Student Townhall: In Conversation with Wendy Larner | Cyfarfod Myfyrwyr: Sgwrs gyda Wendy Larner

Wed 30 October 2024 13:00-15:00

Y-Plas, Students' Union Building


£0.00 (Student Townhall)
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Spill the tea with the VC. 


Professor Wendy Larner joined Cardiff as our new VC last years and she’s passionate about our students’ role in our current and future University. Come along to hear her in conversation with SU President Madison Hutchinson, for a full and frank discussion about the issues that matter to you most.


Refreshments will be provided and there will be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions, hear from the new VC, and engage proactively in the shaping of the University as we move forward.


Please note: This is a student ONLY and ticket ONLY event. Attendees will be required to bring and show their Student ID and ticket to be able to attend. We reserve the right to ask attendees to reframe from bringing bags or for their bags to be subject to checks as a requirement of entry. Students unwilling to comply with such a request will be refused entry. 

Rhannwch eich barn gyda'r IG


Gwnaeth yr Athro Wendy Larner ymuno â Chaerdydd fel ein His-Ganghellor newydd y llynedd ac mae hi'n angerddol am rôl ein myfyrwyr wrth lunio'r Brifysgol ar gyfer y presennol a'r dyfodol. Dewch i glywed hi'n sgwrsio gyda Llywydd yr UM, Madison Hutchinson, am drafodaeth ynglŷn â'r materion sy'n bwysig i chi.


Bydd lluniaeth ysgafn ar gael a bydd mynychwyr yn cael cyfle i holi cwestiynau, clywed gan yr Is-Ganghellor, ac ymgysylltu'n rhagweithiol gyda'r broses o lunio'r Brifysgol.


Nodwch: Mae hwn yn ddigwyddiad i fyfyrwyr YN UNIG a RHAID archebu tocyn. Bydd gofyn i fynychwyr dangos eu ID Myfyrwyr a thocynnau wrth y drws.Rydym yn cadw'r hawl i ofyn i fynychwyr peidio dod â bagiau neu i chwilio eu bagiau fel gofyniad mynediad. Ni fydd myfyrwyr sy'n gwrthod cydymffurfio â'r ceisiadau yma yn cael mynediad.