Period Dignity

What is period dignity?
The Welsh Government Period Dignity campaign aims to achieve a lot more than tackling period poverty. Whilst period dignity prioritises putting an end to period poverty, by providing access to period products, this should also be possible in a safe and dignified way. The campaign also aims to improve the experiences for those who menstruate and the impact of all future periods on their life, through combating the silence surrounding periods, educating about menstruation and management choices and diminishing the associated stigma.
Period Dignity at Cardiff University Students’ Union
At Cardiff Students’ Union, we are committed to period dignity. We believe that everyone should have access to period products whenever they are needed, in a safe and dignified way, and we aim to provide free sustainable period products, alongside information and guidance on menstrual health and dignity, to the students of Cardiff University
Aims of period dignity:
- Provide period products to those who are unable to access them
- Remove the stigma surrounding periods and normalise menstruation
- Educate and empower all students to understand menstruation
- Promote sustainable products to students
- Ensure the dignity for all of those who menstruate across campus
Free period product collection points
Single Use
- Welcome Centre, 2nd Floor SU building
- Toilets, 3rd Floor SU building
- Student Advice, 3rd Floor SU Building
- The Hub, Heath Park Campus
Menstrual Cups
- Student Advice, 3rd Floor SU Building
Period Stigma
On average, a person who menstruates will have 450 periods within their lifetime, equating to around 10 years. Despite this, conversation about periods is avoided and can cause many to feel embarrassed or ashamed. In fact, 20% of people who menstruate don’t feel comfortable talking about it. “Time of the month”, “female troubles”, “Aunt Flo”, “mother nature” and “lady business” are all common euphemisms used to avoid saying the word “period”. While these can make it easier to talk openly about our periods, we need to be careful as these terms can contribute to reinforcing the stigma that periods are shameful and something to be hidden.
The role of companies providing period products also contributes to the stigma surrounding menstruation. Naming period products ‘sanitary products’, with messages such as ‘discreet’, ‘shhh’ and ‘whisper’ alongside the depiction of blood with blue liquid, reinforces the attitudes that periods are dirty and should be kept a secret.
In this day and age, why is there still such a stigma surrounding menstruation and periods? This stigma can lead to those who menstruate experiencing disadvantage in many areas of their lives. This can include:
- Lack of education about menstruation can impact future sexual and reproductive health.
- Negative attitudes can affect motivation to study, self-esteem and self-worth, potentially leading to lower ambitions and career expectations.
- The lack of open conversation about periods can lead to a lack of knowledge of options of period management
- A lack of information about reusable products and how to use them continues the negative impact on the environment cause by single-use disposable products
- Uncertainty about what is ‘normal’ and what isn’t can lead to delayed or missed diagnoses of some serious conditions, including endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and gynaecological cancers.
- A lack of awareness of the affects the menstrual cycle can have on other chronic health conditions, including anxiety, asthma, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, migraine and epilepsy
- Disruption to work and careers, in particular those with heavy periods or gynaecological conditions
- Access to menstrual products for those living in poverty
Periods are normal and natural, and we will all either experience them ourselves or know someone that does. Periods are not dirty, they are not something to be hidden, and they are not something to be ashamed of. People who menstruate should be able to do so without worry, embarrassment or detriment.
What does it mean for Cardiff University students?
We never want any student to feel like they cannot access the products they need to be able to manage their periods. This is why we have a number of access points around campus where you can pick up some tampons or period pads (see above). These will be situated in gender neutral areas so all those who menstruate will be able to access products and manage their periods with dignity.
Additionally, to promote the use of more environmentally friendly period management, menstrual cups are available to collect free from Student Advice (3rd floor of the Students’ Union). These will be provided alongside information of how they should be used.
The stigma and silence surrounding periods results in a lack of menstruation education. This means people are less likely to understand menstruation and be able to make choices about their period management.
Lack of education has led to those who menstruate being unaware of what is ‘normal’. Whilst periods are and should be considered ‘normal’, each person’s ‘normal’ may be slightly different and can vary in a few different ways:
- Regular or irregular cycles
- Differing levels of pain
- Heavier or lighter flows
- Longer or shorter periods
- Longer or shorter cycles
Regardless of the length of your cycle, there are four stages that your body will go through every month in order to menstruate. The length of these stages, and their symptoms, may vary depending on what is ‘normal’ for you, but we expand on what you can expect below.
The Four Menstrual Phases
Throughout your cycle, you may experience different feelings at different times.
