What is the Safe Taxi Scheme?
No matter where you are in Cardiff, we'll help make sure you get home safely.
1. Phone Dragon Taxis on 029 2033 3333 quoting ‘Cardiff University Safe Taxi Scheme‘ , and giving your name and student number.
2. When the taxi arrives, give your student card to the driver to check your booking details
3. When you get home, you’ll be given a receipt card detailing the fare incurred
4. Within the next few days, visit the Finance Office at the Students’ Union and pay the price of your taxi fare
5. Access to University services will be blocked if the taxi fare is not paid.
About the Scheme
The Safe Taxi Scheme was launched as a partnership between Cardiff University Students' Union and Dragon Taxis in 2012. The scheme was initiated by our Welfare and Community Officer (2012 - 2013), Megan David, to help students get home safely on nights out. The scheme has continued to grow since then with increased promotion during September and October every year when new students arrive in Cardiff.
Terms and Conditions
- The scheme is available 24 hours per day
- There is a maximum allowance of £20 on the account and max 4 students are to travel at any given time.
- The drop off point must be a student residential address, Halls of Residence, Police Station or Hospital.