The quick and simple way to get financial support with the Covid19 Student Support Package
There’s no denying that lots of stuff has been affected this year; our health, mental health, social lives, and university experience to name a few. But something that’s maybe slipped under the radar is how drastically a lot of our student bank accounts have struggled. Student life doesn’t afford for the most lavish of lifestyles on a good day anyway; but when most of the studenty jobs in hospitality have disappeared over the last year, or we’ve been paying for houses we couldn’t actually get to half the time, or have had those extra travel expenses to get to and from uni on the one occasion we could actually go in person – the bank balance is a little (and when I say little, I mean a lot) more stretched than we expected. We all play that fun game of not checking the bank balance and simply hoping for the best (lest we be shocked at the overdraft making an appearance). But seriously, there’s something out there now that the Uni have put in place to take into consideration how financially hard hitting this year has been for us: The Covid19 Support Fund.

What is it?
The Covid19 Support Fund is a pot of money, safeguarded by the University, to financially support students who have been negatively affected by the pandemic.
The money is for those adversely affected by COVID and I’m guessing there aren’t many who can say they haven’t been. If that’s the case, try applying anyway as the worst they can say is no. Also, to add that, you can actually apply for more than the £350 if you need it. No harm in asking.
Following the allocation of this government funding and subject to eligibility, you can now apply for £350 to address any financial hardship you are experiencing as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Who is eligible?
Anyone fitting the below criteria who has been financially affected by Covid19!
You just need to be:
- an undergraduate or postgraduate
- a full time or part time registered Cardiff University student
- experiencing financial difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic
- not have received more than £350 from the residences fee rebate (only available to students living in University accommodation).
You are not eligible for the fund if you are:
- on a non-degree course
- an external student
- on a distance learning course (this is not the same as having applied for remote study)
- a student within your writing-up period
- an exchange student.
This funding is first come, first serve. So, if you think it may apply, get clicking. It’s a one off, and you DON’T have to pay it back.
How can I apply?
It really is super simple. When you log into Learning Central, there’s a link at the top you can follow. OR, click here, and, after logging into SIMS, at the top of the page there is a banner labelled ‘COVID-19 HE Student Support Fund’. After that, you’ll provide your bank details, and there’ll be a couple of tick boxes where you can tick the expense(s) you are struggling to meet (for example, rent, utility bills), tick the main reason(s) for struggling to meet them (for example, lost income, additional costs), to confirm you have been impacted financially by the COVID-19 pandemic.
For more info:
If you have any queries about the Support Package, be sure to email
Final Thoughts...
If you want more support or guidance surrounding Money issues, financial hardship, or the impact your circumstances might be having on your mental wellbeing; you’re not alone. Student Advice are available to advise you on your circumstances, and to signpost you to any other services that could really make a difference.
Financial worries can seriously affect your wellbeing and studies, so if this is something that’s been affecting you and your abilities to complete your university work - then consider applying for Extenuating Circumstances– we’ve also got a Q&A with some advice about Extenuating Circumstances on the 19th May 6pm-7pm – catch it on the CUSU Facebook Live.
If you’ve got some time to read up more about it why not follow these links:
This blog has been written by Charlie Mallinson from the Student Advice Team in the Students’ Union. If you would like further help and support with the issues raised in this blog, or any aspect of your student experience, please get in touch using the following links:
Contact Student Advice
+44 (0)2920 781410