Volunteering Events

Cardiff Volunteering Cardiff Volunteering Freshers Info!
5th October 9am - 5pm
Get the lowdown on who we are and what we do!
Cardiff Volunteering Coordinators Chat
5th October 9am - 5pm
KChoreo Drop-In All Day with KChoreo
5th October 9am - 5pm
Pop over and meet our society, find out what we do and how you can join!
Environmental Champions Environmental Champions Freshers
5th October 9am - 5pm
If you are interested in helping the environment then this could be the project for you!
Make a Smile Make A Smile Freshers Fayre
5th October 9am - 5pm
Find out about this magical student-led project!
No Limits Neurodiversity No Limits Freshers Information
5th October 9am - 5pm
If you would like to volunteer with children and young people with ASD check out No Limits Neurodiversity.
Saib Saib - Freshers Fayre
5th October 9am - 5pm
Join Saib (meaning pause/rest in Welsh) to deliver workshops on mental health and wellbeing in secondary schools around Cardiff.
Cardiff Volunteering Coronavirus Tutoring Initiative
5th October 10:30am - 11:30am
Find out more about the coronavirus virus initiative led bu students!
Cardiff Volunteering Coronavirus Tutoring Initiative
5th October 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Cardiff Volunteering Coronavirus Tutoring Initiative
5th October 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Cardiff Volunteering Coronavirus Tutoring Initiative
5th October 6pm - 7pm

Societies Events

Filter by Categories ( you can pick more than 1 )

AfroJam Dance Society AfroJam Freshers fair 1
5th October 9am - 5pm
Join us on zoom: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/83447704795?pwd=Qit5eVRacVZJUVppeTVJTk0vd3M3QT09 Meeting ID: 834 4770 4795 Password: 953713
Physically Active Societies | Competitive Societies | Society | The Lash | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Performance & Artistic Societies | Cultural & International Societies
Bioscience Society Bioscience Society Virtual Freshers' Fair
5th October 9am - noon
We are the Bioscience Society! Come check us out!
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies
Cardiff LINKS Cardiff LINKS Society Introduction and Q&A
5th October 9am - 10:30am
Come and meet members of our society and find out what we do and how you can join!
Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Welfare and Community Societies | Society | Virtual
Nightline Cardiff Nightline Freshers' Fair Drop-in
5th October 9am - 7pm
Come and find out about last year's student-led service of the year!
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Student Led Services | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
CU Pride (LGBT+ Society) CU Pride Fayre Drop In
5th October 9am - 7th October 5pm
*** We’ll be running the drop ins: Monday: 9-11am, 1-2pm, 5-6pm *** Tuesday: 10-11am, 1-2pm, 5-6pm *** Wednesday: 10-11am, 1-2pm, 5-6pm
Activity & Appreciation Societies | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Welfare and Community Societies | Society | Stand With LGBT+ | Virtual
Operatic Society CUOS @ Freshers Fair
5th October 9am - 7pm
Drop in and Say Hi!
Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Performance & Artistic Societies
Y Gym Gym Cyflwyniad i'r Cymdeithas - Introduction to the Society
5th October 9am - 2pm
Dewch i cwrrd a'n cymdeithas ni! Come and meet our society!
Society | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | Course Based Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Real Ale Society Drop in session
5th October 9am - 6pm
We aRe The Real Ale Society!
Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Society
Engineers without Borders Society Drop-in Q & A
5th October 9am - 7pm
Any Questions about Engineers Without Borders? Thinking of joining and want to know more? Feel free to pop-in and ask us any questions
Society | Freshers Events | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Course Based Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
KChoreo - KPop Dance Society Drop-In Session
5th October 9am - 5pm
Join us at https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/84643200546?pwd=dUNVZW93Zyt2cXhmMk9Vd0R1ay8rZz09
Society | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Cultural & International Societies | Physically Active Societies | Competitive Societies
Art Society Drop-In Session
5th October 9am - 7pm
Join us for a Q&A drop in session between 5-7pm on Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/85491479826?pwd=R2ZQa3ZlWGpjMHpwakVGSmc3VStJZz09
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Performance & Artistic Societies | Quiet and Creative Societies
Oncology Society Drop-In Session and Q & A
5th October 9am - noon
Join us on Zoom at https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/85260273259?pwd=V3ZzeUZWZUpxa3F6S3c0cVA0NkhRdz09 Meeting ID: 852 6027 3259 Password: 453052
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies
TECSoc Drop-In Session and Q & A
5th October 9am - 5pm
We are TEC Soc. Ask us about joining and what we do!
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Course Based Societies | Nerdy Societies
Miscarriages of Justice Awareness Society Freshers Fair
5th October 9am - 6th October 5pm
Hello everyone, Welcome to our Freshers Fair the time are as followed: 9:00-9:40 10:00-10:40 11:00-11:40 13:00-13:40 16:00-16:40 Meeting ID: 783 4725 2335 Passcode: 6ifsQi We look forward to meeting you. - Your 2020 Committee
Course Based Societies | New Societies | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Political & Ideological Societies
Cardiff Students For Liberty Freshers Fair Day 1: Pop In Sessions
5th October 9am - 6pm
Find out about The Students For Liberty Society!
Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Political & Ideological Societies | New Societies
Student Orthopaedic Society Freshers Fair Day 1: Q&A Drop-In Session
5th October 9am - 5pm
Come and Join the Student Orthopaedic Society, at the Virtual Freshers Fair
Society | Heath | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies
Gastroenterology Society Freshers Fair Day 1: Society Introduction
5th October 9am - 7pm
Come and Join the Cardiff University Gastroenterology Society, for the Virtual Freshers Fair!
Freshers Events | Heath | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies | Society
French Society Freshers Fair Day 1: Society introduction with Q&A/drop in session.
5th October 9am - noon
Come and meet the French Society! Drop in and ask us anything.
Society | Freshers Events | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | Course Based Societies
Sexpression Fresher's fair zoom call!
5th October 9am - noon
Online via Zoom
Come along to ask us any and all questions about our society where we volunteer to educate young people about sex and relationships :)
Society | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
Harry Potter Society Harry Potter Committee Q&A
5th October 9am - 5pm
Q&A with Committee Members for people interested in joining the Society!
Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Nerdy Societies | Competitive Societies | Society | Nerd Varsity
HistorySoc HistorySoc Q&A
5th October 9am - 5pm
Come and find out about History Society!
Society | Freshers Events | Virtual | Course Based Societies | New Societies
Pro-Choice Society Introduction Presentation
5th October 9am - 5pm
We are The Pro Choice Society. Come to our presentation and Introduction.
Society | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | New Societies
MedSoc MedSoc Q&A
5th October 9am - 5pm
We are Medsoc!
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Malaysian Students Society MSSCF Introduction and Q&A
5th October 9am - 6pm
We are Malaysian Students Society!
Society | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Cultural & International Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Music Society Q&A Drop-in
5th October 9am - 7pm
Come and Join the Music Society at the Virtual Freshers Fair!
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Course Based Societies
Quadball Society QNA
5th October 9am - 7pm
Come and Join the Quidditich Society at the Virtual Freshers Fair!!
Physically Active Societies | Nerdy Societies | New Societies | Competitive Societies | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies
Sikh Society Sikh Society Get to know us Q&A
5th October 9am - 7pm
Join us on Zoom Meeting ID: 895 8008 4742 Password: 221733
Society | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | Political & Ideological Societies | Faith Societies
Engineering Society Societies Virtual Fairs - Welcome and Drop In Q&A Session 1
5th October 9am - noon
Do you want to know more about us, our events and the benefits of joining our society? See you on our Virtual Zoom Stand, we're looking forward to meeting you!
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Course Based Societies
Nordic Society Society Introduction
5th October 9am - 7pm
Introduction meeting and Drop In Q&A Session. See you on Zoom!