During every monthly cycle there are four stages that may influence the way that you think, feel and behave. Typically speaking, the most widely known ‘phase’ is the Menstrual Phase (your bleed), but this is both preceded and followed by other phases with their own physical effects.
So, what are the 4 phases, and how might you be feeling?
Menstrual Phase
This is day 1 of your cycle and is when you’re ‘on your period’. The Menstrual Phase can last up to 7 days, and you might be feeling ‘bleugh’ during it.
Eostrogen levels are at their lowest on the first day of your period which can often be matched by your energy level. You might experience cramps as the wall of your uterus is contracting.
This is all completely normal for your period but may cause you to feel tired or low. Make sure to prioritise self-care, particularly during this phase.
Follicular Phase
This phase begins at the same time as the Menstrual Phase but often lasts longer by around a few days.
The Follicular phase is when the follicles in the ovary mature, and your Eostrogen levels rise.
This can start to increase your energy levels and even increase your body temperature.
Ovulation Phase
This is the shortest phase of the cycle, lasting 2 to 3 days. You are most fertile during this time and are likely to feel your best and/or notice an increased sexual drive.
Luteal Phase
This is the final phase of the cycle, starting after the Ovulation Phase. The Luteal Phase can last up to 2 weeks and is when hormone levels rise.
You might experience PMS symptoms throughout this phase. Specifically, you might notice mood changes, tender breasts, bloating, acne or changes in your appetite.
A lot of the stigma surrounding periods is related to the symptoms that people experience.
There are many symptoms that are common among people who menstruate, but not often associated with coming from your period. Below are some of the symptoms that you might experience during your menstrual cycle:
- Bleeding
- Mood swings
- Nausea
- Headaches
- Cramps
- Achy
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
- IBS Symptoms
- Breast tenderness
- Bloating
- Low Mood
- Anxiety
All of the symptoms listed here are commonly reported side effects of the menstrual cycle, However, if your side effects are out of control, or causing you distress, you may benefit from speaking to a healthcare professional.
What if my period doesn’t seem normal?
Whilst we believe periods should be normalised, sometimes people’s experiences of periods are not ‘normal’ and need to be checked by a medical professional. A lack of knowledge and education of what counts as ‘normal’ in terms of periods and menstrual health can lead to delayed or missed diagnoses of serious conditions such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), or gynaecological cancers.
If you are ever concerned, experience considerable pain or notice changes in your period, book an appointment with your GP.
Menstrual management
There are different options available to manage periods. It is your choice which product you use; decided which is best for you and your body.
- Tampons
- Menstrual pads
- Menstrual discs
- Reusable menstrual pads
- Menstrual cups
- Period pants
- Menstrual sponge
Whilst reusable products have a greater upfront cost, they can be used again and again for much longer (up to 10 years for menstrual cups), so can save a significant amount of money in the long run.
Sustainable periods
Every period, along with our choice of period management, has an impact on the environment, and we believe it is vital that we all do our best to protect the planet. As more than a third of people are unaware of the environmental impacts of their period management choices, it is an issue that we all need to think, talk and learn more about. With over 45 billion period products disposed of globally each year, we can make a difference by making small changes.
The disposal of single-use menstrual products has a negative impact on the environment, with over 200,000 tonnes of waste generated globally, each year. Due to the lifespan of reusable period products, they have a much lower environmental impact. For each person, making the change to reusable products can reduce one truckload of waste every 10 years.
Avoid the plastics
Most period products use plastic, whether this is the plastic applicators of tampons, the plastic layer on pads, or the packaging they come in. Some brands now offer plastic-free tampon and pad options, wrapped in compostable film. It is also possible to help the environment by choosing organic cotton period products. These reduce pollution as products are biodegradable, as well as reducing the number of pesticides in the environment.
While periods are natural and period management is essential, there are unnatural consequences to the environment. By choosing reusable, plastic-free and/or organic cotton products, we can reduce the environmental impact that our period management will have.
Who are TOTM?
We have partnered with TOTM to provide the students of Cardiff University with access to and a choice of period management products. TOTM offer planet-friendly period care, avoiding the use of unnecessary plastic, chemicals, dyes or fragrance. They also share in our view that periods are normal and a natural part of life. By using their voice and community, they are aiming to break down the stigma surrounding periods and challenge the negative attitudes that exist.
