Notice of Autumn Elections 2024 | Hysbysiad Etholiadau'r Hydref 2024

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Nominations for our Autumn Elections 2024 are now open.


Nominations open: Monday 16 September, 10:00

Nominations close: Thursday 3 October, 16:00

How to submit a nomination: Head to, and submit your nomination.

Manifestos can be up to 1000 characters long (approximately 150 words).

Below you can find the positions available in this election. The number of positions available can be found in brackets.

Positions vacant

  • Carers & Parents Officer (x1)
  • Student Senate (x25)
  • SU President’s Executive Committee (x6)
  • Athletic Union Executive Committee (x6) 
  • Heath Park Executive Committee (x6)
  • International Executive Committee (x6)
  • Postgraduate Executive Committee (x6)
  • Societies, Volunteering & Media Executive Committee (x18)
  • Welsh Executive Committee (x6)


Voting opens: Monday 21 October, 10:00

Voting closes: Thursday 24 October, 16:00


Results will be announced online (via on Friday 25th October.

More Information on the elections, including the election regulations, can be found here. For any queries, please email


Hysbysiad o Etholiadau'r Hydref 2024


Mae enwebiadau ar gyfer Etholiadau’r Hydref 2024 nawr ar agor.

Enwebiadau’n agor: Dydd Llun 16 Medi, 10:00

Enwebiadau’n cau: Dydd Iau 3 Hydref, 16:00

Sut i gyflwyno enwebiad: Ewch i, a chyflwynwch eich enwebiad.

Gall maniffestos fod hyd at 1000 cymeriad o hyd (tua 150 gair).

Isod gallwch ddod o hyd i’r rolau sydd ar gael. Mae’r nifer o bob rôl sydd ar gael i’w weld yn y cromfachau.

Rolau gwag

  • Swyddog Rhieni & Gofalwyr (x1)
  • Senedd y Myfyrwyr (x25)
  • Pwyllgor Gweithredol Llywydd yr UM (x6) 
  • Pwyllgor Gweithredol yr Undeb Athletau (x6)
  • Pwyllgor Gweithredol Parc y Mynydd Bychan (x6)
  • Pwyllgor Gweithredol Rhyngwladol (x6)
  • Pwyllgor Gweithredol Ôl-raddedig (x6)
  • Pwyllgor Gweithredol Cymdeithasau, Gwirfoddoli & Chyfryngau (x18)
  • Pwyllgor Gweithredol y Gymraeg (x6)


Pleidleisio’n agor: Dydd Llun 21 Hydref, 10:00

Pleidleisio’n cau: Dydd Iau 24 Hydref, 16:00


Bydd y canlyniadau’n cael eu cyhoeddi ar-lein (ar dydd Gwener 25ain Hydref.

Gellir canfod mwy o wybodaeth am yr etholiadau, gan gynnwys y rheoliadau, yma. Ar gyfer unrhyw ymholiadau, e-bostiwch


