Cops Off Campus: Updated Statement 2023 | Cops oddi ar y Campws: Datganiad wedi'i Ddiweddaru 2023



At our last Annual General Meeting in December 2022, a motion was passed titled Cops Off Campus. This motion called for the Students’ Union to reduce its engagements with local policing authorities, particularly South Wales Police, considering their track record of disproportionate violence and discrimination toward people of colour, as well as their comparatively high rate of sexual misconduct within the force. Details of our statement at the time can be found here.

In the year since, we have established and subsequently completed work on an audit of our engagement with South Wales Police in the attempt to minimise said engagement where possible and appropriate. The timeline of the task and finish group which undertook this audit can be found below. 

We have also had conversations with senior members of South Wales Police about the background of the motion and our intentions going forward. We have been invited to send representatives to community scrutiny panels going forward, which we intend to accept with the motion’s context in mind. 

We hope and strive for a city in which all our students feel safe regardless of sexuality, gender, ability, or race. While our members do not believe South Wales Police is a part of that future, we will honour that belief and ensure the safety of those within our buildings.  

- The Sabbatical Officer team of 2023/24 


Task and Finish Group Timeline: 

December 2022 – The Board of Trustees of the Union considered the motion passed and set their own timeline for actions arising from the decision.  This included the creation of a Task and Finish Group, composed of relevant Trustees, to be able to undertake an audit and review of engagements. 

March 2023 – Task and Finish Group met and confirmed the Terms of Reference for the group and confirmed the planned scheme of work.  This included setting a schedule of meetings to engage with students and representatives of South Wales Police themselves.  The group also received a comprehensive list of the type of engagement and the driver behind each regular engagement with South Wales Police. 

April 2023 – Task and Finish Group met with the Proposer and Seconder of the motion to hear their representations on the matter, including their review of the initial audit document. 

June 2023 – Task and Finish Group met with a number of Officers from South Wales Police as well as the Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales. 

July 2023 – The Task and Finish group met again to review and confirm a draft report to be submitted to the Board of Trustees.  The report summarised the engagements that had been considered during the review process and made recommendations for consideration by the Board of Trustees. 

July 2023 – Representations from the Students’ Union met with the Chief Constable of South Wales Police.  During this meeting, the Students’ Union was offered the opportunity to join the scrutiny processes of South Wales Police, an offer which has been provisionally accepted with the resolves and aims of the motion in mind. 

July 2023 – The final report of the Task and Finish Group was presented to the Trustees who confirmed the Boards decisions on where engagements would: 

  • Cease, or continue in-line with current practice, or continue in some form, with a change to the relationship. 
  • Activities that are continuing involve the engagement with South Wales Police relate to those that are statutory matters that link directly to the operations of the Students’ Union.  
  • Activities that are continuing in some form are predominantly where the Students’ Union is part of a group of partners, including South Wales Police, working to provide support or improvements to the student experience.  Those activities that are ceasing are those where there is a direct, non-statutory engagement between South Wales Police and the Students’ Union. 



What has been the visible impact of the motion? 

You will see police within the Union building less often. Their presence in the building will relate to the engagement relating to our statutory duties or in the investigation of alleged criminal activities. 

Will I still see police on campus? 

While the presence of police on SU premises will be reduced, they will still be on campus and may enter the building. We have no legal authority to deny access to the police and need to continue to work with them on a number of statutory matters. The University has opted not to follow the Task and Finish Group findings at present and so the motion’s resolves currently only apply to the Students’ Union. 

If I feel unsafe on campus, what should I do? 

A student can seek assistance in the same way as has always been the case. 

Within the Union building, this includes contacting security via 2nd floor Welcome Centre or via 02920 781412. 

Elsewhere on campus this can be via University Security contactable on 02920 874444. 

In the event of an emergency, any student can call the Police on 999 who will attend University and Union premises. 

Why is this happening now? 

The AGM in in December 2022 triggered a review of engagement.  This process has drawn on the input and expertise of staff members, students and external partners to conduct a thorough audit of the existing engagements with South Wales Police.  In July 2023, having completed the audit, the board of Trustees approved the changes to the Union's relationship with the Police. 

