
Mental Health

Being a student can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. University is often described as being the best years of your life but, in reality, university life is often a far more complicated mix of emotions and experiences than that. Students are faced with a constant flow of new challenges; moving away from what they know, living independently and balancing a budget, accruing debt, trying to make new friends, trying to get to grips with different methods of teaching and often an awful lot more work to juggle. Moving away can be exciting, getting independence and meeting new people can be great, yet also filled with new responsibility, pressure and worry. Coping with new challenges can be rewarding but can also impact your mental health.

University is often described as being the best years of your life but, in reality, university life is often a far more complicated mix of emotions and experiences.


If your mental health has started to decline, you may not initially realise that it is your mental health at issue. Symptoms of mental health problems can 'creep up' on you and the cause is not always obvious. You may, for example, start to notice lethargy and memory problems, sleep and appetite issues, constant rumination and procrastination or increasingly negative or anxious thoughts. You may be short tempered when you were previously easy going, or find yourself avoiding situations because of a lack of self confidence or anxiety about meeting people or going out.



The main thing to remember is, you are not alone and you can do something about it. Living with poor mental health can be exhausting and the battle can seem endless but, if you find that you start to feel  that way, it does not mean you will feel that way forever. If you are living with a mental health problem, or are supporting someone who is, having access to the right information and support is vital.



If you or someone you know are suffering with a mental health issue there are a number of support options available to students within the University:


Urgent advice


If you or someone else requires urgent support you can:


Dial 999 and then also inform Security Dial +44 (0)29 2087 4444, if the situation involves: imminent danger, suicidal intention, possessing a weapon, threats of harm, physical injury, death of a student or terrorism.

Complete the Student Support Intervention Teams' referral form on the intranet if the situation involves: a risk to yourself or others, erratic behaviour, behaviour changes, disengagement, or missing persons. Your concerns will be picked up by the University's Student Intervention Team, who will respond to your query where possible within one day between 10:00 and 16:00 Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) term time only.


For 24/7 support from NHS Wales, dial 111 or visit NHS 111 Wales.



Self-help Resources


Self-help is an increasingly popular way of managing wellbeing concerns such as low mood or anxiety.


Self-help involves using evidence-based resources to manage and overcome difficulties without the support of a professional. Using self-help resources is often the recommended first step to tackling mental health and wellbeing concerns, unless your difficulties are severe, complex and/or enduring.


The University have a wealth of self-help resources available on their Self-help resources intranet page. The resources are divided into sections by topic and, within each section, you will find information about the topic, some tips from practitioners from the Health and Wellbeing team and self-help resources which come in a variety of formats eg websites, mobile phone apps and books.




If you would like to talk to someone about how you are feeling, you can get peer support from a Undergraduate Wellbeing Champions. Undergraduate Wellbeing Champions, Postgraduate Champions, LGBT+ Champions and BAME Champions are student volunteers who have received health and wellbeing training in order to provide peer support to fellow students.


They offer knowledge, experience, and social or practical help to fellow students, promoting the importance of self-care, providing information and signposting on a range of wellbeing-related issues and taking part in promotion activities across campus.


Undergraduate Wellbeing Champions can provide support to any students who require it; Postgraduate Champions are postgraduate students who can offer support to fellow postgraduates, and LGBT+ Champions are student volunteers who identify as LGBT+ who can offer specific support for fellow LGBT+ students.


BAME Champions: BAME Champions are student volunteers who come from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds who can offer specific support for fellow BAME students.


Full information is available on the University's Wellbeing Champions intranet page.




TalkCampus is powered by the leading mental health support network TalkLife, TalkCampus brings students who are going through the same struggles together. It is professionally moderated and provides:

  • instant connection with someone to talk to, to listen, a friend and someone who understands what you are going through in a safe, effective and encouraging environment
  • a social network where you can talk anonymously about your worries and how you are really feeling any time of the day or night with students from all over the world
  • a peer-support community that values research, evidence and impact to make sure you get the best help possible.

Download TalkCampus for free today from the App Store or Google Play and register with your email address.


Student Space


Student Space is led by Student Minds, the UK’s student mental health charity. They offer a range of trusted information, services and tools to help you with the challenges of student life, including;


Counselling and Wellbeing


The University's Counselling and Wellbeing Team offer support if you are experiencing personal, emotional or psychological difficulties. Some of the most common things that students approach Counselling And Wellbeing to address are:


  • academic problems, including loss of motivation
  • anxiety
  • bereavement
  • depression
  • difficulties with sexuality
  • eating disorders
  • loneliness, or homesickness
  • low, or lost, self- confidence
  • sexual problems
  • stress.

