Your Vote. Your Future. Your Free Ice Cream / Eich Pledlais. Eich Dyfodol

Thursday 13 June 2024, 11am - 2pm

Event Information

  • Campaigns
  • Charity
  • Democracy
  • Democracy from Day One
  • Speak Week
  • Student Academic Reps
  • Student Voice
  • Students' Union Elections



On the 4th July, the United Kingdom will hold a general election to elect the next Members of the UK Parliament (MPs). The deadline to register to vote is Tuesday 18th June. Make sure your voice is heard. 


This Thursday, your Sabbatical Officers will be around the Students' Union building helping and ensuring as many of you as possible are registered to vote in the upcoming elections. 


Find your elected officers on Thursday, prove your registered to vote, and get a free ice cream/lolly.


To prove your registered to vote either show a screenshow of your completion email, or a picture of your polling card. If you're not regsitered, don't worry - we will be on hand to help you get registered. 


Find out more about registering and voting in the General Elections here. 



Ar y 4ydd o Orffennaf, bydd y Deyrnas Unedig yn cynnal etholiad cyffredinol er mwyn ethol aelodau nesaf Senedd y DU. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer cofrestru i bleidleisio yw dydd Mawrth y 18fed o Fehefin. Gwnewch yn siŵr bod eich lleisiau'n cael eu clywed. 


Dydd Iau yma, bydd eich Swyddogion Sabothol o amgylch adeilad Undeb y Myfyrwyr yn helpu sicrhau bod gymaint ohonoch â phosibl wedi cofrestru i bleidleisio yn yr etholiad. 


Dewch o hyd i'ch swyddogion etholedig dydd Iau, profwch eich bod wedi cofrestru i bleidleisio, a chewch hufen iâ am ddim.


I brofi eich bod wedi cofrestru i bleidleisio dangoswch lun o'ch e-bost cadarnhad neu gerdyn pleidleisio. Os nad ydych wedi cofrestru, peidiwch boeni - byddwn wrth law i'ch helpu i gofrestru. 


Dysgwch fyw am gofrestru a phleidleisio yn yr Etholiad Cyffredinol yma. 