Society | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies
Model United Nations Society Society Introduction and Q&A
5th October 9am - 7pm
Join us at to learn more about our society and what we do! Click the title to gain access to the Zoom meeting link and the password. See you there!
Activity & Appreciation Societies | Political & Ideological Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Competitive Societies | Society | Virtual
Students for Organ Donation Society Introduction and Q&A
5th October 9am - 5pm
We are Cardiff Students For Organ Donation Society. Come meet us, ask us anything, and find out what we do.
New Societies | Welfare and Community Societies | Society | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies
Unison: Cardiff University Variety Singers Society Introduction and Q&A
5th October 9am - 3pm
We are the Unison: Cardiff University Variety Singers!!
Society | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Competitive Societies
Finance and Trading Society introduction and Q&A (9am - 5pm)
5th October 9am - 9th October 5pm
Join us on Zoom
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies
A Cappella Society Society Introduction Drop-In
5th October 9am - 7pm
Come and Join the A Capella Society, at the Virtual Freshers Fair! https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/8578137853?pwd=YnNJN245TUZNUnlWTXJoWlM2MnlwUT09
Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Physically Active Societies
MediCan Society Society Introduction Drop-In and Q&A
5th October 9am - 7pm
Come and Join the MediCan Society at the Virtual Freshers Fair!
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies
Vegetarian & Vegan Society Vegetarian & Vegan Society Drop in session
5th October 9am - 5pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/86028124714?pwd=cTZUVEg3cTNKTlgzY0Vma0JjZmpYQT09
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies
Christian Union Drop In With The Christian Union
5th October 10am - 3pm
Drop In, meet some members and the committee
Society | Virtual | Political & Ideological Societies | Faith Societies
Brass Band Society Fresher's Fair Drop In 1
5th October 10am - 1pm
Our virtual fresher's fair event! Drop in to our zoom call to chat all things brass band, and what our plans are for the upcoming year! Use password brassband to join the meeting.
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Competitive Societies
Nepali Society Fresher's Fair Meet & Greet
5th October 10am - 4pm
Join us on Zoom. Meeting ID: 839 942 7448 Password: ktm
Society | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | New Societies
Wine and Cheese Society Introductions and Q&A with the Wine and Cheese Society
5th October 10am - 4pm
Come and find out who we are with introductions at 10 then a Q&A with the society.
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | New Societies
Music Production Society Introductory Presentations (with F&Qs)
5th October 10am - 7pm
Come and Join the Music Production Society at the Virtual Freshers Fair Three presentation will run (one at 10am, one at 2pm and one at 5pm)
Society | Freshers Events | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Performance & Artistic Societies
Bollywood Dance Society Meet the Committee and Q&A
5th October 10am - 6:30pm
Join us from 10-12 and 4:30-6:30 at:
Society | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Cultural & International Societies | Physically Active Societies | Competitive Societies
Traffic DJ Society Society Introduction and Q&A
5th October 10am - 5pm
Join us from 10-12 and 2-5 at
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Performance & Artistic Societies
Irish Society Society Introduction Drop-In
5th October 10am - 2pm
Come and Join the Irish Society at the Virtual Freshers Fair!
Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | New Societies
Student Scout and Guide and Duke of Edinburgh's Award Society SSAGS & DofE Freshers Drop-in Day 1
5th October 10am - 5pm
Have questions about our society? Interested in joining? This is another chance to get to know our committee and quiz us! (10.00-12.00 and 15.00-17.00)
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Physically Active Societies
Ahlul Bayt Society Freshers fair- Drop-In Session
5th October 10:30am - 7pm
Join us at
Faith Societies | Society | Virtual | Political & Ideological Societies
Quiz Society A Quick Quizzing Hello
5th October 11am - 1:30pm
11am-12pm: Quizzing Games and a Q&A 12pm-1:30pm: Watching Quiz Shows with the Committee... Over Lunch
Nerdy Societies | Competitive Societies | Society | Freshers' Fairs | Nerd Varsity | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Book Club Book Club Freshers Fair Drop In!
5th October 11am - 3pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 814 3950 8650 Password: 155765
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Quiet and Creative Societies
FAD (Dance Society) FAD Virtual Freshers Fair - Monday 5th
5th October 11am - 4pm
FAD Dance Society's virtual freshers fair stall! Drop in on Zoom throughout the day to get to know us!
Society | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Physically Active Societies | Competitive Societies
Afghan Society Freshers Fair Day 1: Society Introduction and a Q&A
5th October 11am - 3pm
Come and Join the Afghan Society at the Virtual Freshers Festival:
Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | New Societies
Filipino Society Virtual Fair Drop In
5th October 11am - 7pm
Come and join us at Virtual Fair! Zoom link will be in the description.
Society | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies
Abacus Virtual Freshers Meeting
5th October 11am - 7th October 5pm
We’re exited to announce that we’ll be hosting our virtual freshers through zoom next week, on the 5th, 6th and 7th October! Come join us, we’ll have a blast and we’ll kick this year off right!
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Cardiff Regular and Irregular Tabletop Society CRITS introduction and Q&A
5th October noon - 7pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/82808335040?pwd=Ym84TEc0dnQ2aS9VM2g2TndMNG5oQT0
Society | Nerd Varsity | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Nerdy Societies | Competitive Societies
Windband Drop-In with Windband
5th October noon - 4pm
Drop in and find out about our society.
Society | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Embroidery & Sewing Society Society Introduction and Q&A
5th October noon - 7pm
From 12:00 -15:00 then 16:00 to 19:00, join us on
New Societies | Quiet and Creative Societies | Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies
Gaming Society Society Introduction Stream - Give it a Go
5th October noon - 2pm
CardiffEsports on Twitch
Stream with your committee going over this year for Gaming Soc!
Society | Nerd Varsity | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Nerdy Societies | Competitive Societies
Nutritank Freshers' Fair Day 1: Society Introduction & Q&As!
5th October 1pm - 7pm
Come and Join Nutritank for a Q&A and quick introduction at the virtual Freshers' Fair!
Freshers Events | Heath | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Heath Based Societies
Bioscience Society Bioscience Society Virtual Freshers' Fair
5th October 2pm - 5pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/85979278409?pwd=bFhqSW9DZjRMMWRXMWlBRG11YlF0UT09 Meeting ID: 859 7927 8409 Password: 758606
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies
Cardiff LINKS Cardiff LINKS Society Introduction and Q&A
5th October 2pm - 3:30pm
14:00-15:30pm, Join us here: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/96872767073?pwd=V2d5UTNnRDRwVVpIZktHdnNRSzZJUT09 Meeting ID: 968 7276 7073 Password: 214730
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
Cardiff Student Christian Movement Freshers Fair Day 1: Q&A
5th October 2pm - 4pm
Come and Join the Cardiff Student Christian Movement, at the Virtual Freshers Fair https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/97011133003?pwd=MHFYdU9mTkNjN2JuOHZBZmVudFlKQT09
Society | Freshers Events | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Political & Ideological Societies | New Societies | Faith Societies
Hong Kong Society Freshers Fair Drop In
5th October 2pm - 5pm
Come and Join the Hong Kong Society, at the Virtual Freshers Fair! Two sessions: 9am-12pm, 2pm-5pm
Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | New Societies
Politics Society Introduction and Drop In Session, Monday 5th October 2-4pm
5th October 2pm - 4pm
Pop along Monday or Wednesday between 10-12pm and 2-4pm for our Virtual Freshers Fayre. It will be a good chance to meet the committee, and ask any questions! https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/81996889671?pwd=NU42ODV3NXl2OERYRVJmMHVjTGZJZz09
Society | Virtual | Political & Ideological Societies | Course Based Societies
TANGGS Introduction and quizzes
5th October 2pm - 3pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/81049842800?pwd=RCs2WUVIM2tnSlJxaGVGOFlzZHZ0dz09
