Writing your Complaint
The Complaints Procedure is your opportunity to express your detriment, dissatisfaction or disadvantage to the University and we strongly advise that you take the time to do this as effectively as possible. Depending on the nature of your complaint, you may feel very angry or upset, but it is important not to fill the complaint form with an emotional rant. While you do need to meet the complaints deadline, it is best not to rush unless you absolutely have to.
You will be asked to explain the details of your complaint in section 3.1 of the complaint form (English or Welsh) and it is really important to make sure what you say is relevant, clear and as compelling as possible.
You will need to be specific about exactly what the issues are; identify the bones of your argument here and link it directly back to the grounds of complaint:
- What are you complaining about? Look at the grounds of complaint and, if you are complaining about more than one area, separate your complaint into headings. Is it the alleged action(s) of a member of staff? Is it the quality of facilities, services, or learning resources?
- Why are you complaining? Be specific here and explain exactly how the University has failed in its obligations to you; what has it done that it should not have, or what has it not done that it should have?
- What have the issues/concerns caused in your case? You also need to link the University's failing to the impact on you. Explain how the University’s actions have caused you detriment, dissatisfaction, or disadvantage.
- What do you want from your complaint? If you are looking to claim compensation or request a tuition fee refund, read our Claiming Compensation page to check what you need to show and how much you may be able to get.
Focusing on and referring to the University's obligations is very important because it strengthens your complaint. Further information on the University's responsibilities is available on our The Student Consumer Contract page.

When writing your complaint, it is important to be clear and concise. Remember that the person reading your complaint will not know anything about your case and you need to be certain that you are explaining it in a way that makes it easily understandable.
Detail your complaint in chronological order and put each point you are making in a separate paragraph. If your complaint is complex and long it is also a good idea to number the paragraphs. As above, while you may want to express how the University has made you feel in this instance, it is important not to lose the essence of your complaint in emotion.
When drafting your complaint we advise the following structure:
- Outline what the issues/grievances are, when they started and whether they are ongoing;
- Provide a clear and concise timeline of events;
- Outline what your expectations and the responsibilities of the University were;
- Explain how you believe the University has failed in those obligations;
- Explain what the impact of this failure has been for you, emotionally, physically, mentally, financially and otherwise. How have you suffered detriment, dissatisfaction or disadvantage?
- Explain what remedy you would like from the University to rectify the situation.
Providing Evidence
You must usually provide evidence to support everything you say in your complaint and refer to this throughout, e.g. The lecturer cancelled all remaining lectures for that module and sent us a reading list instead (see Appendix A, email from Dr Bloggs dated 02.11.20).
Evidence should ideally be independent and support all elements of your argument. You will need to clearly label the evidence and, if you are attaching more than a few documents, it is a good idea to number or label as appendices, e.g. A - J or 1 - 10. Importantly:
- It is your responsibility to provide all the evidence and information that you want to be considered at the time that you submit your complaint.
- If you are unable to present evidence with your complaint, you should detail why the evidence has not been included and indicate when it will be provided.
What evidence you need will depend on what you are complaining about and what you are hoping to achieve. If, for example, you are complaining about poor supervision, you should try to include evidence of emails that were not responded to, or feedback that was sent too late to use. If you are complaining about the quality of online teaching, you can include copies of the lecture material and the relevant QAA Subject Benchmark Statement.
Before you submit your complaint
When you have finished writing your complaint and gathered all available evidence, it is a good idea to get someone else to read through it for you and check:
- Is it written in clear, grammatically correct language?
- Is it easily understandable?
- Is it accessible? When reading through the complaint, can the reader easily pick out a bullet list of the essential complaint points?
- For each of those complaint points, have you explained what the University's obligations were and how they failed in those obligations?
- Have you explained the link between each failure and your detriment, dissatisfaction or disadvantage?
- Is what you say as compelling as it needs to be?
- Have you provided evidence to support each point?
It is easy to get lost in your own complaint, especially if it is particularly long or complicated. If a friend or family member can easily understand the points you are raising and why you are raising them, it is a good indication that the University will too.
