Cardiff University Student Mentor Scheme
Applications are now closed. Applications for the 2024/25 academic year will open on Monday 29 January 2024.
The Student Mentor Scheme helps new students with the transition to university by matching them to a higher year student from their Academic School.
Connect with your Mentor
This is a Cardiff University scheme which aims to help first year students settle into university life and study. If you are a first year undergraduate you will be assigned a mentor from your school who has completed training for the role and is ready to help field all those questions and queries you probably have. So if you want to know more about your academic school, or how to get the most out of your time here, or where to go for student discounts and great nights out, or simply a heads up on what to expect, this is your chance to get those insider tips and information on the issues that really matter to students. The scheme runs in small groups so not only can you get answers to questions, you also get to meet and socialise with other students from your degree course.
Find out more about the Student Mentor Scheme on the student intranet.
To Connect with your Mentor contact us: