Feed your flat: the essentials


Helping you cook with less cash



Feed your flat is back and this time we’re bringing you the essentials you need to cook some basic, tasty meals at home. Come along to our stalls at Cathays and the Heath to collect your free essentials including things like pasta, lentils, rice and tinned tomatoes. Please bring along reusable containers, some of the produce will be dispensed from our zero-waste stand.


Collect your essentials


Feed Your Flat


Not sure what to cook? We’ve found some great, easy and low budget recipes to help you along the way. Don’t be afraid to swap out ingredients for what you’ve got in the cupboard if you don’t have everything in the recipe.



Top tip: look for recipes that have similar base ingredients so you can get more meals out of one shop.



Recipe ideas



Read our advice on shopping smart for your weekly shop.



Stocking up your store cupboard



Cooking on a budget is easier once you’ve got some store cupboard essentials. You don’t need to buy these all at once, build up your cupboard over time. You may be able to swap essentials with housemates too so you don’t all need to buy everything.



  • Oil (vegetable is often cheap to buy, if you have a bigger budget, olive oil is good for cooking).
  • Curry powder
  • Stock cubes (vegetable stock cubes are a good all rounder and supermarket own cubes are often cheapest).
  • Chilli flakes (although these may cost more initially, they will last for ages! Check the ‘World food’ aisle in the supermarket, they sell larger bags at a cheaper price that the big brand small spice jars).