However, this list is not exhaustive – there may be many other things that are causing you concern about your emotional state. It might be a recent event, or something from the past that is affecting you. Sometimes people are unsure about the cause of their concern or even do not know exactly why they are unhappy.


You can contact the Counselling & Wellbeing Team;


If you would like to refer yourself for counselling with the Counselling and Wellbeing Team, you will need to complete the brief self-referral form to request online support.


Mental Health Advisers


The University have two specialist Mental Health Advisers, whose role is to focus on how a student's long term mental health condition is affecting their ability to function at University and to offer a range of practical and holistic support options based on that student's individual needs and situation. They can:

  • discuss the impact your mental health condition is having on your ability to learn, engage and reach your potential in the academic environment;
  • with your consent, liaise with academic schools and other university services to explore and request reasonable adjustments, if appropriate;
  • support you to request adjustments to your examinations, if appropriate;
  • provide advice and guidance on applying for, and accessing practical support, funded by Disabled Students Allowance or alternative funding, if appropriate;
  • If you request, offer you a review of your university support to ensure it is meeting your needs in the academic environment;
  • provide information and guidance on self-help resources;
  • provide information on support available through local NHS and Voluntary Sector mental health services;
  • liaise with GP's and Community Mental Health Services when necessary.


To book an appointment with a Mental Health Adviser, you will need to contact them with the days and times which best suit you. Initial appointments are about one hour long. If you need an appointment at the Heath Park Campus, contact them via email in the first instance.


Your GP


You can contact your GP to discuss any concerns you have about your mental health and how you are feeling. It can be incredibly difficult to explain how you are feeling at first and GP appointments can feel very rushed, so it is a good idea to write some notes of the points you want to cover in advance.


Your GP can offer self-help suggestions, prescribe medication, refer for counselling and/or refer you for specialist mental health support if necessary.


Registering with a doctor


Student Advice


Student Advice is a free, confidential and independent service available for students of Cardiff University. We are independent of the University and our role is to give you impartial advice and guidance and help you understand the options available to you.


If your circumstances are impacting your wellbeing and/or ability to study and perform at your usual level, we can

  • advise you on how to report Extenuating Circumstances to the University;
  • advise you on how to submit and Academic Appeal if you have missed the Extenuating Circumstances deadline, or you circumstances have been refused;
  • advise you on how to take an Interruption of Study and what you need to think about when deciding what to do;
  • signpost you to other support services.


External Support

  • Anxiety UK Charity providing support if you have been diagnosed with an anxiety condition.
  • Bipolar UK a charity helping people living with manic depression or bipolar disorder.
  • Mind Cymru the Welsh branch of the mental health charity, Mind. Mind Cymru provides information and guidance and can help you to find local support.
  • No Panic a voluntary charity offering support for sufferers of panic attacks and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Offers a course to help overcome your phobia or OCD.
  • PAPYRUS A UK Charity that is dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people. 
  • Student Minds the UK's student mental health charity that aims to empower students to develop the knowledge, confidence and skills to look after their own mental health and support others.
  • Student Space Wellbeing resources and advice.


Contact Student Advice
+44 (0)2920 781410


Iechyd Meddwl

Gall bod yn fyfyriwr fod llawn straen ac yn brofiad llethol. Disgrifir prifysgol yn aml fel blynyddoedd gorau eich bywyd ond, mewn gwirionedd, mae bywyd prifysgol yn aml yn llawer mwy cymhleth. Mae myfyrwyr yn wynebu llif cyson o heriau newydd; symud i ffwrdd o'r hyn y maent yn gyfarwydd ag ef, byw'n annibynnol, cyllido, mynd i ddyled, ceisio gwneud ffrindiau newydd, ceisio mynd i'r afael â gwahanol ddulliau o addysgu ac yn aml llawer iawn mwy o waith i gyflawni. Gall symud i ffwrdd fod yn gyffrous, gall cael annibyniaeth a chwrdd â phobl newydd fod yn wych, ond hefyd yn llawn cyfrifoldeb, pwysau a phryder newydd. Gall ymdopi â heriau newydd roi boddhad ond gall hefyd effeithio ar eich iechyd meddwl.

Disgrifir prifysgol yn aml fel blynyddoedd gorau eich bywyd ond, mewn gwirionedd, mae bywyd prifysgol yn aml yn llawer mwy cymhleth.


