Glastonbury & Wells Trip

Sunday 18 February 2024, 9am - 7pm

Meeting Point: Student Union

Event Information

  • Give It A Go
  • Give it a Go - Featured


Mae'r wybodaeth yma yng Nghymraeg isod  //  This information in Welsh is below


Hello / Shwmae,


Thank you for signing up for the Glastonbury & Wells trip this Sunday. You’ve decided to visit a lovely part of rural England and we hope you enjoy every second!  Please see some information below for your benefit. If you have bought a ticket for someone else, please make sure they see the information below.




The coach cannot wait for you if you are lateThis is to ensure that the trip is not disrupted for other students.


This is the location on google maps: The what3words address is cotton.chops.bubble.


The weather forecast is predicting 70% chance of rain with temperatures feeling like 9/10 degrees according to the Met Office. It does get cold and windy on the Tor, so we suggest wearing layers, bringing a jacket and umbrella. Be reassured that we will monitor the weather on the day and will adjust the order that we visit the two destinations to minimise the impact of bad weather.


The trip leaders will walk you up Glastonbury Tor (though you are welcome to free time instead) and are otherwise a point of contact whilst you have free time in Glastonbury and Wells. Remember this is a beautiful place to walk around and explore, so we would strongly suggest you be prepared with sensible footwear.


We have some itinerary suggestions for you on the day if you’re wondering what you can get up to in Glastonbury and Wells:




Glastonbury Tor

  • Standing tall out of the Somerset levels, Glastonbury Tor offers views over the South-West of England and, on a good day, you can even see over to the Black Mountains of Wales in the distance.


Exploring the Town

  • Part of the joy of Glastonbury is the ‘alternative’ feel. Everything is linked to mystique and magic and nothing is quite ‘normal’… Enjoy exploring unique, spiritual shops and just soaking in the atmosphere.


Glastonbury Abbey

  • Visit the peaceful remains of Glastonbury Abbey and learn about its historical importance.
  • Student tickets: £9.90
  • Open 10am – 4pm with last entry at 3:15pm.


Chalice Well

  • A small but peaceful and spiritual garden near the Tor.
  • Student tickets: £3.80





Wells Cathedral

  • The Centrepiece of Wells, the Cathedral is not to be missed!
  • It is free to go in, although they will ask for a donation of £7 which you can choose to pay or not.
  • Opening times are 11:45am to 3pm


Vicar’s Close

  • Just next to the Cathedral is an adorable sidestreet with fantastic views of the Cathedral
  • It claims to be the oldest purely residential street with original buildings surviving intact in Europe.
  • Due to the width of the cobbled pathway, it creates an optical illusion: the length of the street will appear to change depending on which end you are standing.
  • Don’t miss it for a great Instagram opportunity!


Wells Cathedral Clock

  • Situated on the side of the Cathedral by the Vicar’s close, the Wells Cathedral Clock is one of the best in Europe and the oldest surviving clock face of its time.
  • Every quarter of an hour, the knight figures joust around above the clock and the quarter Jack bangs his heels!


Bishop’s Palace

  • The Bishop’s Palace is a medieval palace that has been home to the Bishop’s of Bath and Wells for over 800 years.
  • You can explore both the Palace and the gardens.
  • The Palace is renowned for its unique relationship with swans – we won’t ruin it for you but be sure to find out what it is!
  • It will be the Snowdrop celebration month during our visit, where you can follow a snowdrop trail along the banks, across the Willow bridge and into the Arboretum of Spring flowers.
  • Student Entry: £12.50 but you can visit the inside of the courtyard for free
  • Open 10am – 4pm with last entry at 3:30pm


A lot of attractions have student discount – remember your student ID and show it upon entry!


Please listen to you group leaders for times and a meeting point to depart each destination. Again, the coach cannot wait if you are late.



