Penny Dinh Black & Ethnic Minority Officer

Penny Dinh
Black & Ethnic Minorities Officer
I’m Penny, I’m Vietnamese, and currently a postgraduate researcher in Social Sciences.
Advancing race equality and dismantling racism are not just personally important to me as an organiser/activist but also my academic interest as a researcher.

As an elected representative for students of colour at Cardiff, I want to hold Cardiff University accountable for its commitments to our community, and to becoming truly anti-racist all year round, beyond empty platitudes for special occasion and multiple committees that don’t lead to actions. I want to work with students to empower, facilitate, and amplify grassroots campaigns across campus to advance racial justice. As students, we hold the power to influence your school, college, and the university as a whole. If you’ve got any campaign ideas, be it abolition, decolonisation, or closing degree awarding gap, please get in touch with me, and please join the Black and Minority Ethnic Association to be in the loop about campaign actions and our wins this year.

What I'm Working On?