Who was a part of this/made this happen? 

As well as our students voting for this to take place, this process involved our BME officer at the time, three Sabbatical Officers, and a mixture of external trustees, as well as University and Students’ Union staff who provided input into the audit process.  A group of nominated Trustees assessed the engagements and determined where engagements would cease and where it was necessary for them to continue.  This was presented to the full Board of Trustees of the Union who approved the recommendations.  

Why are we still engaging with the Police in some areas? 

The Union must fulfil its legal obligations in undertaking its activity, as recognised by the motion presented to AGM.  It is also duty bound to engage with the police in the investigation of alleged criminal behaviours or incidents. 

The Trustees also felt that disengaging from broader partnership projects where both the Union and the Police were represented would not be in the interests of students.  However, the Union will not engage with projects or initiatives that arise from these partnerships where ethe Police are the lead partner. 

What exactly will change from cutting these engagements? 

Police Offices will not be present within the Union building to hold stalls or drop-in sessions throughout the academic year including events such as Freshers Fairs. 

Police Officers will also not pass through the building whilst undertaking their regular community patrols. 

The Union will not bring the Police into the building to engage directly with students, other than supporting individual students who have requested their attendance. 

Generally speaking, Police Officers will not be present within the Union building unless there is a reason for them to visit.  This may involve instances where the police attend the premises under order to fulfil their own statutory obligations, or where the Union needs to bring police onto campus for us to fulfil our obligations.

Cops oddi ar y Campws: Datganiad wedi'i Ddiweddaru 2023

Yn ein Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol diwethaf yn Rhagfyr 2022, cafodd cynnig o’r enw Cops oddi ar y Campws ei gymeradwyo. Gwnaeth y cynnig yma alw ar Undeb y Myfyrwyr i leihau ei ymgysylltiad gydag awdurdodau plismona lleol, yn enwedig Heddlu De Cymru, gan ystyried eu hanes o drais anghymesur a gwahaniaethu yn erbyn at bobl o liw, a’r cyfraddau cymharol uchel o gamymddwyn rhywiol o fewn y llu. Gall manylion am ein datganiad ar y pryd cael eu darganfod yma.  

Yn y flwyddyn ers hynny rydym wedi sefydlu a chwblhau gwaith archwilio o’n hymgysylltiad gyda Heddlu De Cymru er mwyn ceisio lleihau’r fath ymgysylltiad lle bo’n bosib a’n addas. Mae llinell amser y Grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen gwnaeth gwblhau’r ymchwiliad yma i’w weld isod.  

Rydym hefyd wedi cael trafodaethau gydag phrif aelodau Heddlu De Cymru am gefndir y cynnig a’n bwriad wrth symud ymlaen. Rydym wedi cael ein gwahodd i ddanfon cynrychiolwyr i baneli craffu cymunedol yn y dyfodol, ac rydym yn golygu derbyn, gan ystyried cyd-destun y cynnig.   

Rydym yn gobeithio ac yn gweithio am ddinas lle bod pob myfyriwr yn teimlo’n ddiogel waeth beth yw eu rhywioldeb, rhywedd, gallu neu hil. Tra bod ein haelodau yn credu nad yw Heddlu De Cymru yn rhan o’r dyfodol yna, byddwn yn parchu’r gred yna ac yn sicrhau diogelwch rheiny o fewn ein hadeiladau.  

-  Tîm Swyddogion Sabothol 2023/24  


Llinell Amser Grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen:  

Rhagfyr 2022 – Gwnaeth Bwrdd Ymddiriedolwyr yr Undeb ystyried y cynnig a gymeradwywyd a gosod eu llinell amser eu hun ar gyfer gweithredoedd a gododd o’r penderfyniad. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys creu Grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen, yn cynnwys yr Ymddiriedolwyr perthnasol, i allu cynnal ymchwiliad ac adolygiad o ymgysylltiadau. 

