Thu 20 February 2025 19:00-23:00

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Noson yn dathlu'r Ysgol Cerddoriaeth a Phrosiect Pūtahitanga. Gyda pherfformiadau gan: CHROMA, WRKHOUSE a Cyn Cwsg

This event is strictly 14 + 

Doors 7pm - 11pm 

Ysgol Cerddoriaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd yn cyflwyno dathliad o Brosiect Pūtahitanga

Ers 2023, mae Prosiect Pūtahitanga wedi bod yn gweithio gyda cherddorion o Gymru ac Aotearoa (Seland Newydd) i ymchwilio eu perthynas gyda Chymraeg a te reo Māori (yr iaith Māori). Mae’r gig hwn yn cyflwyno tri band – CHROMA, WRKHOUSE a Cyn Cwsg – sydd yn adfocadau cryf dros ddefnyddio Cymraeg mewn cerddoriaeth boblogaidd. Mae CHROMA wedi bod yn rhan annatod o’r prosiect, ac mae bob un o’r tri band yn cynnwys graddedigion o Ysgol Cerddoriaeth neu Ysgol y Gymraeg, Prifysgol Caerdydd.

Bwriad Prosiect Pūtahitanga yw adnabod a chydnabod pwyntiau cyswllt rhwng cerddorion sydd yn defnyddio Cymraeg a te reo Māori yn eu gwaith a darganfod sut mae'r defnydd hwn yn dylanwadu ar eu teimlad o hunaniaeth, perthyn ac ymrwymiad o fewn sîn cerddoriaeth Cymru ac Aotearoa. Yn brosiect ymchwil cyfredol, dechreuodd fel cydweithrediad rhwng staff o’r University of Waikato yn Aotearoa a Phrifysgol Caerdydd, gyda chydweithwyr ar draws Coleg AHSS (CERDDORIAETH, CYMRAEG ac ENCAP), yn ogystal ag Yr Academi Gymraeg, yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd i gysylltu cerddorion o’r ddwy wlad a datblygu cyfleoedd effeithiol iddyn nhw berfformio yn rhyngwladol a rhannu eu profiadau o iaith a cherddoriaeth.


Cardiff University School of Music presents a celebration of Prosiect Pūtahitanga

Since 2023, Prosiect Pūtahitanga has been working with musicians in Cymru and Aotearoa (New Zealand) to explore their relationship with Cymraeg and te reo Māori (the Māori language). This gig presents three bands – CHROMA, WRKHOUSE and Cyn Cwsg – who are strong advocates for the use of Cymraeg in popular music. CHROMA have been integral to the project, and each of the bands on the bill feature graduates from either Cardiff University’s Schools of Music or Welsh.

Prosiect Pūtahitanga seeks to identify and acknowledge points of connection between musicians using Cymraeg and te reo Māori in their work and explore how this usage impacts on their sense of identity, belonging, and engagement within music scenes in Cymru and Aotearoa. It is an ongoing research project which started as a collaboration between staff from University of Waikato in Aotearoa and Cardiff University, with colleagues from across the AHSS College (MUSIC, WELSH, and ENCAP), as well as from Yr Academi Gymraeg, working together to connect musicians from both countries and develop impactful opportunities for them to perform internationally and share their experiences of language and music.

IG: @prosiectpuutahitanga

Ticket Types:

  • E-Ticket - select this option for a ticket you can print yourself and bring to the event. These tickets will also display on certain mobile phones. If you are a Cardiff University student this ticket will be registered to your student card, which can be scanned on the night for entry.
  • * This price includes a £1.00 venue restoration levy per ticket. Click here for more info on the levy.



Entry to event via Parkl Place 

For accessible requests please visit 


Cardiff University Student’s Union and Cardiff Union Services Limited are acting as agents on behalf of Cardiff University  in the sale of tickets for this event (excluding any booking fees, Venue restoration levy and postage).

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