Cardiff Pre-hospital and Emergency Medicine Society

PEMS: Introduction to Emergency Medicine (GIAG)

Monday 05 October 2020, 7pm - 8:30pm

Event Information

Join us for our Give it a Go, where we'll be telling you all about Cardiff PEMS, what we have planned for the year and talking about some exciting opportunities you can get involved with at the University Hospital of Wales (UHW) Emergency Department and the Welsh Ambulance Service. 

Dr Beth Morgan, UHW EM Consultant, will be joining us to talk about her career in Wales' biggest emergency department and how to make the most out of your HFD placement.

Free for all.


Our guest speakers generously give up their time to teach, and the best way you can say 'thank you' is by filling out a feedback form. The link will be available at the end of the event and emailed out to you.


Our teaching events are all currently being hosted via zoom and they may be recorded. We'll send you a link via email the day before the event with an invitation to join.

10% of the money raised from membership and events will be donated to the Wales Air Ambulance Charity.
