NHSF Cardiff Hindu Society

Virtual Meet and Greet!

Tuesday 06 October 2020, 6pm - 7pm


Event Information


We as a committee, are so excited to host our very first event of the year - our virtual Meet and Greet! This will be held on Tuesday 6th October 2020 from 6pm to 7pm. Please do come along to meet our committee, new members and to get to know everyone! Along with this, we have planned some fun and amazing activities for you. We hope you take this opportunity to meet your potential life-long friends! 

The zoom link is : https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/6629563950?pwd=MG03Y2Fzb0hTV0RibkQ2cmJRUTVqZz09


Password: 123456

We can’t wait to see you all there! 
Your Hindusoc Committee xx