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As we welcome March, we are reflecting on an amazing January and February here at Cardiff Students’ Union, which was filled with impactful campaigns and initiatives that have helped shaped the university’s community. From celebrating diversity and promoting sexual health to advocating for period dignity and empowering student voices for Speak Week, here's a roundup of what happened at your Students’ Union in the last couple months:

Revision Aid

Revision Aid is designed to help students navigate the challenges of exam season. This campaign offered freebies to over 1,800 students across Heath Park and Cathays campuses, including hot drinks, revision essentials and stationery. Most importantly, it provided a welcoming space for a chat, acknowledging the importance of mental well-being during the stress of revision sessions.

Refreshers’ Fair

Over 2,800 students explored the Refreshers Fair, delving into the services offered by the Students' Union and discovering the diverse societies that thrive within our community. The fair welcomed 15 external organisations and companies, ranging from Dominos to Unite Students, creating a dynamic platform for students to engage with various opportunities and services.

Keep your eyes peeled on your emails to find out when our next events are coming up!

Student Volunteering Week

As the start of February, we embraced Student Volunteering Week, an opportunity to inspire students towards meaningful volunteer projects across the city. The week saw over 80 students actively participating in various events like Clean up Cardiff, an initiative to keep Cardiff’s streets tidy, benefiting students and the wider community. The engagement showcased the dedication of students to make a positive impact on the community. From litter picking to coffee mornings, you can find out more about volunteering opportunities here.


The SHAG Safe campaign took centre stage in February, focusing on Sexual Health, Awareness, and Guidance. With a commitment to providing information about safe sex, the campaign was popular amongst students, achieving over 49,000 views on social media, distributing 32 free STI testing kits, reinforcing the importance of accessible sexual health resources for the well-being of the student population.

If you would like to find out more about this campaign, or even pick up a free STI testing kit, please head to the webpage here.

Find Your Placement

We realise that it can be easy for students to feel detached while away from Cardiff on placement, which is why from the start of January, we ran a new campaign called Find Your Placement. The campaign saw over 250 packs given to students going to placements, which included some CSU merch and information on how we are there to support students who are studying away from Cardiff.

For more information on how we support students on placements, click here.

LGBTQ+ History Month: Celebrating Diversity and Inclusivity

Throughout February, we celebrated LGBTQ+ History Month, emphasising our commitment to creating an inclusive and welcoming space for all. Our LGBTQ+ Officer and LGBTQ+ Trans Officer organised events like craft sessions, film screenings and wellbeing walks that encouraged self-expression and creativity, providing environments where individuals could freely express their identities.

The standout events were the SU's first queer club night, Q, with over 150 attendees on its opening night, promising more inclusive gatherings in the future.

Another was the LGBTQ+ History Month Showcase, with 21 performances and over 120 attendees. The showcase celebrated individuality and encouraged those in the LGBTQ+ community to express themselves in the most inclusive environment.

In a powerful show of solidarity for LGBTQ+ History Month, 49 sports clubs at Cardiff University wore rainbow laces throughout February. We would like to thank all sports clubs who took part in this display of inclusivity, equality, and acceptance.

For more information on LGBTQ+ History Month, click here.

Speak Week: Amplifying Student Voices

We ran our annual Speak Week campaign at the beginning of February, providing all students with a platform to voice their opinions and contribute to shaping Cardiff University. Through an online survey, a total of 2043 feedback comments were received, reflecting the engagement and enthusiasm of the student community in influencing positive change within the university.

During this year's Speak Week, we gathered feedback on several specific themes, based on our Elected Officers' priorities this year. These themes ranged from support for Welsh students and international student support, to student experience on placements and accessibility on campus.

Our Venues

It's been a very busy term in terms of gigs and club nights at your Students' Union. In January and February, we welcomed over 20,000 of you through the doors to enjoy YOLO, the biggest student club night in Cardiff.

Cardiff Box Office did a great job of welcoming some incredible performers to the stage in The Great Hall and Y Plas in January and February, encouraging more than 15,000 people through the SU doors to enjoy some unforgettable gigs. Click here to find out what we've got in store for the rest of the term!

Period Dignity

We continued our dedication to period dignity, emphasising the importance of providing free, sustainable period products to students. We believe that everyone should have access to these products in a safe and dignified manner, and we will continue to distribute free period products to students across the Heath Campus and the Students' Union in Cathays. For more information on our pop-up stalls, see our Period Dignity page here.

