Looking After Someone? - Carers' Virtual Coffee Catch-Up

Thursday 23 November 2023, 10am - 11:30am

Teams Meeting

Event Information

  • Campaigns
  • Carers and Family Week
  • Charity
  • Free events
  • Non-Alcoholic Events
  • Student Advice Welfare Campaign
  • Virtual
  • Welfare and Community Societies

Looking after someone? Join us on Carers' Rights Day for a virtual coffee morning! Find out more about your rights as an unpaid carer* from Lena Smith (Cardiff University's dedicated contact for carers) and Jake Smith (Policy Officer, Carers Wales).


Lena Smith is the dedicated contact for carers at Cardiff University and offers the following support throughout your studies:

  • support with applying for student funding and alternative grants and bursaries
  • support with academic-related issues, including liaising with your academic department and making students aware of how to apply for extenuating circumstances if needed
  • assist with any housing issues
  • sign posting towards other university student teams such as Student Disability Service, Health and Wellbeing or study skills
  • hosting events and activities and being their to talk to if needed


Carers Wales, part of Carers UK, is the national membership charity for unpaid carers.

To find out about your rights as an unpaid carer and the support available outside of the University for yourself or your family, contact info@carerswales.org or ring 029 2081 1370 between Monday and Friday 9am - 3pm.

Carers Wales provides online opportunities for carers to discuss shared experiences, campaigns for better support for carers and provides a range of information factsheets to help you as a carer, including on financial and practical support.

*This event is open to those with caring responsibilities, or those who know/support people with caring responsibilities.

Joining linkhttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NDU1OWVlODktYzJiYS00ODk2LTllMTItMzA0ZWNkNDI3YzM1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22bdb74b30-9568-4856-bdbf-06759778fcbc%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22dcf7bc8a-ccb4-4523-ad2f-c510eccef845%22%7d