Wet Dippers Wild Swimming Society

Wet dippers give it a go!

Saturday 30 September 2023, 11am - 12:30pm

Jackson's Bay, Barry

Event Information

  • Free events
  • Give It A Go
  • Non-Alcoholic Events


The wet dipper's will be kicking off the year with our first dip at Jackson's bay! We will meet at 11am on the 30th september. If you are outdoorsy, fancy a refreshing dip, or have hit freshers hard and need a dip to cure your hangover this one is for you.

The wet dipper's is a fun and wholesome society that explore wales through the adventure of dipping. We have weekly dips and socials which are a great way of meeting like minded people, having some lighthearted fun and testing your cold water bravery. We are the first university wild swimming society and we are always looking to recruit new faces- we welcome everyone, and there is no obligation to get in (we have loads of dry dippers to cheer the rest of us on!). 

If we've got your attention please come along and have a go! We are a friendly bunch, and we often stick around after for a pint, a coffee or (when the Welsh weather allows it) a bbq and a cheeky game of rounders.

If you are at a lost for what to bring just remember a towel, swimsuit and £1 to buy a sweet treat (donations go to surfers against sewage). 

We are hoping to see lots of you there. Be sure to have a nosy at our instagram @wetdippers to see more about what we get up to, details on future events, and message us with any questions. 

Dipper love xxx
