Young Entrepreneur Scheme

Young Entrepreneur Scheme

Starting October 

This is a partnership project with Hybu, a local Charity, who work with young people and local communities through programmes designed to enable 
participants to value themselves and to be recognised as the incredible members of society they are. As a volunteer on the Young Entrepreneurs Scheme, you will work alongside local young people aged 16-18 to help and support them through a development programme in volunteering, leadership and entrepreneurial skills.

With your support they will deliver fun activities and events to children and families in disadvantaged communities across Cardiff. During your first semester, you will undergo Young Entrepreneur training yourself provided by Hybu, and then from February (after your exams in your second semester) you will start to deliver the programme of support to local young people.

This is a great project if you are thinking of going into teaching or working with children and young people, and will really develop your leadership skills which looks great on a CV! All volunteers on this project will be eligible to complete the Diploma of Professional Development in Leadership.

level of Commitment: Once a week during term time, not including exam period.

You will need a DBS for this project. If you haven't already got one or started this process then please come into the volunteering office to collect a form. 

<p>Please log in to view the committee.</p>


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