- TOTM’s products are made from 100% organic cotton
- All their packaging is plastic free – including tampons wrappers which are paper wrapped, and pads are wrapped in OK compost certified biofilm
- They only use biodegradable cardboard applicators with their tampons – no plastic or “bioplastic” applicators which don’t degrade
- All their products are sourced from the EU from a hydropowered facility
- TOTM’s brand and products are certified as Carbon Neutral
- All their products are vegan and not tested on animals
- They give back to Endometriosis UK and Binti International as their charity partners
- TOTM are pending B-Corp certification – committing to having purpose and a positive impact on people and planet as a business
- Visit TOTM's website for more info or to explore TOTM’s products.
Contact Student Advice
+44 (0)2920 781410
Urddas Mislif

Beth yw urddas mislif?
Mae ymgyrch Urddas Mislif Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu mynd tu hwnt i’r broblem o dlodi mislif. Er bod urddas mislif yn blaenoriaethu rhoi diwedd ar dlodi mislif, trwy ddarparu mynediad at gynnyrch mislif, dylai hyn hefyd fod yn bosib mewn ffordd ddiogel ac urddasol. Mae'r ymgyrch hefyd yn ceisio gwella profiadau pobl sy'n profi mislif, trwy dorri ar y tawelwch sy'n gysylltiedig â mislif, addysgu am y mislif a sut i’w reoli a lleihau'r stigma cysylltiol.
Urddas mislif yn Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd
Yn Undeb Myfyrwyr Caerdydd, rydym wedi ymrwymo i urddas mislif. Credwn y dylai pawb gael mynediad at gynhyrchion mislif pryd bynnag sydd eu hangen, mewn ffordd ddiogel ac urddasol, a'n nod yw darparu cynhyrchion mislif cynaliadwy am ddim, law yn llaw â gwybodaeth ac arweiniad ar iechyd ac urddas mislif, i fyfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Nodau urddas mislif:
- Darparu cynhyrchion mislif i'r rhai sydd eu hangen
- Dileu'r stigma a normaleiddio mislif
- Addysgu a hybu pob myfyriwr i ddeall mislif
- Hyrwyddo cynnyrch cynaliadwy i fyfyrwyr
- Sicrhau urddas i bawb ar hyd y campws sy’n profi mislif
Mannau casglu cynnyrch mislif am ddim
Defnydd Un Tro
- Canolfan Groeso, 2il Lawr Adeilad UM
- Toiledau, 3ydd Llawr Adeilad UM
- Cyngor i Fyfyrwyr, 3ydd Llawr Adeilad UM
- Yr Hwb, Campws Parc y Mynydd Bychan
Cwpanau Mislif
- Student Advice, 3rd Floor SU Building
Stigma mislif
Ar gyfartaledd, bydd person sy'n profi mislif yn cael 450 ohonynt mewn oes, sy'n cyfateb i tua 10 mlynedd. Er hyn, llwyddir i osgoi siarad am fislif sy’n gallu achosi i nifer deimlo cywilydd. Mewn gwirionedd, nid yw 20% o'r bobl sy'n cael mislif yn teimlo'n gyfforddus yn siarad amdani. Mae "amser y mis", "trafferthion benywaidd", "Modryb Flo", "mam natur" a "busnes menywod" i gyd yn ymadroddion cyffredin a ddefnyddir i osgoi dweud y gair "mislif". Er y gall y rhain ei gwneud hi'n haws siarad yn agored am ein mislif, mae angen bod yn ofalus oherwydd gall y termau hyn gyfrannu at atgyfnerthu'r stigma bod mislif yn gywilyddus ac yn rhywbeth i'w guddio.
Mae rôl cwmnïau sy'n darparu cynhyrchion mislif hefyd yn cyfrannu at y stigma sy'n gysylltiedig â mislif. Mae enwi cynhyrchion mislif yn 'sanitary products', gyda negeseuon fel 'discreet', 'shhh' a 'whisper' law yn llaw â'r darlun o waed gyda hylif glas, yn atgyfnerthu'r agwedd bod mislif yn fudr a dylid eu cadw'n gyfrinach.
Yn yr oes sydd ohoni, pam fod yna'r fath stigma o hyd ynghylch mislif? Gall y stigma hwn arwain at anfantais i’r rhai sy’n profi mislif, mewn sawl maes o'u bywydau gan gynnwys:
- Gall diffyg addysg am y mislif effeithio ar iechyd rhywiol ac atgenhedlu yn y dyfodol.
- Gall agweddau negyddol effeithio ar gymhelliant i astudio, hunan-barch a hunan-werth, gan arwain o bosibl at lai o uchelgeisiau mewn bywyd ac mewn gyrfa.
- Gall diffyg sgwrs agored am fislif arwain at ddiffyg gwybodaeth ac opsiynau ynghylch sut i reoli mislifoedd.
- Mae diffyg gwybodaeth am gynhyrchion amldro a sut i'w defnyddio yn atgyfnerthu’r effaith negyddol ar yr amgylchedd sy'n cael ei achosi gan gynhyrchion un tro.
- Mae ansicrwydd ynglyn â beth sy'n 'normal' a pheidio yn gallu arwain at oedi neu golli diagnosis o gyflyrau difrifol, gan gynnwys endometriosis, syndrom ofari polysystig (PCOS), anhwylder dysfforig cyn mislif (PMDD), a chanserau gynaecolegol.
- Mae yna ddiffyg ymwybyddiaeth o'r effaith y gall y mislif gael ar gyflyrau iechyd cronig eraill, gan gynnwys gorbryder, asthma, iselder, syndrom coluddyn llidus, meigryn ac epilepsi.
- Tarfu ar waith a gyrfaoedd, yn arbennig y rhai sydd â mislifoedd trwm neu gyflyrau gynecolegol.
- Mynediad at gynnyrch mislif i'r rhai sy'n byw mewn tlodi.
Mae mislifoedd yn normal ac yn naturiol, a bydd pawb naill ai'n eu profi eu hunain neu'n nabod rhywun sydd yn. Dydy mislifoedd ddim yn fudr, dydyn nhw ddim yn rhywbeth sydd angen eu cuddio, a dydyn nhw ddim yn rhywbeth i deimlo cywilydd yn eu cylch. Dylai pobl sy'n profi mislif allu gwneud hynny heb boeni, embaras neu niwed.
Beth mae'n ei olygu i fyfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd?
Dydyn ni byth eisiau i unrhyw fyfyriwr deimlo nad oes ganddynt fynediad i'r cynhyrchion sydd angen arnynt i allu rheoli eu mislif. Dyma pam mae gennym nifer o fannau o amgylch y campws lle gallwch gasglu tamponau neu badiau mislif (gweler uchod). Bydd y rhain wedi'u lleoli mewn ardaloedd niwtral o ran rhywedd, felly gall pawb sy'n profi mislif yn gael gafael ar gynhyrchion a rheoli eu mislif gydag urddas.
Yn ogystal, er mwyn hyrwyddo'r defnydd o gynhyrchion mislif sy'n fwy cyfeillgar i'r amgylchedd, mae cwpanau mislif ar gael i’w casglu am ddim oddi wrth Cyngor Myfyrwyr (3ydd llawr Undeb y Myfyrwyr). Bydd rhain yn cael eu darparu law yn llaw â gwybodaeth am sut i’w defnyddio.
Mae'r stigma a'r tawelwch ynghylch mislif yn arwain at ddiffyg addysg mislif. Mae hyn yn golygu bod pobl yn llai tebygol o ddeall y mislif a gwneud dewisiadau ynglyn â rheoli eu mislif.
Mae diffyg addysg wedi arwain at ddryswch ynglyn â’r hyn sy’n 'normal'. Er bod angen i fislifoedd gael eu hystyried yn 'normal', gall 'normal' pob person fod ychydig yn wahanol a gall amrywio mewn ambell ffordd wahanol:
- Cylchredau rheolaidd neu afreolaidd
- Lefelau gwahanol o boen
- Llif trymach neu ysgafnach
- Mislif hirach neu fyrrach
- Cylchred hirach neu fyrrach
Beth bynnag yw hyd eich cylchred, mae pedwar cam y bydd eich corff yn mynd drwyddynt bob mis er mwyn mislifo. Gall hyd y camau hyn, a'u symptomau, amrywio yn dibynnu ar yr hyn sy'n 'normal' i chi, ond rydym yn ymhelaethu ar yr hyn y gallwch ei ddisgwyl isod.
Pedwar Cyfnod y Mislif
Trwy gydol eich cylchred, efallai y byddwch chi'n profi gwahanol deimladau ar wahanol adegau.
Yn ystod pob cylchred misol mae pedwar cam a all ddylanwadu ar y ffordd yr ydych yn meddwl, yn teimlo ac yn ymddwyn. Yn nodweddiadol, y 'cyfnod' mwyaf adnabyddus yw'r Cyfnod Mislifo (eich gwaedu), ond mae cyfnodau eraill yn cael eu rhagflaenu a'u dilyn gyda'u heffeithiau corfforol eu hunain.