Contact Student Advice
+44 (0)2920 781410
Ysgrifennu eich Cwyn
Mae'r broses gwyno yn gyfle i arddangos eich anfantais neu anfodlonrwydd i'r Brifysgol a chynghorwn yn gryf eich bod yn cymryd yr amser i wneud hyn mor effeithiol â phosibl. Yn dibynnu ar natur eich cwyn, efallai y byddwch yn teimlo'n ddig iawn neu'n bryderus, ond mae'n bwysig peidio â llenwi'r ffurflen gwyno trwy ysgrifennu araith emosiynol. Er bod angen i chi fodloni'r terfyn amser ar gyfer cwynion, mae'n well peidio â rhuthro oni bai bod yn rhaid i chi wneud hynny.
Bydd gofyn i chi esbonio manylion eich cwyn yn adran 3.1 y ffurflen gwyno (yn Saesneg neu Gymraeg) ac mae'n wirioneddol bwysig sicrhau bod yr hyn a ddywedwch yn berthnasol, yn glir ac mor gymhellol â phosibl.
Bydd angen ichi fod yn benodol ynglyn â beth yn union yw’r materion dan sylw; nodwch esgyrn eich dadl yma a’i chysylltu’n uniongyrchol â sail eich cwyn:
- Am beth ydych chi'n cwyno? Edrych ar opsiynnau sail cwynion ac, os ydych yn cwyno am fwy nag un peth, rhannwch eich cwyn yn benawdau. Ydy'r cwyn yn tradod gweithred(oedd) honedig gan aelod o staff? Ife ansawdd cyfleusterau, gwasanaethau neu adnoddau dysgu yw'r broblem?
- Pam ydych chi'n cwyno? Byddwch yn benodol yma ac eglurwch yn union sut mae'r Brifysgol wedi methu yn ei rhwymedigaethau i chi; beth y mae wedi ei wneud na ddylai fod wedi'i wneud, neu beth nad yw wedi'i wneud y dylai fod wedi gwneud?
- Beth mae'r problemau/pryderon wedi'u hachosi yn eich achos chi? Mae angen i chi hefyd gysylltu methiannau'r Brifysgol â'r effaith arnoch chi. Eglurwch sut mae gweithredoedd y Brifysgol wedi achosi anfantais neu anfodlonrwydd i chi.
- Beth hoffech chi o ganlyniad i'ch cwyn? Os ydych yn bwriadu hawlio iawndal neu ofyn am ad-daliad ffioedd dysgu, darllenwch ein tudalen Hawlio Iawndal i wirio beth sydd angen i chi ei ddangos a faint y gallech ei gael.
Mae canolbwyntio ar rwymedigaethau'r Brifysgol a chyfeirio atynt yn bwysig iawn oherwydd mae'n cryfhau eich cwyn.Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am gyfrifoldebau'r Brifysgol ar gael ar ein tudalen Contract Myfyrwyr.
Wrth ysgrifennu eich cwyn, mae'n bwysig bod yn glir ac yn gryno. Cofiwch na fydd y pobl sy’n darllen eich cwyn yn gwybod dim am eich achos ac mae angen i chi fod yn sicr eich bod yn ei hegluro mewn ffordd sy’n hawdd ei deall.
Rhowch fanylion eich cwyn mewn trefn gronolegol a rhowch bob pwynt yr ydych yn ei wneud mewn paragraff ar wahân. Os yw eich cwyn yn gymhleth ac yn hir mae hefyd yn syniad da rhifo'r paragraffau. Er efallai y byddwch am esbonio sut mae'r Brifysgol wedi gwneud i chi deimlo, mae'n bwysig peidio â cholli hanfod eich cwyn mewn emosiwn.
