Externally-provided Courses and Sessions

75% of firms agreed that more graduates should seek professional qualifications alongside their academic achievements to give employers evidence of their reflective and practical skills. Indeed, employers welcome such external accreditation as this helps to demonstrate that students learn concepts and skills that are relevant to the world of work, meet professional standards and include ethical codes.


Emergency First Aid For The Appointed Person (1 session of 6 hours)

Dates: Saturdays in October, November and December 2022, and February 2023. 

Times: 0930-1630

This course covers the essential basics in First Aid such as CPR, bandaging etc. Certification (valid 3 years) is awarded upon successful completion of course activities and assessment.  £30 payable for tuition, resources and certification. The certificate is endorsed by The Health and Safety Executive.

How to book:

  1. Go to cardiffstudents.com/whatson/skills/
  2. Look for Emergency 1st Aid and check space availability
  3. Pay online by debit or credit card  

Joining instructions will be sent about one week before each course.

Clubs/Societies - it is possible to block book or maximise spaces on a particular course, subject to availability - please email Steelej@cf.ac.uk  

By enrolling onto this course you are acknowledging and accepting that The Skills Development Service will share your name and email with First Aid Supplies & Training for course registration and certification purposes.

CIEH Foundation Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety.

2 x 2 hour and 1 x 3 hour sessions.

Cost £10.00 +VAT
Dates: 15 February 2-4pm, 22 February 2-4pm, 1 March 2-5pm.

Week 1 

Introduction to occupational health and safety, Health & safety law, Incident reporting & emergency procedures

Week 2 

Risk assessments, Common workplace hazards & controls

Week 2

More common workplace hazards & controls, assessment

By enrolling onto this course you are acknowledging and accepting for The Skills Development Service to share your name and email with The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) for assessment registration and certification purposes. https://www.cieh.org/privacy-policy/

How to book:

  1. Go to cardiffstudents.com/whatson/skills/
  2. Look for Chartered Institute of Environmental Health - Foundation Level Occupational Health & Safety, 15 February, 22 February, 1 March
  3. Pay online by debit or credit card 

Institute of Leadership and Management.


SDS has teamed up with one of the UK's leading Leadership and Development organisations, and together we offer several opportunities.  Firstly there are Short courses at £29 (+VAT) on Leading Authentically and Leading Strategically (normal advertised price £49.00). 

To view the specific content and book a place go to https://www.cardiffstudents.com/whatson/skills/  


If you complete the Certificate or Diploma in Leadership you can have your awards externally accredited by the INSTLM. The cost is just £60.00 (+VAT) and includes a year's student membership giving you access to a wide range of learning resources to further enhance your leadership development.  No additional work will be required from you in order to attain this prestigious certification which rewards individual achievement with external recognition.  If you are interested having completed either the Certificate or Diploma in Leadership please contact SDS@cf.ac.uk 

By availing of these provisions you are acknowledging and accepting that The Skills Development Service will share your name and email with The Institute of Leadership & Management for registration and certification purposes, receiving weekly updates on current leadership issues, and an offer to upgrade to professional membership at the end of your 12 months studying membership. 

British Sign Language Level 1.

SDS has teamed up with Deaf Friendly Business Solutions and will be offering Level 1 in British Sign Language accredited by The Institute of British Sign Language. 

Face to face course

Wednesday 5 October-end February 2023, 5-7pm

Cost £160.00+ vat pp (15+ attending) 

Optional assessment fees currently £115.00.

Expressions of interest at https://www.cardiffstudents.com/ents/event/25879/ 

Alternative digital course of over 250 bite sized videos, conversation practice and some virtual conversation opportunities with the teaching staff.  

The course is available on any device and is accessible wherever you have internet access. 

The digital Level 1 qualification in British Sign Language has a guided study time of 60 hours and you can study at your own pace.

You can commence at any time and the course takes around 6 months to complete based upon a study time of a few regular hours per week.  It is possible to complete in less time if study time increases. But it's down to yourselves to decide what works best for you.

Optional assessment taking place usually around 6 months after commencing.


Digital Course: Cost for all tuition and resources is £104.00 and the optional assessment to achieve the Certificate (payable nearer the time upon registration) is £105.00.  

Payment for the course allows access for 12 months and exams can be set at any point in the 12 months following the start date.

Please email sds@cf.ac.uk if interested. 

"I really enjoyed undertaking the level 1 BSL and meeting others on the course - It helped give me an awareness of how deaf people in particular view and understand the world and language as well as it is a different, visual mindset. " (Cardiff student 2020-21 course).

By enrolling onto this course you are acknowledging and accepting that The Skills Development Service will share your name and email with Deaf Friendly Business Solutions for registration, tuition and certification purposes. 

The Pacific Institute® Mindsetting Moments.

Microlearning for today!  Join up for Mindsetting Moments; an action packed video learning portal with short snippets of some of their most popular courses, led by expert facilitators and focused to help you on your growth journey!  With subjects like Fixing The Replacement Picture, this is a great place to get started or get a BOOST for your mindset journey!  

To enrol onto these sessions you'll need to provide your name and email and are therefore acknowledging and accepting that you'll be sharing your data with The Pacific Institute® for registration and access purposes. 

Express interest at https://www.cardiffstudents.com/whatson/skills/