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | New Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
Pakistani Society Pakistani Society Introduction
5th October 2pm - 5pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/84550373582?pwd=a2R1Mkwwa25lREN1SVVad1ZveXQwUT09
Society | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies
Maths Society Q&A Monday 5th Oct 2pm-4pm
5th October 2pm - 4pm
Join us on Zoom: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/88097138508?pwd=clFhaXRPMklobEt0ZjQzMisxUzdBZz09
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies
Enactus Society Introduction
5th October 2pm - 4pm
Join us at https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73804860676?pwd=STlPbHB2R2RTTGtsNWZhM1AvV1llZz09
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies
Disney and Musical Theatre Society Virtual fayre Day 1
5th October 2pm - 4pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/99658542609?pwd=MXF6cWJzRHhETmhpUElGeWw2THR1dz09
Performance & Artistic Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Competitive Societies | Society | Theatre | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies
Japanese Society Freshers Fair Q+A Session 15:00-17:00
5th October 3pm - 5pm
This is the first of our freshers events! Come along to find out more about Japanese Society and meet some of the committee! Click event title to open zoom link. Meeting ID: 893 9485 0402 Password: 125055
Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | Course Based Societies | New Societies
Healthcare Music Society Healthcare Music Society Zoom Q&A
5th October 3pm - 7pm
Join HMS on zoom to find out more about us and ask any questions, Freshers' Week-related or otherwise!
Society | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Heath Based Societies | Competitive Societies
WPSA Pharmaceutical Society Q&A Drop-in
5th October 3pm - 5pm
Come and Join the WPSA at the Virtual Freshers Fair! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8298967553?pwd=KzFjV25iMXQrdENsOURnSnZxRHpZQT09 Meeting ID: 829 896 7553 Passcode: WPSA2020
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Gold Tier Societies
AIESEC Society Introduction
5th October 3pm - 4pm
Join us at https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5801225644?pwd=ZkxYTXEyQndGbFJLUHluU2NMMHg1dz09 Meeting ID: 580 122 5644 Passcode: AIESECINCD
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Cultural & International Societies
Asian Society Freshers Fair Day 1: Introduction to ASoc
5th October 4pm - 7pm
Come and Join the Asian Society, for the Virtual Freshers Fair https://us04web.zoom.us/j/7448926117?pwd=eTQxdm1BK2tSVkQ4bE5LdnZiUFlPdz09 Meeting ID: 744 892 6117 Passcode: asoc1234
Society | Freshers Events | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Cultural & International Societies | Gold Tier Societies
PACS PACS Virtual Freshers' Drop In Event
5th October 4pm - 6pm
Have any questions about PACS or physio in general? Then this the perfect opportunity for you to ask us any questions and get to know what PACS is all about. Feel free to drop-in whenever you are free.
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies
SAWSA - Architecture Society Drop-In Q&A
5th October 5pm - 7pm
Join us on Zoom at https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/84494041498?pwd=dEZ6dXJjMVl0R2ZUd21xZjJ2UTE1Zz09
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies
Dermatology Society Fresher Fair Day 1: Q&A Drop-in
5th October 5pm - 7pm
Come along to join the Cardiff University Dermatology Society
Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies | Society | Give It A Go | Virtual
Gospel Choir Society Freshers Fair Day 1: Q&A
5th October 5pm - 7pm
Come and Join the Gospel Choir Society, at the Virtual Freshers Fair! https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/83849499515?pwd=NXdLRkhUL2Z3SGZIakh5em5aLzdzUT09 Meeting ID: 838 4949 9515 Password: 051020
Society | Freshers Events | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Performance & Artistic Societies | Political & Ideological Societies | Faith Societies
Engineering Society Societies Virtual Fairs - Welcome and Drop In Q&A Session 2
5th October 5pm - 7pm
Do you want to know more about us, our events and the benefits of joining our society? See you on our Virtual Zoom Stand, we're looking forward to meeting you!
