals with international students' communities as per student demand.
  • Partner with Student Futures to promote work experience opportunities for international students and clarify work hours during the terms and the holidays.
  • Continue providing support during changing health and welfare guidelines through social media and email communications.

What I'm Working On?