As we conclude February, we want to extend our gratitude to YOU, our dynamic and engaged student body, for your active participation and commitment to building a community that values inclusivity, equality, and positive change. Thank you for making the start of 2024 full of impactful initiatives.

Wrth i ni groesawu mis Mawrth, rydym yn edrych yn ôl ar Ionawr a Chwefror anhygoel yma yn Undeb Myfyrwyr Caerdydd, dau fis llawn ymgyrchoedd a mentrau pwysig a wnaeth helpu lunio cymuned y brifysgol. O ddathlu amrywiaeth a hyrwyddo iechyd rhywiol, i eirioli dros urddas mislif a grymuso myfyrwyr i ddefnyddio eu lleisiau yn ystod yr Wythnos Siarad. Dyma grynodeb o beth ddigwyddodd yn Undeb y Myfyrwyr dros y misoedd diwethaf yma: 

Cymorth Adolygu

Bwriad Cymorth Adolygu yw helpu myfyrwyr trwy heriau’r cyfnod arholiadau. Gwnaeth yr ymgyrch yma gynnig rhoddion am ddim i dros 1,800 o fyfyrwyr ar draws campysau Parc y Mynydd Bychan a Cathays, gan gynnwys diodydd poeth, hanfodion adolygu ac adnoddau. Pwysicaf oll, roedd yn gyfle i fyfyrwyr ddod am sgwrs, gan gydnabod pwysigrwydd gofalu am eich iechyd meddwl yn ystod y cyfnod yma a all achosi straen sylweddol.

Ffair Tymor 2

Gwnaeth dros 2,800 o fyfyrwyr dod i Ffair Tymor 2, gan ddysgu am y gwasanaethau wedi’u cynnig gan Undeb y Myfyrwyr a darganfod amrywiaeth eang o gymdeithasau sy’n ffynnu o fewn ein cymuned. Gwnaeth y ffair groesawu 15 sefydliad a chwmni allanol, o Dominos i Unite Students, gan greu platfform deinameg i fyfyrwyr ymgysylltu ag amrywiaeth o gyfleoedd a gwasanaethau.

Cadwch lygad ar eich e-byst i ddysgu am ein digwyddiadau nesaf!

Wythnos Gwirfoddoli Myfyrwyr

Ar ddechrau mis Chwefror, fe wnaethom groesawu Wythnos Gwirfoddoli Myfyrwyr, cyfle i ysbrydoli myfyrwyr i gymryd rhan mewn prosiectau gwirfoddoli ystyrlon ar draws y ddinas. Yn ystod yr wythnos fe wnaeth dros 80 myfyriwr gymryd rhan mewn digwyddiadau amrywiol megis Clirio Caerdydd, menter i gadw strydoedd Caerdydd yn lan, gan fuddio myfyrwyr a’r gymuned ehangach. Gwnaeth yr ymgysylltiad arddangos ymrwymiad myfyrwyr i gael effaith gadarnhaol ar y gymuned. O gasglu sbwriel i foreau coffi, gallwch ddysgu mwy am gyfleoedd gwirfoddoli yma.

Secs Saff

Yr ymgyrch Secs Saff oedd prif ffocws mis Chwefror, gan ganolbwyntio ar iechyd rhywiol, ymwybyddiaeth a chanllawiau. Gydag ymrwymiad i ddarparu gwybodaeth am ryw ddiogel, roedd yr ymgyrch yn boblogaidd ymysg myfyrwyr, gyda dros 49,000 o bobl yn gweld gwybodaeth ar ein cyfryngau cymdeithasol, a 32 o gitiau profi STI am ddim yn cael eu dosbarthu, gan atgyfnerthu pwysigrwydd adnoddau iechyd rhywiol hygyrch ar gyfer lles myfyrwyr.

Os hoffech ddysgu mwy am yr ymgyrch, neu gasglu cit profi STI am ddim, ewch i’r wefan yma.

Darganfod Eich Lleoliad

Rydym yn deall y gall fod yn hawdd i fyfyrwyr deimlo’n unig dra i ffwrdd o Gaerdydd ar leoliad, a dyna pam gwnaethom gynnal ymgyrch Darganfod Eich Lleoliad o ddechrau mis Ionawr. Fel rhan o’r ymgyrch cafodd dros 250 o becynnau eu dosbarthu i fyfyrwyr a oedd yn mynd ar leoliad, gan gynnwys adnoddau UMC a gwybodaeth am y gwasanaethau cymorth sydd ar gael i fyfyrwyr tra nad ydynt yng Nghaerdydd.

Am ragor o wybodaeth am sut rydym yn cefnogi myfyrwyr ar leoliad, cliciwch yma.

