Doing a Pregnancy Test
You can choose to buy a pregnancy test and do it yourself in private, or go to one of the following places and get a free test:
- From the Reception Desk at Student Advice
- Community Contraceptive Clinics
- Sexual Health Clinics
- Some young people’s services – call the national sexual health helpline on 0300 123 7123
- Brook Centres
You may also be able to get a free pregnancy test from your GP.
Pregnancy tests are usually available to buy in pharmacies, most supermarkets and online. They range in price, from around £3/£4 up to around £12. The more expensive tests are generally those that are more sensitive and detect pregnancy earlier, or those that aim to predict how many weeks ago you conceived (this is not the same as how many weeks pregnant you are).
Pregnancy tests work by detecting a hormone, human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), which starts to be produced around 6 days after the egg has been fertilised. Different tests can work slightly differently and it is important to read and follow the instructions. If hCG is detected in your urine, the result will be positive.
As a positive result means that hCG has been detected in your urine, it is rarely incorrect. A negative result can be less reliable as it does not necessarily mean you are not pregnant. It may be that there was not enough hCG in your urine to pick up on. If you get a negative result and do not get your period within a few days, you can do another test. If this is also negative and your period does not arrive, speak to your GP.
If you are pregnant, your pregnancy will initially be dated from the first day of your last period. If you have a 28 day menstrual cycle, you be classed as around 4 weeks pregnant from the day you miss your period.
What to do next
Finding out you are pregnant may be wonderful news or it may be a worrying surprise. If the pregnancy was not planned and you are not sure whether or not you want to continue with it, you can discuss your thoughts confidentially with your GP or a nurse at your GP surgery. If you are under 25, you can also contact the sexual health charity, Brook.
This can be a very difficult decision to make so talk to people you trust and take time to explore how you feel. You may find that you want to speak to close friends and family or you may prefer to speak to someone you don’t know. Try to choose people who will help you find the right decision for you, rather than telling you what to do.
Your options are
- Continuing with the pregnancy and keeping the baby;
- Having an abortion;
- Continuing with the pregnancy and having the baby adopted.
Further information is available to help you decide on the following websites:
Sexwise Impartial information from the Family Planning Association Charity
British Pregnancy Association A charity offering impartial advice and post abortion counselling
Life A Pro Life Charity
Marie Stopes UK A Charity that provides abortions
Ending the Pregnancy
If you decide to end the pregnancy, you may feel that you need some time away from University to recover both physically and emotionally. For an absence of 14 days or less, you need only let your School know that you need time away for your health and catch up on any missed work. You do not need to give any more detail than that.
If you need more than 14 days away from University, the rules state that you must apply for an Interruption of Study. You can apply for this through SIMS on health and/or compassionate grounds. You do not need to disclose what has happened but you will need to give a basic explanation of what ground you are applying under and provide evidence. The simplest way to go about this will likely be to explain to your GP or Counsellor how you are feeling and why you need time away from your studies. Ask the GP/Counsellor for a note to confirm that you have a medical reason for needing time away but not to mention any sensitive information if you want to keep that private. You can then say in your application that there are personal circumstances that you do not wish to disclose but that have required medical treatment and impacted on your wellbeing. For further advice on this, please contact Student Advice.
If at any point, the pregnancy or abortion impact your wellbeing and ability to study at your usual level, you will need to report this to your School on an Extenuating Circumstances form. Again, you do not need to disclose any sensitive information but do need to explain how your circumstances meet the University’s definition of Extenuating Circumstances. For further information on this please see our Extenuating Circumstances webpage or contact Student Advice.
Pregnancy and University
You may be very happy that you're pregnant and wondering how this will fit with your studies. If so, congratulations! This is an exciting time and there is so much to think about. The following advice looks at how the University can help you.
Pregnancy and maternity are listed as protected characteristics in the Equality Act 2010. It is against the law to discriminate against someone because of a protected characteristic and the University are legally obliged to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate the impact of your pregnancy on your course.
The University state that they strive to be as flexible as possible and usually expect you to tell your Personal Tutor/Supervisor in the first instance. Please see the University’s Policy and guidance for students who become parents for further information. Note that some of the links to other policies within that document are out of date.
While it is up to you when you tell the University, they do encourage you to do so as early as possible to allow for any health & safety or support needs to be addressed. You may be referred to Occupational Health for assessments during your pregnancy to see if there are any reasonable adjustments needed to support you.
If you are on placement, it is your responsibility to inform them so they can carry out any necessary risk assessments. There will not normally be any reason why you cannot complete your placement, unless there is a risk to you or your unborn child.