Mawrth 2023 – Gwnaeth y Grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen cwrdd a chytuno cylch gorchwyl y grŵp a chadarnhau’r cynllun gwaith. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys trefnu cyfarfod i ymgysylltu â myfyrwyr a chynrychiolwyr Heddlu De Cymru eu hun. Gwnaeth y grŵp hefyd derbyn rhestr o’r math o ymgysylltiad a’r pwrpas tu ôl i bob ymgysylltiad arferol gyda Heddlu De Cymru.   

Ebrill 2023 – Gwnaeth y Grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen cwrdd â chynigydd ac eilydd y cynnig i glywed eu safbwynt ar y mater, gan gynnwys eu hadolygiad o’r ddogfen ymchwilio gychwynnol.  

Mehefin 2023 – Gwnaeth y Grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen cwrdd â nifer o swyddogion Heddlu De Cymru ynghyd â Chomisiynydd Heddlu a Throseddu De Cymru. 

Gorffennaf 2023 – Gwnaeth y Grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen cwrdd eto er mwyn adolygu a chadarnhau adroddiad drafft i’w gyflwyno i’r Bwrdd Ymddiriedolwyr. Gwnaeth yr adroddiad ddod i gasgliad am yr ymgysylltiadau cafodd eu hystyried yn ystod y broses adolygu a gwnaeth argymhellion ar gyfer ystyriaeth gan y Bwrdd Ymddiriedolwyr.  

Gorffennaf 2023 – Gwnaeth cynrychiolwyr o Undeb y Myfyrwyr cwrdd â Phrif Gwnstabl Heddlu De Cymru. Yn ystod y cyfarfod cafodd Undeb y Myfyrwyr ei wahodd i ymuno â’r broses craffu - cynnig a gafodd ei dderbyn dros dro, gan ystyried penderfyniadau ac amcanion y cynnig.  

Gorffennaf 2023 – Cafodd adroddiad terfynol y Grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen ei gyflwyno i’r Ymddiriedolwyr a wnaeth cadarnhau penderfyniadau’r Bwrdd am ble fyddai ymgysylltiadau yn:   

  • Mae gweithgareddau sy’n parhau ag ymgysylltiad gyda Heddlu De Cymru yn ymwneud â materion statudol sy'n cysylltu'n uniongyrchol â gweithrediadau Undeb y Myfyrwyr.  
  • Mae gweithgareddau sy’n parhau mewn rhyw fodd pennaf yn cynnwys lle bod Undeb y Myfyrwyr yn rhan o grŵp o bartneriaid, sy’n cynnwys Heddlu De Cymru, sy’n gweithio i gefnogi neu wella’r profiad myfyriwr.  
  • Mae’r gweithgareddau sy’n dod i ben yn cynnwys y rheiny sy’n ymgysylltiadau uniongyrchol, nad sy’n faterion statudol rhwng Heddlu De Cymru ac Undeb y Myfyrwyr. 


Cwestiynau Cyffredin:

Beth yw effaith weledol y cynnig?  

Byddwch yn gweld yr heddlu yn adeiladau’r Undeb yn llai aml. Bydd eu presenoldeb yn yr adeilad yn ymwneud ag ymgysylltiad ynglŷn â’n dyletswyddau statudol neu wrth ymchwilio gweithgareddau troseddol honedig. 

A fyddaf yn parhau i weld heddlu ar y campws?  

Tra bydd presenoldeb yr heddlu ar safle’r UM yn lleihau, byddan nhw’n parhau i fod ar y campws a gallant ddod i mewn i’r adeilad. Nid oes gennym unrhyw awdurdod cyfreithiol i atal yr heddlu rhag cael mynediad a rhaid i ni barhau i weithio gyda nhw ar nifer o faterion statudol. Mae’r Brifysgol wedi penderfynu peidio dilyn canfyddiadau’r Grŵp Gorchwyl a Gorffen, felly mae penderfyniadau’r cynnig ond yn berthnasol i Undeb y Myfyrwyr ar hyn o bryd.  

Rydw i’n teimlo’n anniogel ar gampws, beth ddylwn ei wneud?  

Gall myfyriwr ofyn am gymorth yn yr un ffordd a’r arfer.  