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Course Based Societies
Spanish & Italian Society Spanish & Italian Newbies Q & A
5th October 5pm - 6pm
Find out about our events for this year and how we will support your student experience
Society | Give It A Go | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Cardiff University Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society Virtual fayre Day 1
5th October 5pm - 7pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/86124467496?pwd=QzlqUERDNDBtVWVWaC9aT29TTHRJZz09
Society | Heath | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies | New Societies
Cardiff LINKS Cardiff LINKS Society Introduction and Q&A
5th October 5:30pm - 7pm
17:30-19:00, Join us here: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/94089905087?pwd=SmRqZ2NMZ1RNQ3M3NWs5SHg5endadz09 Meeting ID: 940 8990 5087 Password: 501236
Society | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
Amnesty International Society Society Introduction & Q&A (17:30-19:00 Monday 5th October)
5th October 5:30pm - 7pm
Join us on Zoom: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/88516783267?pwd=eFVjSGpvcWUwOE9reEFtUlJpS2lxUT09 PASSWORD= 123
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Welfare and Community Societies
Baking Society Baking Society Q&A
5th October 6pm - 7pm
Join us here: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/96366770007?pwd=WGVSOG96SGl5dFhzcUZBZUtEMGVmdz09
Society | Freshers Events | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Performance & Artistic Societies | Quiet and Creative Societies
Ophthalmology Society Ophthalmology Presentation and Q&A
5th October 6pm - 7pm
Join us at: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/87093050281?pwd=b1JJRmdubW9NM3dsLzVOd0dZK1F4dz09
Society | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies
AIESEC Society Introduction
5th October 6pm - 7pm
Join us at https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5801225644?pwd=ZkxYTXEyQndGbFJLUHluU2NMMHg1dz09 Meeting ID: 580 122 5644 Passcode: AIESECINCD
Society | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Cultural & International Societies
Cardiff Student Psychiatry Society Freshers Fair Day 1: Discussion
5th October 7pm - 9pm
Come and Join the Cardiff Student Psychiatry Society, at the Virtual Freshers Fair! A shutter island discussion with a forensic psychiatrist https://www.facebook.com/events/377548523275459
Society | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Course Based Societies
Sci-Fi & Fantasy Society Nerdy Quiz Night Extravaganza
5th October 7pm - 9pm
Virtual event (link tbc)
What is your name? What is your quest? What is Frodo´s eye-colour?
Activity & Appreciation Societies | Gold Tier Societies | Nerdy Societies | Competitive Societies | Society | Give It A Go | Virtual
Cardiff Pre-hospital and Emergency Medicine Society PEMS: Introduction to Emergency Medicine (GIAG)
5th October 7pm - 8:30pm
Society | Give It A Go | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Course Based Societies | Heath Based Societies
Marrow Society Marrow Meet and Greet
5th October 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Virtual event (link tbc)
Introduction to Marrow and Q&A
Society | Virtual | Discussions, Campaigns & Awareness Societies | Gold Tier Societies
Cardiff Student Media Cardiff Student Media Q&A
5th October 8pm - 9:30pm
Join us here: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/95033312986?pwd=bDZCZklDMHlON0JPOGw1SWhPVTBRZz09
Freshers Events | Freshers' Fairs | Virtual | Student Media
CUTV Cardiff Student Media Welcome Meet
5th October 8pm - 9:30pm
Cardiff Student Media (CSM) are hosting a welcome call for all four of our Student Media platforms in the Student's Union - Gair Rhydd, Quench, Xpress Radio and Cardiff Uni TV. Note: You can join via any of the four platform's event listings.
Student Media | Society | Give It A Go | Virtual | Activity & Appreciation Societies | Performance & Artistic Societies | Gold Tier Societies