Accountability Panel
Accountability exists to ensure elected officers are held to account for the work they do alongside their manifesto, year priorities, and the relevant policy passed by student members. As part of this, Sabbatical Officers are required to engage in meetings of the Accountability Panel, which meets three times over each academic year.
Each Sabbatical Officer Executive Committee feeds into the Accountability Panel, with each committee sending two representatives along to each meeting. These representatives make up the panel for that meeting. The Chair and Vice-Chair will change throughout the meeting, with these roles being undertaken by representatives from the Executive Committee of the Sabbatical Officer being held accountable.
Student Senate will be informed of the outcomes of each Accountability Panel.
What powers does the Accountability Panel have?
The Accountability Panel has responsibility for ensuring that all Sabbatical Officers are meeting the commitments they have made for their role, including any policies they are leading the implementation of, and the manifesto commitments that they ran their position with.
To support them with this process, the Accountability Panel also have the power to award notices to the Sabbatical Officers, in recognition of either really good work, or when they want to see improvements in their activity.
A Notice of Satisfaction is considered when the committee wish to formally recognise an elected officer for outstanding work in relation to their role, responsibilities, and manifesto commitments. A Notice of Required Improvement is considered when the committee is dissatisfied in an elected officers work or conduct. The committee may also consider a more severe motion of censure when they believe the elected officer has committed a serious offence against their office or democratic responsibilities.
Is the process the same for Campaign Officers?
Due to the different nature of their roles, Campaign Officers follow a different accountability process. Instead of interacting with the Accountability Panel, all Campaign Officers provide verbal reports to Student Senate throughout the year.
How do I see what was discussed?
The minutes for each meeting will be published on the Students' Union website following each meeting. This will include a record of any notices or motions received by an officer.
How can I get involved?
Only members of Executive Committees will be invited to partake in the Accountability Panel. If you are interested in taking part in an Executive Committee, you can find out more information here.
Meeting Records