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We are dedicated as ever to supporting and enhancing your student experience. We know campus may be a little different as a result of COVID-19 but we are here to reassure you that we will do all we can to make your student experience a safe but also memorable one.

If you have a question that is not listed on this webpage please contact us our Welcome Centre : StudentsUnion@Cardiff.ac.uk and don’t forget to follow @CardiffStudents on social media.

This information was correct as of Friday 25th September.

All of the details below are subject to Covid-19 restrictions. Our primary focus is keeping you and our staff safe, so if restrictions change and we’re not able to open we will have to put these lovely plans on ice until later in the year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on a section heading to find out more


1. Freshers’ 2020

Q. Will you be running events?

A. We will be delivering socially distanced student events at the Students’ Union. We are constantly reviewing government guidance to ensure all events we deliver are safe but also fun!

Q. How long will Freshers’ 2020 be?

A. Freshers’ 2020 will span a longer 4 weeks of fun. We will be delivering our activities in a new way to ensure that our students and staff are safe.

Q. Will we have to follow any special guidance when attending events?

A. Yes, we need your support to deliver these events in a safe way, please look out for our “house rules” and support us to deliver our activities and events the best we can.

Q. Will the Students’ Union building be open as usual?

A. The Students’ Union will be open 24 hours a day but there will be some restrictions in place to keep our students and staff safe. While you’re in the building, we kindly ask that you abide by all social distancing measures and follow the instructions on our safety signs.
All of our Students’ Union services will be open. For the majority of services, a digital service will be provided initially and appointments will be scheduled for face-to-face assistance if required. Watch this space for more information on services as we get closer to the start of term.

Q. Will the shops and services on the ground floor be open?

A. Yes, under the current regulations our shops and services will be open with safety measures in place. Please familiarise yourself with relevant guidelines when entering each outlet and follow the instructions provided on signs and in advance of your visit.

2. Freshers' Events

Q. What events are planned?

A. We will be running a selection of events over the course of an extended 4-week Freshers’ Welcome. This will include pub quizzes, a UV rave from the comfort of your own table and more.

Q. Can I buy event tickets in person from the Students’ Union?

A. All Freshers’ event tickets are available for purchase to from our Welcome Page on the SU website. Tickets will be released from September.


Q. Will there be Freshers’ Fairs?

A. There was a time we were hoping to deliver Micro Fairs for students to meet some of our groups face to face, unfortunately we are at a point where that is proving not feasible, so we will double up on our digital efforts and hope that we can deliver something in person later in the academic year.

Q. I don’t feel comfortable attending events yet. What is available to me?

A. We know some of you may not be ready to attend events in person just yet, not to worry, we understand. We will also be introducing a number of online events to make sure we are reaching as many students as possible (that’s if you haven’t had enough of zoom calls already!) . We will also be running virtual drop-ins with our clubs and societies. You can find out more on our Welcome Page



Q.When will tickets be released?

A. Tickets are now on sale. You can purchase them here .

Q.I think I have purchased an unofficial ticket, what should I do ?

A. If you are worried that you may have purchased an unofficial ticket please email StudentsUnion@Cardiff.ac.uk


3. Club Nights

Q. Will there be Club Nights?

A. Unless the guidance from the Welsh Government changes and we feel it is safe to do so, we are not able to offer dance floor parties until the early hours. However, we can promise that we will be running socially distanced events with lots of food and drinks from the comfort of your table.

Why aren’t you selling Freshers’ tickets like other nightclubs?

A. We were already proud of our socially responsible credentials, you know us, we provide more welfare initiatives that any other club in town. We've adopted these same principles while making our venues Covid-19 safe which is why we're ensuring that we follow all government guidance and will not sell tickets for club nights until the guidance changes on club events.

4. Non-Alcoholic Events

Q. Will there be any events available for those who do not drink?

A. We understand that for many reasons you may not feel comfortable attending an event with alcohol. We will be planning to run some events that are non-alcoholic. We will update you with events details when we have more information on what we can safely offer in accordance with government guidance.

I’ve heard of Give it a Go – what is that?

A. Give it a Go (GIAG) is a Students' Union initiative showcasing trips, opportunities and taster sessions available to all Cardiff University students.? We will be releasing more information on GIAG later in the term. .


5. Activities

Q. How do I join a club/society?

A. Clubs and societies will be looking to deliver some virtual drop-ins for you to find out more without leaving the comfort of your bed.
Alternatively, students can see a full list of clubs and societies on the website and can purchase membership from there.


Q. Will Societies and Clubs run events this year?

A. Whilst we know some activity will have to be delivered differently, we will be working with our student groups to support them to deliver socially distant events and opportunities for you all to take part in.

Q. How can I get involved in Volunteering/Enterprise/Skills Development?

A. Students can find out about volunteering and skills development opportunities on the SU website.
If you have any questions you can contact the teams directly. Cardiff Volunteering: Volunteering@Cardiff.ac.uk Skills Development Service: sds@cardiff.ac.uk


6. COVID-19

Q. What are the guidelines for Wales?

A. If you are travelling to Cardiff University from outside of Wales the guidance may be different to your area. You can keep updated on the Gov.Wales website.


Q. What are the guidelines for Cardiff?

A. It was announced on that Cardiff would go into local lockdown Sunday 27th September from 18:00. This means that people will not be allowed to enter or leave the Cardiff area without a reasonable excuse. You can find the full details of regulations relating to local lockdowns on the Welsh Government website.


What is the University doing to ensure we are safe when we return to campus?

Cardiff University has undertaken a number of different measures to ensure all students and staff remain safe when they return to campus. You can find more details on learning, accommodation, face coverings, distancing and other safety measures on their dedicated Safe Campus Experience webpage.


7. Website

Q. Why do I need to log in?

A. Our Freshers' events are only available to current students, as such you will need to login with your student account. If you haven't received your student account from the University, or we have not received your student record from the University you will need to create a temporary new student account here.


Q. I’m having trouble logging in – what should I do?

If you are having issues – have a look at this guide. If you are still experiencing trouble, please e-mail StudentsUnion@Cardiff.ac.uk


8. Jobshop

Q. How can I get a job?

A. You can register your interest for flexible and part time work with our Jobshop employment service. Visit the Jobshop webpage and register online.


9. Cardiff University

For queries about enrolment, ID cards, residences, and your course, please visit the Cardiff University website.


If you’re an international student, you can find out more here.guide If you have any queries Get in touch with International Student Support who will be able to assist: iss@cardiff.ac.uk