Os yw eich iechyd meddwl wedi dechrau dirywio, efallai na fyddwch yn sylweddoli i ddechrau. Gall symptomau problemau iechyd meddwl godi arnoch chi ac nid yw'r achos bob amser yn amlwg. Er enghraifft, efallai y byddwch yn dechrau sylwi ar syrthni a phroblemau cof, problemau cwsg ac archwaeth, osgoi gwaith a thasgau pwysig neu feddyliau cynyddol negyddol neu bryderus. Efallai eich bod yn fyr eich tymer, neu'n canfod eich hun yn osgoi sefyllfaoedd oherwydd diffyg hunanhyder neu bryder ynghylch cyfarfod â phobl neu fynd allan.


Y prif beth i'w gofio yw, nid ydych chi ar eich pen eich hun a gallwch chi wneud rhywbeth amdano. Gall byw gydag iechyd meddwl gwael fod yn flinedig a gall y frwydr ymddangos yn ddiddiwedd ond, os byddwch yn gweld eich bod yn dechrau teimlo felly, nid yw'n golygu y byddwch yn teimlo felly am byth. Os ydych chi'n byw gyda phroblem iechyd meddwl, neu'n cefnogi rhywun mewn sefyllfa o'r fath, mae cael mynediad i'r wybodaeth a'r gefnogaeth gywir yn hanfodol.


Os ydych chi neu rywun rydych yn ei adnabod yn dioddef o broblem iechyd meddwl mae yna nifer o opsiynau cefnogaeth ar gael i fyfyrwyr yn y Brifysgol:


Cyngor brys


Os ydych chi neu rywun arall angen cymorth brys gallwch:


Ffonio 999 a hysbysu'r tîm Diogelwch ar +44 (0)29 2087 4444, os yw'r sefyllfa'n ymwneud â: perygl sydd ar fin digwydd, bwriad hunanladdol, meddu ar arf, bygythiadau o niwed, anaf corfforol, marwolaeth myfyriwr neu derfysgaeth.

Cwblhewch gyfeireb y Tîm Ymyrraeth Myfyrwyr ar y fewnrwyd os yw’r sefyllfa’n cynnwys: risg i chi'ch hun neu eraill, ymddygiad anghyson, newidiadau ymddygiad, ymddieithrio, neu bobl sydd ar goll. Bydd eich pryderon yn cael eu codi gan Dîm Ymyrraeth Myfyrwyr y Brifysgol, a fydd yn ymateb i'ch ymholiad lle bo'n bosibl o fewn un diwrnod rhwng 10:00 a 16:00 o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener (ac eithrio gwyliau banc) yn ystod y tymor yn unig.

Am gymorth 24/7 gan GIG Iechyd Cymru ffoniwch +44 (0)845 46 47 neu ymwelwch â GIG Iechyd Cymru..


Adnoddau Hunangymorth


Mae hunangymorth yn ffordd gynyddol boblogaidd o reoli pryderon lles fel hwyliau isel neu bryder.


Mae hunangymorth yn golygu defnyddio adnoddau sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth i reoli a goresgyn anawsterau heb gefnogaeth gweithiwr proffesiynol. Defnyddio adnoddau hunangymorth yw’r cam cyntaf a argymhellir yn aml i fynd i’r afael â phryderon iechyd meddwl a lles, oni bai bod eich anawsterau’n ddifrifol, yn gymhleth a/neu’n barhaus.


Mae gan y Brifysgol adnoddau hunangymorth ar gael Adnoddau hunangymorth. Mae’r adnoddau wedi’u rhannu’n adrannau fesul pwnc ac, o fewn pob adran, fe gewch chi wybodaeth am y pwnc, rhai awgrymiadau gan ymarferwyr o’r tîm Iechyd a Lles ac adnoddau hunangymorth sy’n dod mewn amrywiaeth o fformatau e.e. gwefannau, apiau ffôn symudol a llyfrau.


Cefnogaeth gan Gyd-fyfyriwr


Os hoffech chi siarad â rhywun am sut rydych chi'n teimlo, gallwch chi gael cefnogaeth gan Bencampwyr Lles Israddedig. Mae Pencampwyr Lles Israddedig, Pencampwyr Ôl-raddedig, Pencampwyr LHDT+ a Phencampwyr BAME yn fyfyrwyr sy’n gwirfoddoli ac sydd wedi derbyn hyfforddiant iechyd a lles er mwyn darparu cefnogaeth cymheiriaid i gyd-fyfyrwyr.


Maent yn cynnig gwybodaeth, profiad, a chymorth cymdeithasol neu ymarferol i gyd-fyfyrwyr, gan hyrwyddo pwysigrwydd hunanofal, darparu gwybodaeth a chyfeirio ar ystod o faterion yn ymwneud â lles a chymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau hyrwyddo ar draws y campws.