If you have any questions, please let me know by emailing, otherwise we will see you at 8.45am on Sunday at Student Union entrance on Senghenydd road. Have a fantastic trip




Diolch am gofrestru i ddod ar y daith i Glastonbury & Wells ddydd Sul. Rydych wedi dewis ymweld â darn prydferth o gefn gwlad Lloegr a gobeithiwn y byddwch yn mwynhau pob eiliad. Gwelwch ychydig o wybodaeth ddefnyddiol isod. Os brynoch docyn i rywun arall gwnewch yn siŵr eu bod yn gweld y wybodaeth yma.  




Ni all y bws aros amdanoch os byddwch yn hwyr.Mae hyn er mwyn sicrhau nad amharir ar y daith i fyfyrwyr eraill. 


Dyma'r lleoliad ar fap google: Y cyfeiriad what3words yw cotton.chops.bubble.  


Mae’r arolygon tywydd yn rhagweld siawns o 70% o law gyda thymereddau’n teimlo fel 9/10 gradd yn ôl y Swyddfa Dywydd. Gall fod yn oer a’n wyntog ar y Tor, felly gwisgwch digon o ddillad a dewch â siaced ac ymbarél. Byddwn yn cadw llygad ar y tywydd yn ystod y dydd ac yn addasu trefn y daith i leihau effaith y tywydd os fydd angen. 


Bydd arweinwyr y daith yn eich cerdded i Dor Glastonbury (er gallwch gael amser rhydd os hoffech), ond ar wahân i hynny fyddant ond yn bwynt cyswllt wrth i chi fwynhau’r ardal ar eich liwt eich hun. Cofiwch, mae hyn yn ardal brydferth i gerdded o’i amgylch, felly rydym yn argymell gwisgo esgidiau synhwyrol.  


Mae gennym rhai awgrymiadau os nad ydych yn siŵr beth i’w wneud ar y daith:  




Tor Glastonbury  

  • Mae Tor Glastonbury yn cynnig golygfeydd arbennig o Dde-orllewin Lloegr ac, ar ddiwrnod da, gallwch weld Mynyddoedd Duon Cymru yn y pellter.  


Y dref 

  • Mae gan Glastonbury deimlad ‘amgen’. Mae popeth ychydig yn hudol ac nid yw unrhyw beth wir yn ‘normal’. Mwynhewch y siopau unigryw a’r awyrgylch.  


Abaty Glastonbury 

  • Dewch i weld adfeilion heddychlon Abaty Glastonbury a dysgwch am ei bwysigrwydd hanesyddol.  
  • Tocyn myfyriwr: £9.90 
  • Ar agor 10yb – 4yh gyda mynediad olaf am 3:15yh  


Chalice Well  

  • Gardd fach ond heddychlon ger y Dor.  
  • Tocyn myfyriwr: £3.80  




Eglwys Gadeiriol Wells  

  • Canolbwynt Wells, rhaid i chi weld yr Eglwys Gadeiriol! 
  • Gallwch fynd i mewn am ddim, ond maent yn gofyn am rodd o £7 
  • Amseroedd agor yw 11:45 i 3yh 


Vicar’s Close  

  • Ger yr Eglwys Gadeiriol mae yna stryd bert gyda golygfeydd gwych o’r Eglwys Gadeiriol. 
  • Mae rhai’n honni taw dyma’n stryd breswyl hynaf yn Ewrop gydag adeiladau gwreiddiol.  
  • Oherwydd lled y stryd coblog mae hyd y stryd yn edrych fel petai’n newid, yn dibynnu ble sefwch.  
  • Mae’n lle gwych am lun i Instagram!  


Cloc Eglwys Gadeiriol Wells  

  • Ar ochr yr Eglwys Gadeiriol, ar bwys Vicar’s Close, Cloc yr Eglwys Gadeiriol yw un o’r gorau a hynaf yn Ewrop.  
  • Pob chwarter awr mae ffigurynnau marchogion yn ymladd uwchben y cloc.   