Wrth ddrafftio’ch cwyn rydym yn cynghori’r strwythur canlynol:
- Amlinellu beth yw'r materion/cwynion, pryd y dechreuon nhw ac a ydynt yn barhaus;
- Darparu amserlen glir a chryno o ddigwyddiadau;
- Amlinellu beth oedd eich disgwyliadau a chyfrifoldebau'r Brifysgol;
- Egluro sut yr ydych yn credu bod y Brifysgol wedi methu yn y rhwymedigaethau hynny;
- Egluro beth yw effaith y methiant hwn arnoch chi, yn emosiynol, yn gorfforol, yn feddyliol, yn ariannol ac fel arall. Sut ydych chi wedi dioddef anfantais neu anfodlonrwydd?
- Egluro pa rwymedi yr hoffech chi gan y Brifysgol i unioni'r sefyllfa.
Darparu Tystiolaeth
Fel arfer mae'n rhaid i chi ddarparu tystiolaeth i gefnogi popeth a ddywedwch yn eich cwyn a chyfeirio at hyn drwy gydol eich cwyn, ee Canslodd y darlithydd yr holl ddarlithoedd oedd yn weddill ar gyfer y modiwl hwnnw ac anfonodd restr ddarllen atom yn lle hynny (gweler Atodiad A, e-bost gan Dr Bloggs o 02.11.20).
Yn ddelfrydol, dylai tystiolaeth fod yn annibynnol a chefnogi pob elfen o'ch dadl. Bydd angen i chi labelu’r dystiolaeth yn glir ac, os ydych yn atodi mwy nag ychydig o ddogfennau, mae’n syniad da rhifo neu labelu fel atodiadau, e.e. A – J neu 1 – 10. Pwysig:
- Eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw darparu'r holl dystiolaeth a gwybodaeth hoffech gael eu hystyried pan yn cyflwyno'ch cwyn.
- Os na allwch gyflwyno tystiolaeth gyda’ch cwyn, dylech nodi pam nad yw’r dystiolaeth wedi’i chynnwys a nodi pryd y bydd ar gael.
Bydd pa dystiolaeth sydd ei hangen arnoch yn dibynnu ar yr hyn yr ydych yn cwyno amdano a'r hyn yr ydych yn gobeithio ei gyflawni. Er enghraifft, os ydych yn cwyno am oruchwyliaeth wael, dylech geisio cynnwys tystiolaeth o negeseuon e-bost nad ymatebwyd iddynt, neu adborth a anfonwyd yn rhy hwyr i'w ddefnyddio. Os ydych yn cwyno am ansawdd addysgu ar-lein, gallwch gynnwys copïau o ddeunydd y ddarlith a'r Datganiad Meincnodi Pwnc ASA perthnasol.
Cyn i chi gyflwyno eich cwyn
Pan fyddwch wedi gorffen ysgrifennu eich cwyn ac wedi casglu’r holl dystiolaeth, mae’n syniad da cael rhywun arall i’w darllen ar eich rhan a gwirio:
- A yw wedi'i ysgrifennu mewn iaith glir, gramadegol gywir?
- A yw'n hawdd ei ddeall?
- A yw'n hygyrch? Wrth ddarllen trwy'r gwyn, a all y darllenydd ddewis rhestr fwled o'r pwyntiau cwyno yn hawdd?
- Ar gyfer pob un o'r pwyntiau cwyn hynny, a ydych wedi egluro beth oedd rhwymedigaethau'r Brifysgol a sut methodd y Brifysgol i gyflawni'r rhwymedigaethau hynny?
- A ydych wedi egluro’r cysylltiad rhwng pob methiant a’ch anfantais neu anfodlonrwydd?
- A yw'r hyn a ddywedwch mor gymhellol ag y mae angen iddo fod?
- A ydych wedi darparu tystiolaeth i gefnogi pob pwynt?
Mae'n hawdd mynd ar goll yn eich cwyn eich hun, yn enwedig os yw'n hynod o hir neu gymhleth. Os gall ffrind neu aelod o'r teulu ddeall yn hawdd y pwyntiau rydych yn eu codi a pham rydych yn eu codi, mae'n arwydd da y bydd y Brifysgol yn deall hefyd.
Cysylltwch â Cyngor i Fyfyrwyr
+44 (0)2920 781410