Gall Bencampwyr Lles Israddedig roi cymorth i unrhyw fyfyrwyr sydd ei angen; Mae Pencampwyr Ôl-raddedig yn fyfyrwyr ôl-raddedig a all gynnig cymorth i gyd-raddedigion, ac mae Pencampwyr LHDT+ yn fyfyrwyr sy’n gwirfoddoli sy’n nodi eu bod yn LHDT+. Maen nhw’n gallu cynnig cymorth penodol i gyd-fyfyrwyr LHDT+.

Mae Pencampwyr BAME yn wirfoddolwyr ac yn fyfyrwyr sydd yn dod o gefndiroedd Du, Asiaidd a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig. Maen nhw’n gallu cynnig cymorth penodol i gyd-fyfyrwyr BAME.


Mae gwybodaeth lawn ar gael ar dudalen fewnrwyd Pencampwyr Lles y Brifysgol.




Mae TalkCampus yn cael ei bweru gan y rhwydwaith cymorth iechyd meddwl blaenllaw TalkLife, ac mae TalkCampus yn dod â myfyrwyr sy'n mynd trwy'r un brwydrau at ei gilydd. Caiff ei safoni'n broffesiynol ac mae'n darparu:

  • cysylltiad ar unwaith â rhywun i siarad ag ef, i wrando, ffrind a rhywun sy'n deall yr hyn yr ydych yn mynd drwyddo mewn amgylchedd diogel, effeithiol ac anogol
  • rhwydwaith cymdeithasol lle gallwch chi siarad yn ddienw am eich pryderon a sut rydych chi wir yn teimlo unrhyw adeg o'r dydd neu'r nos gyda myfyrwyr o bob rhan o'r byd
  • cymuned cymorth cymheiriaid sy’n gwerthfawrogi ymchwil, tystiolaeth ac effaith i wneud yn siwr eich bod yn cael y cymorth gorau posibl.

Lawrlwythwch TalkCampus am ddim  o'r App Store neu Google Play a chofrestrwch gyda'ch cyfeiriad e-bost


Student Space


Mae Student Space yn cael ei arwain gan Student Minds, elusen iechyd meddwl myfyrwyr y DU. Maent yn cynnig amrywiaeth o wybodaeth, gwasanaethau ac adnoddau y gellir ymddiried ynddynt i'ch helpu gyda heriau bywyd myfyriwr, gan gynnwys;


Cwnsela a Lles


Mae Tîm Cwnsela a Lles y Brifysgol yn cynnig cymorth os ydych yn profi anawsterau personol, emosiynol neu seicolegol. Rhai o’r pethau mwyaf cyffredin y mae myfyrwyr yn mynd i’r afael â trwy Gwnsela a Lles yw:

  • problemau academaidd, gan gynnwys colli cymhelliant
  • pryder
  • profedigaeth
  • iselder
  • anawsterau gyda rhywioldeb
  • anhwylderau bwyta
  • unigrwydd, neu hiraeth
  • hunanhyder isel
  • problemau rhywiol
  • straen.


Fodd bynnag, nid yw'r rhestr hon yn hollgynhwysfawr - efallai bod llawer o bethau eraill sy'n peri pryder i chi am eich cyflwr emosiynol. Gall fod yn ddigwyddiad diweddar, neu'n rhywbeth o'r gorffennol sy'n effeithio arnoch chi. Weithiau mae pobl yn ansicr ynghylch achos eu pryder neu hyd yn oed ddim yn gwybod yn union pam eu bod yn anhapus.


Gallwch gysylltu â'r Tîm Cwnsela a Lles;


Os hoffech gyfeirio eich hun i'r Tîm Cwnsela a Lles, bydd angen i chi gwblhau'r ffurflen hunan-atgyfeirio gryno i ofyn am gefnogaeth ar-lein.


Cynghorwyr Iechyd Meddwl


Mae gan y Brifysgol ddau Cynghorwyr Iechyd Meddwlarbennigol, gyda'r rôl o ganolbwyntio ar sut mae cyflwr iechyd meddwl hirdymor myfyriwr yn effeithio ar eu gallu i weithredu yn y Brifysgol a chynnig ystod o opsiynau cymorth ymarferol a chyfannol yn seiliedig ar anghenion a sefyllfa unigol y myfyriwr hwnnw. Gallant:

