Bringing in the Bystander Training

Monday 14 November 2022, 4pm - 6:30pm

Zoom (Link is provided in the recipt email after signing up)

Event Information

  • Athletic Union
  • Heath Based Societies
  • Society
  • Welfare and Community Societies


We have all witnessed problematic or risky situations, and it can be difficult to know how to act when these situations occur. 

Active bystanders are those who choose to intervene when these situations occur in a way which prevents harm to members of their communities, and in doing so they reinforce positive messages and positive social norms.
We can all be active bystanders and contribute to a safer and more inclusive campus.


This session will provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to become and effective and safe active bystander.


You will learn to:

  • IDENTIFY behaviours on a continuum of violence
  • DEVELOP empathy for those who have experienced violence
  • UNDERSTAND safe and appropriate intervention skills

Pre Session Pack <---- Click this!

Please read the Pre Session Pack linked above before attending the session, which will include some materials to read. The participation Zoom link can be found in the recipt email you recieve after signing up to a session.     


Please note: The content of the workshop focuses on addressing violence and abuse and therefore some may find this distressing.  
If you require support following the workshop, or if you have been affected by violence or abuse and require support, please contact the Disclosure Response Team: or complete their online referral form.
For information on getting urgent advice please look on the Student Intranet here: Get urgent advice
