
Virtual Freshers Meeting

Monday 05 October 2020, 11am - 5pm


Event Information

Hey Everyone!?? 
We’re exited to announce that we’ll be hosting our virtual freshers through zoom next week!!?? We’ll be hosting them on the 5th,6th and 7th of October. We’ll be running different slots throughout those days so you’ll all get a chance to meet us! 
On the 5th and the 6th, the meetings will be held from 11-12 am and 2-3 pm (UK TIME). On the 7th, we’ll be running them the same however we’ve added an extra slot for 3-5 pm. ?? We’ll be posting links to the zoom call on our insta bio and Facebook 15 minutes before the meeting so don’t forget to keep checking our social media pages for that ??
You will get a chance to meet lots of new people and we’ll also answer any questions you have about the society, uni or anything in general ?? There will be games and prizes to win during the event so do bring your friends along so we can all mingle! 
We can’t wait to see you all next week. We’ll have a blast and we’ll kick this year off right! ????

5th October: 

11am-12pm:  https://us04web.zoom.us/j/78171668688?pwd=ZHAzRlV4WE0xS1d2emROTkhuS2dwQT09

2pm-3pm: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74866942578?pwd=TFhFQTRIQWVTdXM2Yll1Vkl2bkV4UT09

6th October

11am-12pm: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77085111814?pwd=Y3duRGVJRXUzbnRHZHVuUzFHczllUT09

2pm-3pm: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/72718130481?pwd=VE5mSW9sU3ZnTDQvZUYreGFSU0Zudz09

7th October

11am-12pm: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71221076322?pwd=MXpUdmhYOGFXc0oraHY1Qmk3RngyZz09

2pm-5pm: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73378444559?pwd=eldlU0dOVVJyUE0zU1ppeFFvazdndz09
