Save the planet, and chocolate!

Have a voice in the run up to the UN Climate Talks (COP21) in Paris (30 November-11 December).

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A blog by our VP Welfare, Kate Delaney

This year, in my role as Vice President Welfare I’ve been working with NUS Wales to encourage students to have a voice in the run up to the UN Climate Talks (COP21) in Paris (30 November to 11 December 2015).

What’s going on?

So just to give a bit of background information, COP21 (Conference of Parties) is a meeting with heads of State to discuss Climate Change action and this is crucially important time because as I’m sure some of you will be aware, we’re getting closer and closer to global temperatures rising about 2 degrees which is the point that scientists agree we need to stay under if we want a chance at controlling the effects of climate change.

It’s so important that students have a voice in the climate change debate at the moment because any decisions taken at this time will affect our future, and ultimately we’ll be the generation who have to deal with the consequences if not enough is done.

What are we doing about it?

Well, NUS is calling on our government to take bold action at the UN climate talks – specifically for shaping an agreement which keeps 80 per cent of fossil fuels in the ground, and transitions the UK to 100 per cent clean energy by 2050.

Love Chocolate? There could be a worldwide shortage of cocoa in the next 5 years due to climate change. 

Those are our two aims, and this will be the main message from students going out to the people who have influence.

On 23rd November I’ve arranged a Day of Action in Y Plas 11:00-14:00 in the Students’ Union to bring this issue on to the agenda. We’ll be giving out free chocolate nibbles from the chocolate fountain we’ll have there because, what people often don’t know, we could have a shortage of chocolate in as little as 5 years due to the effects of climate change.

It’s a simple luxury which would be lost if we don’t take action, but that’s only the beginning, the effects are endless and it really isn’t that long off if we continue on the path we’re on now.

On Saturday 28th November there is also a bike ride and rally in Cardiff. Students are invited to come together with NUS to cycle to Cardiff Bay and have a student presence, so if you can come, that would also be great. All the details of that can be found here.

How can you get involved?

Often people find that they just don’t know how to have a positive impact on climate change. It’s quite overwhelming but there are little things you can do in the run up to COP21 to make a difference.

1.      Tweet with the hashtag #COP21 about what you want to see from our leaders at COP21. Don’t forget our two aims!

2.      Contact your local MP to tell them how you feel. Find out who they are here:

3.      Come along to our Day of Action and the Bike Ride/Rally in Cardiff!

4.      Keep it all going while COP21 is happening! (30 November to 11 December 2015)