If your pregnancy does impact on your studies, you have two options:
Extenuating Circumstances
Pregnancy is not of itself an Extenuating Circumstance but can be if it makes you unwell or you suffer complications that impact you and your work. Please see our Extenuating Circumstances page for further information.
Interruption of Study
Pregnancy is not a ground for an Interruption of Study but you can apply on the grounds of
- Ill health, mental or physical health concerns; or
- Compassionate grounds for personal, family or domestic circumstances
If you need more than 14 days away for compassionate or health reasons. Please see our Interruption of Study page for further information.
Support is also available from the University’s Counselling and Wellbeing Team.
Baby and University
Maternity leave is a ground for an Interruption of Study. For more information on how to apply and what you need to consider, please see our Interruption of Study page.
When you are ready to return to your studies, you will need to think about who will look after your baby. The University has a Day Care Centre on Park Place that you may be interested in.
As with pregnancy, having a baby is is not of itself an Extenuating Circumstance but can be if something unexpected happens that impacts you and your studies, e.g. your baby is unwell and needs extra care or the person caring for your baby is unexepctedly unable to. Please see our Extenuating Circumstances page for further information.
After a miscarriage, you are likely to need time to recover both physically and emotionally. You can apply for an Interruption of Study through SIMS and take time away from University if you feel that is what you need. If you would prefer to continue with your studies, you can submit an Extenuating Circumstances form for all assessments impacted by the miscarriage. You can also access support from the
University’s Counselling and Wellbeing Team.
Miscarriage Association
Contact Student Advice
+44 (0)2920 781410
Gwneud Prawf Beichiogrwydd
Gallwch ddewis prynu prawf beichiogrwydd a'i wneud eich hun yn breifat, neu fynd i un o'r lleoedd canlynol a chael prawf am ddim:
- Clinigau Atal Cenhedlu Cymunedol
- Clinigau Iechyd Rhywiol
- Rhai gwasanaethau i bobl ifanc - ffoniwch y llinell gymorth iechyd rhywiol cenedlaethol ar 0300 123 7123
- Canolfannau Brook
Efallai y byddwch hefyd yn gallu cael prawf beichiogrwydd am ddim gan eich meddyg teulu.
Mae profion beichiogrwydd fel arfer ar gael i'w prynu mewn fferyllfeydd, y mwyafrif o archfarchnadoedd ac ar-lein. Maent yn amrywio mewn pris, o £3/£4 hyd at oddeutu £12. Y profion drutach yn gyffredinol yw'r rhai sy'n fwy sensitif ac sy'n canfod beichiogrwydd yn gynharach, neu'r rhai sy'n ceisio rhagweld faint o wythnosau yn ôl y gwnaethoch chi feichiogi (nid yw hyn yr un peth â sawl wythnos yn feichiog ydych chi).
Mae profion beichiogrwydd yn gweithio trwy ganfod hormon, gonadotroffin corionig dynol (hCG), sy'n dechrau cael ei gynhyrchu tua 6 diwrnod ar ôl i'r wy gael ei ffrwythloni. Gall gwahanol brofion weithio ychydig yn wahanol ac mae'n bwysig darllen a dilyn y cyfarwyddiadau. Os canfyddir hCG yn eich wrin, bydd y canlyniad yn bositif.
Gan fod canlyniad positif yn golygu bod hCG wedi'i ganfod yn eich wrin, nid yw’n anghywir yn aml. Gall canlyniad negyddol fod yn llai dibynadwy gan nad yw o reidrwydd yn golygu nad ydych chi'n feichiog. Efallai nad oedd digon o hCG yn eich wrin i ddangos prawf positif. Os cewch ganlyniad negyddol ac nad ydych yn cael eich mislif o fewn ychydig ddyddiau, gallwch wneud prawf arall. Os yw hyn hefyd yn negyddol ac nad yw'ch mislif yn cyrraedd, siaradwch â'ch meddyg teulu.
Os ydych chi'n feichiog, bydd eich beichiogrwydd yn cael ei ddyddio i ddechrau o ddiwrnod cyntaf eich mislif diwethaf. Os oes gennych gylchred mislif 28 diwrnod, byddwch tua 4 wythnos yn feichiog o'r diwrnod na ddaeth eich mislif.
Y Camau Nesaf
Gall darganfod eich bod yn feichiog fod yn newyddion gwych neu efallai y bydd yn annisgwyl a gofidus. Os na chafodd y beichiogrwydd ei gynllunio ac nad ydych yn siŵr a ydych am barhau ag ef ai peidio, gallwch drafod eich meddyliau yn gyfrinachol gyda'ch meddyg teulu neu nyrs yn eich meddygfa. Os ydych chi o dan 25 oed, gallwch hefyd gysylltu â'r elusen iechyd rhywiol, Brook.