O fewn adeilad yr Undeb mae hyn yn cynnwys cysylltu â’r tîm diogelwch trwy’r Ganolfan Groeso ar yr 2il lawr neu ar 02920 781412  

Mewn mannau arall ar y campws gallwch gysylltu â Thîm Diogelwch y Brifysgol ar 02920 874444  

Mewn argyfwng gall unrhyw fyfyriwr galw’r heddlu ar 999, ac mi fyddan nhw’n dod i’r campws.    

Pam fod hyn yn digwydd nawr?  

Gwnaeth y CCB yn Rhagfyr 2022 dechrau adolygiad o’r ymgysylltiad. Mae’r proses yma wedi galw ar fewnbwn ac arbenigedd aelodau staff, myfyrwyr a phartneriaid allanol wrth i ni gynnal ymchwiliad manwl o’r cysylltiadau a fu gyda Heddlu De Cymru. Yng Ngorffennaf 2023, wedi i’r ymchwiliad cael ei gwblhau, gwnaeth y Bwrdd Ymddiriedolwyr cymeradwyo’r newidiadau i berthynas yr undeb gyda’r heddlu. 

Pwy oedd yn rhan o hyn/gwnaeth iddo ddigwydd?  

Ynghyd â’n myfyrwyr yn pleidleisio dros hyn, gwnaeth y broses cynnwys ein swyddog BME ar y pryd, tri swyddog sabothol a chymysgedd o ymddiriedolwyr allanol ynghyd â staff y Brifysgol a’r Undeb a wnaeth darparu a chyfrannu i’r broses ymchwilio. Gwnaeth grŵp o ymddiriedolwyr a enwebwyd asesu’r ymgysylltiadau a phenderfynu lle dylai ymgysylltiad dod i ben a lle ei fod yn hanfodol iddo barhau. Cafodd hyn ei gyflwyno i Fwrdd Ymddiriedolwr yr Undeb a wnaeth cymeradwyo’r argymhellion.  

Pam ydyn ni’n parhau i ymgysylltu â’r heddlu mewn rhai ardaloedd?  

Rhaid i’r Undeb cyflawni ei goblygiadau cyfreithiol wrth gwblhau gweithgareddau, fel y cydnabyddir gan y cynnig cafodd ei gyflwyno i’r CCB. Mae gan yr Undeb dyletswydd ymgysylltu â’r heddlu wrth ymchwilio i ymddygiad neu ddigwyddiadau troseddol honedig.  

Roedd yr Ymddiriedolwyr hefyd yn teimlo y byddai datgysylltu o brosiectau partneriaeth ehangach lle bod yr undeb a’r heddlu wedi’u cynrychioli ddim yn buddio myfyrwyr. Ond ni fydd yr Undeb yn cymryd rhan mewn prosiectau neu fentrau sy’n codi o’r partneriaethau yma, lle mai’r heddlu yw’r partner arweiniol.  

Beth yn union bydd yn newid wrth dorri’r ymgysylltiadau yma?  

Ni fydd swyddogion heddlu yn bresennol o fewn adeilad yr Undeb i gynnal stondinau neu sesiynau galw heibio trwy gydol y flwyddyn academaidd gan gynnwys Ffeiriau’r Glas.  

Ni fydd swyddogion heddlu yn cerdded trwy’r adeilad wrth ymgymryd â'u patrolau cymunedol rheolaidd. 

Ni fydd yr Undeb yn dod a’r heddlu i mewn i’r adeilad i ymgysylltu’n uniongyrchol â myfyrwyr, oni bai am gefnogi myfyrwyr unigol sydd wedi gwneud cais iddynt fynychu.  

Yn gyffredinol ni fydd swyddogion heddlu yn bresennol yn adeilad yr Undeb oni bai bod rheswm ganddynt ymweld. Gall hyn gynnwys achlysuron lle bod angen i’r heddlu fynychu’r safle er mwyn cyflawni eu rhwymedigaethau statudol, neu ble bod yr Undeb yn dod â’r heddlu i’r campws er mwyn cyflawni ein rhwymedigaethau ni.