Artis Community

Artis Community logo

Artis Community is a community arts charity that provides high quality art experiences that are driven by social outcomes. We...

Volunteer - front of house

This opportunity takes place from 13 Mar 2019

Objective(s) of role - To act as a point of contact for the organisation, by providing a friendly, welcoming and helpful environment. - To offer information and practical assistance as needed Tasks and Activities - Meet and greet staff, participants and visitors at reception - When needed escorting visitors to where needed in building - Make and manage bookings for rooms using Google Calendar - Ensure rooms are ready for bookings (tables/chairs/hot water etc) - Answer general enquiries about Artis Community activities and projects - Complete any additional administration tasks as needed - Work within agreed parameters of confidentiality Skills and Experience Needed - A professional and friendly manner - Positive attitude, with good multitasking and organisational ability - Experience of using Google calendar, or willingness to learn

Benefits to self

Volunteering is sociable and a great way to meet new people. You will meet like-minded people and can share your ideas and thoughts with others. As a volunteer you will have training, mentoring and support in whichever role you would like to do.

Benefits to others

You can make an amazing difference at Artis Community to support people in your local community. You’ll be able to give something back to your local community and help people make positive changes in their lives.



Training available

An induction training session is where you are told about the organisation and its policies. This will cover an overview of Artis Community, an introduction to staff, volunteer responsibilities and what to do if you have a problem. There will be opportunity for further training, depending on what role you go into.

Hours per week


DBS required?

  • VolunteeringRegular Volunteering

Employability skills

  • Communication 0