How we help your professional development | Sut y gallwn ni helpu gyda'ch datblygiad proffesiynol

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Professional development is an important aspect of continuing your career growth and striving to reach your goals whilst studying here at Cardiff.

What is professional development?

Professional development is gaining new skills through continuing education and career training after entering the workforce. This includes advancing skills, traits and competencies that contribute to your success in the workplace, potentially opening doors to a brighter and wider career path, leading to new opportunities and career advancement.  Keeping reflective journals and logs on the activities you’ve undertaken is also a part of professional development. Don’t underestimate the value of anything you’ve undertaken that has enhanced your employability skills. So do record it, especially if you’ve helped run a society or club, volunteered, or taken part in student-focused activities such as mentoring, representation, senate and advice.

What can this do for you?

Boost your confidence and credibility - Adding additional skills or certifications gained from learning or work-based evidence are just some ways to boost your confidence in your skills and show your credibility to potential employers.

Developing your skills –  Taking the steps to grow and develop yourself  through completing the Cardiff Award which has enormous benefits that will make your CV and degree more attractive to potential employers. Developing your skills can help you become an expert in your field as well as appear more desirable for potential job opportunities. 

Mae datblygiad proffesiynol yn agwedd pwysig o weithio tuag at eich gyrfa a’ch nodau wrth astudio yng Nghaerdydd.

Beth yw datblygiad proffesiynol?

Datblygiad proffesiynol yw ennill sgiliau newydd trwy addysg ychwanegol a hyfforddiant tuag at yrfa wedi i rywun ddod yn rhan o’r gweithlu. Mae hyn yn cynnwys gwella sgiliau a nodweddion gall cyfrannu at eich llwyddiant yn y gweithle, ac agor drysau tuag at lwybr gyfra gyda chyfleoedd newydd. Hefyd, gallwch gadw cofnodion myfyriol am eich gweithgareddau. Er enghraifft os ydych wedi helpu rhedeg cymdeithas neu glwb, wedi gwirfoddoli, neu gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau megis mentora, cynrychioli, senedd neu gyngor. Peidiwch danbrisio unrhyw beth rydych wedi’u gwneud sydd wedi gwella’ch sgiliau cyflogadwyedd.

Beth all hyn ei wneud i chi?

Hybu hyder a hygrededd – Mae ychwanegu sgiliau a thystysgrifau yn ffyrdd o hybu eich hyder yn eich sgiliau a dangos eich hygrededd i ddarpar gyflogwyr.

Datblygu eich sgiliau –  Cymerwch y cam i ddatblygu a thyfu eich hun drwy gwblhau Gwobr Caerdydd sydd â buddion enfawr ar gyfer eich CV. Gall datblygu eich sgiliau eich helpu i ddod yn arbenigwr yn eich maes ac ymddangos yn fwy dymunol ar gyfer cyfleoedd gwaith posibl.
