It’s Not Too Late! Get Involved Now. | Nid Yw’n Rhy Hwyr! Dewch i Gymryd Rhan Nawr.

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With one term completed, it’s time to tick off those things you never got round to in September. Whether you were too busy for baking, Bollywood dancing or badminton, why not re-discover your interest by joining a society or sports club this term?


Not sure where to start?

Tuesday 30th  is the ReFreshers’ Fair, and is the perfect opportunity to discover something new. Whether it's Rugby, KPop Choreo or finding a new job, you're sure to find something that starts your new year off on the right track! ​Find out more about the fair here!


Societies are a fantastic way to meet new people and have new experiences, and Cardiff Students’ Union is home to over 200 of them. Have a look at the full list, to find the passion you never knew you had.


Being active more your thing? The Athletic Union is home to 68 sports clubs who train, compete, and socialise regularly. Whether you want to play to compete, or have a friendly kick about, there’s something for everyone. Have a look at the full list of sporting opportunities.


At Cardiff Students’ Union, there is something for everyone to get involved with. Societies and Sports Clubs are run by other students who are just like you!


Nid Yw’n Rhy Hwyr! Dewch i Gymryd Rhan Nawr.

Gyda thymor un wedi dod i ben, mae’n amser gwneud yr holl bethau na chawsoch amser i’w gwneud ym mis Medi. Boed a oeddech yn rhy brysur am bobi, dawnsio Bollywood neu fadminton, beth am ail-ddarganfod diddordeb trwy ymuno â chymdeithas neu glwb chwaraeon tymor yma?


Ddim yn siŵr le i ddechrau?

Bydd Ffair y Glas Tymor 2 ar ddydd Mawrth y 30ain, ac mae’n gyfle perffaith i ddarganfod rhywbeth newydd. P'un ai Rygbi, KPop Choreo neu ddod o hyd i swydd newydd, rydych yn siŵr o ddod o hyd i rywbeth i ddechrau’ch blwyddyn yn y ffordd gorau posib! Darganfyddwch fwy am y ffair yma!  


Mae cymdeithasau yn ffordd wych o gwrdd â phobl a chael profiadau newydd, ac mae dros 200 ohonynt yma yn Undeb Myfyrwyr Caerdydd. Gwelwch y rhestr lawn i ddarganfod diddordeb newydd.


Ymarfer corff o fwy o ddiddordeb? Mae’r Undeb Athletau yn gartref i 68 o glybiau chwaraeon sy’n ymarfer, cystadlu a’n cymdeithasu’n gyson. Boed os hoffech gystadlu neu gymryd rhan er mwyn cymdeithasu, mae yna rywbeth i bawb. Edrychwch ar y rhestr lawn o gyfleoedd.


Yn Undeb Myfyrwyr Caerdydd mae yna rywbeth i bawb. Mae Cymdeithasau a Chlybiau Chwaraeon wedi’u rhedeg gan fyfyrwyr fel chi!