Palas yr Esgob  

  • Mae Palas yr Esgob yn balas canoloesol sydd wedi bod yn gartref i Esgobion yr ardal am dros 800 mlynedd.  
  • Gallwch ymweld â’r palas a’r gerddi. 
  • Mae’r palas yn enwog am ei berthynas ag elyrch – gwnawn ni ddim dweud mwy, fydd rhaid i chi fynd i ddysgu mwy!  
  • Bydd yn fis dathlu eirlys yn ystod ein hymweliad, felly gallwch ddilyn llwybr eirlys wrth ochr yr afon, ar draws y bont helygen, ac i mewn i’r Arboretum o flodau’r gwanwyn. 
  • Mynediad myfyriwr: £12.50 ond gallwch weld rhai darnau am ddim   
  • Ar agor 10yb – 4yh gyda mynediad olaf am 3:30yh 


Mae gan lawer o atyniadau disgownt myfyrwyr – cofiwch eich cerdyn myfyriwr!  

Somerset’s scenic landscapes are home to a mix of historic wonders and romantic legends, going back to Camelot and beyond. Tucked into the southwest corner of England are two of the best places to contemplate the country's mythic past: Glastonbury and Wells.

Glastonbury was a religious site as far back as the Bronze Age — about 1500 B.C. It's considered the birthplace of Christianity in England, and the legendary burial site of King Arthur. Today, Glastonbury is popular with those on their own spiritual quest, and synonymous with its summer music and arts festival — one of the largest in the world. Part of the fun of a visit here is just being in a town where every other shop has a New Age focus, and where "alternative" is the norm.

As well as spending time in the town, you’ll have the opportunity to climb Glastonbury Tor, a gentle yet commanding hill rising out of the Somerset levels. From the top are beautiful views all over the South West, revealing the vast plains below – on a good day you can even see over the Bristol channel over the Black mountains of Wales.

In contrast to Glastonbury's abbey ruins, the city of Wells is dominated by its glorious, still-intact Gothic cathedral. With a population just under 12,000, Wells is often considered the smallest "city" in England, only missing out on the official title due to a technicality. Next to the cathedral is the charming Vicars Close, the oldest in-tact residential street in Europe, with other 700 years of history.

Peaceful and picturesque, both Wells and Glastonbury are worth a day trip. With a few hours in each place, you’ll have plenty of time to let your imagination soar to long-ago days.


Important Information and Summary of Terms & Conditions

This is a summary of the terms & conditions for Give it a Go trips. Full terms and conditions can be found here: Please note that in the case of any discrepancies, the terms & conditions on this page overrule the full terms & conditions.

  1. The times listed on the event are from when the coach will leave the Student Union in the morning, until an approximate arrival back to Cardiff. Arrival times back are subject to traffic, weather and road conditions, which are beyond our control, so we cannot guarantee exact time of arrival.
  2. The trips will go ahead regardless of weather conditions, so please do come prepared. This excludes extreme or dangerous weather, where we would of course cancel for your safety. In this event you would be offered the option between a full refund or a rescheduled date (where it is possible to reschedule). 
  3. All Give it a Go events are non-refundable. When you sign up we pay your money directly to the coach company and/or the attraction, so are bound by refund rules ourselves. In the very rare case a trip needs to be cancelled by us, you will of course receive a full refund (or opportunity to transfer to another trip if you preferred).
  4. If you can no longer attend the trip, there may be the opportunity to transfer you tickets to another trip. This will be done on a case by case basis and is not guaranteed. There will be a £5 admin fee to change trips, plus the difference in price if the trip you are transferring to costs more than the original ticket cost. Requests to transfer tickets after 3pm on the last working day before the trip will not granted. Transfers must be between trips in the same academic year. To enquire about transferring your ticket, please email with your name, student number, the trip that you’d like transferring from and the trip you’d like to be transferred to and we will try our best to assist.
  5. If you will not be catching the return coach, please let your trip leader know. If you will not be catching the outbound coach, please email no later than Friday at 5pm before the trip. If you do not do this, your seat may be forfeited.  

Photo Credit: Rowan Freeman on Unsplash
