Centred around wellbeing, the Student Led Services (SLSs) campaign for raising awareness of different issues students might be facing. They are there to support, listen to students and provide a friendly environment for discussion.
There are 9 SLSs you can get involved in as part of a committee (main positions being president, secretary, and treasurer), as a volunteer (helping the committee if they need an extra hand), or just as a participant to the events they organise.
Main committee positions:
- President - oversees multiple aspects of the SLS and works with the committee to organise events.
- Secretary - keeps records of meetings and keeps in touch with volunteers and participants to make sure they have the information they need.
- Treasurer - is in charge of handling the money the SLS has.

I’ve been involved with Student Minds Cardiff since the end of January 2023, and it has definitely been a rewarding experience. Since then, we’ve been to re-freshers far, wellbeing events, organised coffee and tea meet ups, and held book swaps. It’s been fun to meet and talk to students and raise awareness about mental health.
Besides being Secretary, I wanted to combine two of the things I was interested in: mental health and media, and helped with managing the Instagram page. The posts range from informing about support services available in the University and Students Union, to mental health content based on different topics.