Gall hwn fod yn benderfyniad anodd iawn i'w wneud felly siaradwch â phobl rydych chi'n ymddiried ynddynt a chymerwch amser i archwilio sut rydych chi'n teimlo. Efallai y gwelwch eich bod am siarad â ffrindiau agos a theulu neu efallai y byddai'n well gennych siarad â rhywun nad ydych yn ei adnabod. Ceisiwch ddewis pobl a fydd yn eich helpu i ddod o hyd i’r penderfyniad iawn i chi, yn hytrach na dweud wrthych beth i'w wneud.
Eich opsiynau yw
- Parhau â'r beichiogrwydd a chadw'r babi;
- Cael erthyliad;
- Parhau â'r beichiogrwydd a chael rhywun i fabwysiadu'r babi.
Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar y gwefannau canlynol i’ch helpu i benderfynu:
Sexwise Gwybodaeth ddiduedd gan elusen y Gymdeithas Cynllunio Teulu
Cymdeithas Beichiogrwydd Prydain Elusen sy'n cynnig cyngor diduedd a chwnsela ar ôl erthyliad
Life Elusen Bleidiol i Fywyd
Marie Stopes UK Elusen sy'n darparu erthyliadau
Terfynu Beichiogrwydd
Os penderfynwch ddod â'r beichiogrwydd i ben, efallai y byddwch yn teimlo bod angen seibiant o'r Brifysgol i wella'n gorfforol ac yn emosiynol. Am absenoldeb o 14 diwrnod neu lai, bydd angen gadael i'ch Ysgol wybod eich bod angen amser o’r Brifysgol ar gyfer eich iechyd a dal i fyny ar unrhyw waith a gollwyd. Nid oes angen i chi roi mwy o fanylion na hynny.
Os oes angen mwy na 14 diwrnod i ffwrdd o'r Brifysgol, mae'r rheolau yn nodi bod yn rhaid i chi wneud cais ar gyfer Gohirio Astudiaethau. Gallwch wneud cais am hyn ar SIMS ar sail iechyd a/neu resymau tosturiol. Nid oes angen i chi ddatgelu beth sydd wedi digwydd ond bydd angen i chi roi esboniad sylfaenol ynglŷn â rheswm cyffredinol y cais a darparu tystiolaeth. Mae'n debyg mai'r ffordd symlaf o wneud hyn fydd egluro i'ch meddyg teulu neu gwnselydd sut rydych chi'n teimlo a pham mae angen amser i ffwrdd o'ch astudiaethau. Gofynnwch i'r meddyg teulu neu'r cwnselydd am nodyn i gadarnhau bod gennych reswm meddygol dros fod angen amser i ffwrdd ond heb sôn am unrhyw wybodaeth sensitif os ydych chi am gadw hynny'n breifat. Yna gallwch chi ddweud yn eich cais bod yna amgylchiadau personol nad ydych chi am eu datgelu ond sydd wedi cynnwys triniaeth feddygol ac wedi effeithio ar eich lles. I gael rhagor o gyngor ar hyn, cysylltwch â Chyngor i Fyfyrwyr.
Os yw'r beichiogrwydd neu'r erthyliad yn effeithio ar eich lles a'ch gallu i astudio ar eich lefel arferol ar unrhyw adeg, bydd angen i chi roi gwybod i'ch Ysgol trwy ffurflen Amgylchiadau Esgusodol. Unwaith eto, nid oes angen i chi ddatgelu unrhyw wybodaeth sensitif ond mae angen i chi egluro sut mae'ch amgylchiadau'n bodloni diffiniad y Brifysgol o Amgylchiadau Esgusodol. Gallwch gael rhagor o wybodaeth am hyn ar ein tudalen we Amgylchiadau Esgusodol neu drwy gysylltu â Chyngor i Fyfyrwyr.
Beichiogrwydd a Phrifysgol
Efallai eich bod yn hapus iawn eich bod yn feichiog ac yn pendroni sut y bydd hyn yn cyd-fynd â'ch astudiaethau. Os felly, llongyfarchiadau! Mae hwn yn amser cyffrous ac mae cymaint i’w ystyried. Mae'r cyngor canlynol yn edrych ar sut y gall y Brifysgol eich helpu chi.
Rhestrir beichiogrwydd a mamolaeth fel nodweddion gwarchodedig yn Neddf Cydraddoldeb 2010. Mae yn erbyn y gyfraith i wahaniaethu yn erbyn rhywun oherwydd nodwedd warchodedig ac mae'n ofynnol yn gyfreithiol i'r Brifysgol wneud addasiadau rhesymol i ddarparu ar gyfer effaith eich beichiogrwydd ar eich cwrs.