Felly, beth yw'r 4 cyfnod, a sut allech chi fod yn teimlo?
Cyfnod Mislifo
Dyma ddiwrnod cyntaf eich cylch a dyma'r adeg pan fyddwch 'ar eich mislif'. Gall y Cyfnod Mislif bara hyd at 7 diwrnod, ac efallai y byddwch yn teimlo’n 'bleugh' yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw.
Mae lefelau estrogen ar eu hisaf ar ddiwrnod cyntaf eich mislif, sy'n aml yn cyfateb i'ch lefel egni. Efallai y byddwch chi'n profi crampiau gan fod wal eich croth yn crebachu. Mae hyn i gyd yn gwbl normal ar gyfer eich mislif ond gall achosi i chi deimlo'n flinedig neu'n isel. Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn blaenoriaethu hunanofal, yn enwedig yn ystod y cyfnod hwn.
Cyfnod Ffoliglaidd
Mae'r cam hwn yn dechrau ar yr un pryd â'r Cyfnod Mislifo ond yn aml yn para'n hirach o tua ychydig ddyddiau.
Y cyfnod ffoliglaidd yw pan fydd y ffoliglau yn yr ofari yn aeddfedu, a'ch lefelau Estrogen yn codi.
Gall hyn ddechrau cynyddu eich lefelau egni a hyd yn oed gynyddu tymheredd eich corff.
Cyfnod Ofwliad
Dyma gam byrraf y cylchred, sy'n para 2 i 3 diwrnod. Rydych yn fwyaf ffrwythlon yn ystod y cyfnod hwn ac yn debygol o deimlo eich gorau a/neu sylwi ar ysfa rywiol gynyddol.
Cyfnod Lwteal
Dyma gam olaf y cylchred, gan ddechrau ar ôl y Cyfnod Ofyliad. Gall y Cyfnod Lwteal bara hyd at 2 wythnos a dyma pryd mae lefelau hormonau yn codi.
Efallai y byddwch chi'n profi symptomau PMS trwy gydol y cyfnod hwn. Yn benodol, efallai y byddwch yn sylwi ar newidiadau mewn hwyliau, bronnau tyner, chwyddo, acne neu newidiadau yn eich archwaeth.
Mae llawer o'r stigma sy'n gysylltiedig â chyfnodau yn gysylltiedig â'r symptomau y mae pobl yn eu profi.
Mae yna lawer o symptomau sy'n gyffredin ymhlith pobl sy'n mislifo, ond nad ydynt yn aml yn gysylltiedig â dod o'ch mislif. Isod mae rhai o'r symptomau y gallech eu profi yn ystod eich cylchred mislifol:
- Gwaedu
- Newid mewn hwyliau
- Cyfog
- Pen tost
- Crampiau
- Poen
- Blinder
- Syndrom Cyn Mislif (PMS)
- Penysgafnder
- Symptomau IBS
- Tynerwch yn y fron
- Bola chwyddedig
- Hwyliau isel
- Gorbryder
Mae pob un o'r symptomau a restrir yma yn cael eu hadrodd yn gyffredin fel sgîl-effeithiau'r cylchred mislifol, Fodd bynnag, os yw eich sgîl-effeithiau allan o reolaeth, neu'n achosi trallod i chi, efallai y byddwch yn elwa o siarad â gweithiwr gofal iechyd proffesiynol.
Beth os nad yw fy mislif yn ymddangos yn normal?
Er ein bod yn credu y dylid normaleiddio mislif, weithiau nid yw profiadau pawb yn 'arferol' ac mae angen mynd at weithiwr meddygol proffesiynol i wirio symptomau.Gall diffyg gwybodaeth ac addysg o'r hyn sy'n cael ei ystyried yn 'normal' arwain at oedi neu golli diagnosis o gyflyrau difrifol fel endometriosis, syndrom ofari polysystig (PCOS), anhwylder dysfforig cyn mislif (PMDD), neu ganser gynaecolegol.
Os ydych chi’n bryderus, yn profi poen sylweddol neu’n sylwi ar newidiadau yn eich mislif, trefnwch apwyntiad gyda'ch meddyg teulu.
Rheoli mislif
Mae gwahanol opsiynau ar gael i reoli mislifoedd. Eich dewis chi yw pa gynnyrch i’w ddefnyddio; penderfynwch beth sydd orau i ti a dy gorff.