  • drafod yr effaith y mae eich cyflwr iechyd meddwl yn ei chael ar eich gallu i ddysgu, ymgysylltu a chyrraedd eich potensial yn yr amgylchedd academaidd;
  • gyda’ch caniatâd, cysylltu ag ysgolion academaidd a gwasanaethau prifysgol eraill i archwilio a gofyn am addasiadau rhesymol, os yw’n briodol;
  • eich cefnogi i ofyn am addasiadau i'ch arholiadau, os yw'n briodol;
  • ddarparu cyngor ac arweiniad ar wneud cais am, a chael mynediad at gymorth ymarferol, a ariennir gan Lwfans Myfyrwyr Anabl neu gyllid amgen, os yw'n briodol;
  • os gwnewch gais, cynnig adolygiad i chi o'ch cymorth prifysgol i sicrhau ei fod yn diwallu eich anghenion yn yr amgylchedd academaidd;
  • ddarparu gwybodaeth ac arweiniad ar adnoddau hunangymorth;
  • ddarparu gwybodaeth am y cymorth sydd ar gael drwy wasanaethau iechyd meddwl lleol y GIG a'r Sector Gwirfoddol;
  • gysylltu â Meddygon Teulu a Gwasanaethau Iechyd Meddwl Cymunedol pan fo angen.


I drefnu apwyntiad gyda Chynghorydd Iechyd Meddwl, bydd angen i chi gysylltu â nhw gyda'r dyddiau a'r amseroedd sydd fwyaf addas i chi. Mae apwyntiadau cychwynnol tua awr o hyd. Os oes angen apwyntiad arnoch ar Gampws Parc y Mynydd Bychan, cysylltwch â nhw drwy e-bost.


Eich Meddyg Teulu


Gallwch gysylltu â'ch meddyg teulu i drafod unrhyw bryderon sydd gennych am eich iechyd meddwl a sut rydych yn teimlo. Gall fod yn anhygoel o anodd esbonio sut rydych chi'n teimlo ar y dechrau a gall apwyntiadau meddyg teulu deimlo'n frysiog iawn, felly mae'n syniad da ysgrifennu rhai nodiadau ymlaen llaw.


Gall eich meddyg teulu gynnig awgrymiadau hunangymorth, rhagnodi meddyginiaeth, atgyfeirio am gwnsela a/neu eich cyfeirio am gymorth iechyd meddwl arbenigol os oes angen.


Cofrestrwch gyda doctor


Cyngor Myfyrwyr


Mae Cyngor Myfyrwyr yn wasanaeth cyfrinachol ac annibynnol am ddim sydd ar gael i fyfyrwyr ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Rydym yn annibynnol ar y Brifysgol a’n rôl yw rhoi cyngor ac arweiniad diduedd i chi a’ch helpu i ddeall yr opsiynau sydd ar gael i chi.


Os yw eich amgylchiadau yn effeithio ar eich lles a/neu eich gallu i astudio a pherfformio ar eich lefel arferol, gallwn

  • rhoi cyngor i chi ar sut i adrodd Amgylchiadau Esgusodol i'r Brifysgol;;
  • rhoi cyngor i chi ar sut i gyflwyno  Apêl Academaidd os ydych wedi methu’r dyddiad cau ar gyfer Amgylchiadau Esgusodol, neu os yw’ch amgylchiadau wedi’u gwrthod;
  • eich cynghori ar sut i gymryd Gohiriad Astudiaethau a beth sydd angen i chi ei feddwl wrth benderfynu beth i'w wneud;
  • eich cyfeirio at wasanaethau cymorth eraill.


Cefnogaeth Allanol

  • Anxiety UK Elusen sy'n darparu cymorth os ydych wedi cael diagnosis o gyflwr gorbryder
  • Bipolar UK Elusen sy'n helpu pobl sy'n byw gydag iselder manig neu anhwylder deubegynol.
  • Mind Cymru Cangen Gymreig yr elusen iechyd meddwl, Mind. Mae Mind Cymru yn darparu gwybodaeth ac arweiniad a gall eich helpu i ddod o hyd i gefnogaeth leol.
  • No Panic Elusen wirfoddol sy'n cynnig cymorth i ddioddefwyr pyliau o banig ac anhwylder obsesiynol cymhellol (OCD). Yn cynnig cwrs i helpu i oresgyn eich ffobia neu OCD.
  • Papyrus Cymdeithas atal hunanladdiad ieuenctid.
  • Samariaid Cymorth cyfrinachol i bobl sy'n profi teimladau o drallod neu anobaith.
  • Student Minds Elusen iechyd meddwl myfyrwyr y DU sy’n ceisio grymuso myfyrwyr i ddatblygu’r wybodaeth, yr hyder a’r sgiliau i ofalu am eu hiechyd meddwl eu hunain a chefnogi eraill
  • Student Space Adnoddau a chyngor lles.


Cysylltwch â Cyngor i Fyfyrwyr
+44 (0)2920 781410

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