Mis Hanes LHDTC: Dathlu Amrywiaeth a Chynwysoldeb

Trwy gydol Chwefror buom yn dathlu Mis Hanes LHDTC+, gan bwysleisio ein hymrwymiad i greu lle cynhwysol a chroesawgar i bawb. Gwnaeth ein Swyddog LHDTC+ a Swyddog LHDTC+ Traws drefnu digwyddiadau megis sesiwn crefft, ffilmiau a theithiau cerdded lles er mwyn annog hunanfynegiant a chreadigrwydd, gan ddarparu amgylchedd lle’r oedd pobl yn medru mynegi eu hunain.

Y prif ddigwyddiad oedd noson clwb cwiar gyntaf yr UM, Q, gyda dros 150 o bobl yn mynychu’r noson gyntaf a rhagor o ddigwyddiadau cynhwysol i ddod yn y dyfodol.

Uchafbwynt arall oedd yr Ŵyl Mis Hanes LHDTC+, lle cafwyd 21 perfformiad a mynychodd mwy na 120 o bobl. Gwnaeth yr ŵyl ddathlu unigoliaeth ac annog y rheiny yn y gymuned LHDTC+ i fynegi eu hunain mewn amgylchedd cynhwysol.

I ddangos cefnogaeth yn ystod Mis Hanes LHDTC+ gwnaeth 49 o glybiau chwaraeon ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd wisgo careiau enfys trwy gydol mis Chwefror. Hoffem ddiolch i bob clwb chwaraeon a gymerodd rhan am ddangos cynwysoldeb, cydraddoldeb a chefnogaeth.

Am ragor o wybodaeth ar Fis Hanes LHDTC+, cliciwch yma.

Wythnos Siarad: Grymuso Lleisiau Myfyrwyr

Gwnaethom gynnal ein hymgyrch Wythnos Siarad flynyddol dechrau mis Chwefror, gan ddarparu myfyrwyr â phlatfform i leisio eu barn a chyfrannu at lunio Prifysgol Caerdydd. Trwy arolwg ar-lein, derbyniwyd cyfanswm o 2043 o sylwadau adborth, gan adlewyrchu ymgysylltiad a brwdfrydedd myfyrwyr am ddylanwadu’n gadarnhaol ar brofiadau o fewn y brifysgol.

Yn ystod Wythnos Siarad eleni, gwnaethom gasglu adborth am sawl thema benodol, yn seiliedig ar flaenoriaethau ein Swyddogion Etholedig. Roedd y themâu yma’n amrywio o gefnogaeth i fyfyrwyr sy’n siarad Cymraeg a myfyrwyr rhyngwladol, i brofiadau myfyrwyr ar leoliad a hygyrchedd ar y campws.


Mae wedi bod yn dymor prysur o ran cerddoriaeth fyw a nosweithiau clwb yn ein Hundeb Myfyrwyr. Yn Ionawr a Chwefror, gwnaethom groesawu dros 20,000 ohonoch i YOLO, noson clwb myfyrwyr gorau Caerdydd.

Gwnaeth Cardiff Box Office yn wych wrth groesawu perfformwyr anhygoel i’r llwyfannau yn y Neuadd Fawr a’r Plas yn Ionawr a Chwefror, gyda mwy na 15,000 o bobl yn dod i’r UM am gerddoriaeth fyw fythgofiadwy. Cliciwch yma i weld beth sydd i ddod am weddill y tymor!

Urddas Mislif

Gwnaethom barhau â’n hymrwymiad i urddas mislif, gan bwysleisio pwysigrwydd darparu cynnyrch mislif cynaliadwy am ddim i fyfyrwyr. Rydym yn credu bod gan bawb hawl i fynediad at y cynnyrch yma mewn modd diogel ac urddasol, a byddwn yn parhau i ddosbarthu cynnyrch mislif am ddim i fyfyrwyr ar draws Campws y Mynydd Bychan ac Undeb y Myfyrwyr yn Cathays. Am ragor o wybodaeth am ein stondinau, gweler ein tudalen Urddas Mislif yma.

Wrth i ni droi cefn ar fis Chwefror, hoffem ddiolch i CHI, ein myfyrwyr brwdfrydig ac ymgysylltiedig, am gymryd rhan ac ymroi i adeiladu cymuned sy’n gwerthfawrogi cynwysoldeb, cydraddoldeb a newid cadarnhaol. Diolch am greu 2024 llawn ymgyrchoedd hollbwysig hyd yma.