Defnydd Un Tro:
- Tamponau
- Padiau mislif
- Disgiau mislif
- Padiau mislif amldro
- Cwpanau mislif
- Dillad isaf mislif
- Sbwng mislif
Er bod cynhyrchion amldro yn fwy costus, gellir eu defnyddio eto ac eto am lawer hirach (hyd at 10 mlynedd ar gyfer cwpanau mislif), felly gallent arbed swm sylweddol o arian yn y pen draw.
Mislifoedd cynaliadwy
Mae pob mislif, ynghyd â'n dewis o gynhyrchion mislif, yn cael effaith ar yr amgylchedd, a dylwn ni gyd wneud ein gorau i warchod y blaned. Gan fod mwy na thraean o bobl yn gwybod dim am effaith amgylcheddol cynhyrchion mislif, mae'n fater sydd angen ei drafod mwy a dysgu mwy amdano. Gyda dros 45 biliwn o gynhyrchion mislif yn cael eu gwaredu'n fyd-eang bob blwyddyn, gallwn wneud gwahaniaeth drwy wneud newidiadau bach.
Mae gwaredu cynhyrchion mislif un tro yn cael effaith negyddol ar yr amgylchedd, gyda dros 200,000 tunnell o wastraff yn cael ei gynhyrchu'n fyd-eang, bob blwyddyn.Oherwydd hyd oes cynhyrchion mislif amldro, maen nhw'n cael effaith amgylcheddol llawer is. I bob person, gall newid i ddefnyddio cynhyrchion amldro leihau un llond lori o wastraff bob 10 mlynedd.
Osgoi'r plastigion
Mae'r rhan fwyaf o gynhyrchion mislif yn defnyddio plastig, boed hyn yn rhan o damponau, yr haen blastig ar badiau, neu'r pecynnau maent yn dod ynddynt. Mae rhai cwmnïau bellach yn cynnig tamponau a phadiau di-blastig, wedi'u lapio mewn ffilm y gellir ei gompostio. Mae hefyd yn bosib helpu'r amgylchedd trwy ddewis cynnyrch mislif cotwm organig. Mae'r rhain yn lleihau llygredd gan fod cynhyrchion yn fioddiraddadwy, yn ogystal â lleihau nifer y plaleiddiaid yn yr amgylchedd.
Er bod mislifoedd yn naturiol a’u rheoli’n hanfodol, mae canlyniadau annaturiol i'r amgylchedd. Trwy ddewis cynnyrch cotwm amldro, di-blastig a/neu organig, gallwn leihau effaith amgylcheddol ein cynhyrchion mislif.
Pwy yw TOTM?
Rydym wedi partneru â TOTM i ddarparu mynediad i fyfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd at gynhyrchion rheoli mislif. Mae TOTM yn cynnig cynhyrchion mislif sy'n gyfeillgar i'r blaned, gan osgoi defnyddio plastig diangen, cemegau, llifynnau neu bersawr. Maent hefyd yn cytuno gyda’n barn bod mislifoedd yn normal ac yn rhan naturiol o fywyd. Trwy ddefnyddio eu llais a'u cymuned, maent yn anelu at ddileu'r stigma ynghylch mislif a herio'r agweddau negyddol sy'n bodoli.
- Mae cynhyrchion TOTM yn cael eu gwneud gan ddefnyddio 100% o gotwm organig
- Mae eu holl ddeunydd pecynnu yn ddi-blastig - gan gynnwys deunydd lapio tamponau sy'n cael eu lapio â phapur, ac mae padiau'n cael eu lapio mewn bioffilm wedi’I ardystio gan OK compost
- Maen nhw ond yn defnyddio deunydd cardbord bioddiraddadwy gyda'u tamponau - dim cynnyrch plastig neu "bioplastig" nad sy’n diraddio
- Mae eu holl gynnyrch yn dod o'r UE o gyfleuster ynni dwr
- Mae brand a chynhyrchion TOTM yn cael eu ardystio fel Carbon Niwtral
- Mae eu holl gynnyrch yn fegan a heb eu profi ar anifeiliaid
- Maent yn rhoi yn ôl i Endometriosis UK a Binti International fel eu partneriaid elusennol
- Mae TOTM yn aros am ardystiad B-Corp – yn ymrwymo i gael pwrpas ac effaith gadarnhaol ar bobl a'r blaned fel busnes
- Ewch i wefan TOTM am fwy o wybodaeth neu i edrych ar eu cynnyrch.
Cysylltwch â Chyngor i Fyfyrwyr
+44 (0)2920 781410