Mae'r Brifysgol yn datgan ei bod yn ymdrechu i fod mor hyblyg â phosibl ac fel arfer yn disgwyl i chi ddweud wrth eich Tiwtor Personol/Goruchwyliwr fel man cychwynnol. Gweler polisi a chanllawiau'r Brifysgol ar gyfer myfyrwyr sy'n dod yn rhieni am wybodaeth bellach. Sylwch fod rhai o'r dolenni i bolisïau eraill yn y ddogfen honno wedi dyddio.
Er mai eich penderfyniad chi yw pryd i ddweud wrth y Brifysgol, cewch eich annog i wneud hyn cyn gynted â phosibl er mwyn caniatáu mynd i'r afael ag unrhyw anghenion iechyd a diogelwch neu gefnogaeth. Efallai y cewch eich cyfeirio at Iechyd Galwedigaethol i gael asesiadau yn ystod eich beichiogrwydd i weld a oes angen unrhyw addasiadau rhesymol i'ch cefnogi.
Os ydych chi ar leoliad, eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw hysbysu'ch darparwr lleoliad fel y gallant gynnal unrhyw asesiadau risg angenrheidiol. Fel arfer, ni fydd unrhyw reswm pam na allwch gwblhau eich lleoliad oni bai bod risg i chi neu eich plentyn yn y groth.
Os yw'ch beichiogrwydd yn effeithio ar eich astudiaethau, mae gennych ddau opsiwn:
Amgylchiadau Esgusodol
Nid yw beichiogrwydd ynddo'i hun yn Amgylchiad Esgusodol ond gall fod os yw'n eich gwneud chi'n sâl neu os ydych chi'n dioddef cymhlethdodau sy'n effeithio arnoch chi a'ch gwaith. Gweler ein tudalen Amgylchiadau Esgusodol am ragor o wybodaeth.
Gohirio Astudiaethau
Nid yw beichiogrwydd yn sail i Ohirio Astudiaethau ond gallwch wneud cais ar sail
- Salwch, pryderon ynghylch eich iechyd meddyliol neu gorfforol; neu
- Sail dosturiol o ganlyniad i amgylchiadau personol, teuluol neu ddomestig
Os oes angen mwy na 14 diwrnod i ffwrdd arnoch am resymau tosturiol neu iechyd. Gweler ein tudalen Gohirio astudiaethau am ragor o wybodaeth.
Mae cymorth hefyd ar gael gan Dîm Cwnsela a Lles y Brifysgol.
Babi a Phrifysgol
Mae absenoldeb mamolaeth yn sail ar gyfer Gohirio Astudiaethau. I gael mwy o wybodaeth ar sut i wneud cais a'r hyn y mae angen i chi ei ystyried, gweler ein tudalen Gohirio Astudiaethau.
Pan fyddwch chi'n barod i ddychwelyd at eich astudiaethau, bydd angen i chi feddwl pwy fydd yn gofalu am eich babi. Mae gan y Brifysgol Ganolfan Gofal Dydd ar Blas y Parc y gall fod o ddiddordeb i chi.
Yn yr un modd â beichiogrwydd, nid yw cael babi ynddo'i hun yn Amgylchiad Esgusodol ond gall fod os bydd rhywbeth annisgwyl yn digwydd sy'n effeithio arnoch chi a'ch astudiaethau, e.e. bod eich babi yn sâl ac angen gofal ychwanegol neu os yw'r person sy'n gofalu am eich babi yn methu â gwneud hynny. Gweler ein tudalen Amgylchiadau Esgusodol am ragor o wybodaeth.
Ar ôl camesgoriad, mae'n debygol y bydd angen amser arnoch i wella'n gorfforol ac yn emosiynol. Gallwch wneud cais ar gyfer Gohirio Astudiaethau trwy SIMS a chymryd amser i ffwrdd o'r Brifysgol os ydych chi'n teimlo mai dyna'r hyn sydd ei angen arnoch chi. Os byddai'n well gennych barhau â'ch astudiaethau, gallwch gyflwyno ffurflen Amgylchiadau Esgusodol ar gyfer yr holl asesiadau y mae'r camesgoriad yn effeithio arnynt. Gallwch hefyd gael cymorth gan y
Tîm Cwnsela a Lles y Brifysgol.
Cymdeithas Camesgor
Cysylltu â Chyngor i Fyfyrwyr
+44 (0)2920 781410