ATMA Society

Mantra Night ~ Stay High Forever

Tue 10 October 2023 18:30-20:00

SU - Y Plas
  • Give It A Go
  • Non-Alcoholic Events



For our second Give It A Go event, we invite you to immerse yourself in an extraordinary evening filled with some electrifying Kirtan! 


But first, what exactly is Kirtan?


It’s a soul-stirring form of meditation that involves the chanting of mantras (that take barely a minute to learn) accompanied by lively music! Let the melodic soundscape of Eastern instruments guide you through the calming of your inner world, and even bring about a sense of peace and relaxation! No morning after hangover too 😉


What can I expect from the event?


Our experienced practitioners will give a talk on how mantra meditation can give you a palpable experience of who YOU really are. Expect a rich, immersive experience that combines music, mantra, meditation — we are here to provide the perfect space for you to drop into yourself, connect with heart and soul, and meet like-minded friends. :) 


And not to forget, a delicious plant-based feast with drink and dessert to conclude the evening!

