Midwifery Society

MidSoc X Bingo Lingo!

Friday 17 November 2023, 6pm - 11pm

Depot, Cardiff

Event Information

Join us for Bingo Lingo at Depot! 

Please buy your own ticket through the bingo lingo website! Student tickets are on sale for £7.70, and please ensure you pick the correct date!! 17th November!! 


Although we are asking you to buy your tickets through the Bingo Lingo website, we also need you to "buy" a ticket through our page on the SU website. This helps us gauge how many people are going to be coming. Why is this important? MidSoc are going to be purchasing tables for us to sit at and we need to know how many to reserve. Tickets for a seat at the table will be £0.00 for members, but £2.50 for non-members. The tables do cost money, so it really important we know how many to get so as not to waste the society's resources. 

Please make sure you bring your student ID AND ID eg driving licence to the event, as they check at the door. 
