
The Appeals Procedure

Cardiff University allows you to challenge decisions made by the Examining Board in relation to your grades, progression and awards under the rules set out in the Academic Appeals Policy and Procedure. These are strict rules that include the grounds under which you are able to appeal, the deadline you must meet and the evidence you need to provide.




The basis on which you can appeal is clearly defined in the Academic Appeals Procedure and are called grounds of appeal. It is important that you understand the grounds on which you can appeal, the actions you need to take, and how you can get support when you are making an academic appeal. If you do not have grounds to appeal, your appeal will be rejected.


The grounds under which you can raise an appeal are limited to:


  • An arithmetical or other error of fact in the results issued following the decision of the Examining Board. An example of an arithmetical error would be where you are awarded 55% for a module but your assessment marks add up to 58%. The error of fact MUST be an error of fact, not opinion. The University does not allow you to challenge academic judgment. An example of this would be where your written feedback states you lost marks because you did not include a results table when in fact you did. If you think there is an error on your transcript then in the first instance you should contact your School Office or School Student Cases Team to ask the error is corrected providing clear reason why you believe there to be an error with supporting evidence if possible. If there has been a mistake, this should be corrected. If you do not receive a response before the appeal submission deadline or you disagree with the School’s response, you should then submit an appeal under Ground 1; and/or
  • An irregularity in the conduct of the assessment, the written instructions, or written advice relating to the assessment, where this can be shown to have had an adverse effect on the outcome and which was not known by the Examining Board at the time it considered your results, or which were known to the Examining Board and where the Examining Board has made an unreasonable decision.  An irregularity in the conduct may be, for example, not being allowed the amount of time you were supposed to have or, in current circumstances, a defect may be an assessment submission closing earlier than advertised. A defect in the written instructions may be where a question paper is incorrectly worded or where you have been given written advice by a dissertation supervisor but then been given feedback to say that you have lost marks for following that feedback; and/or
  • Any extenuating circumstances which can be shown to have had an adverse effect on your academic performance, which were unknown by the Examining Board and could not have been made known to the Examining Board by you before the School deadline, or which were known to the Examining Board and where the Examining Board has made an unreasonable decision. The University’s definition of extenuating circumstances is detailed in the University’s Extenuating Circumstance Procedure, which says that the circumstances must be:
    • severe and exceptional; and
    • unforeseen and unavoidable; and
    • they MUST be close in time to the Assessment you are reporting for, or you MUST explain how the circumstances continued to have an impact on their academic performance.


The rules on extenuating circumstances have changed and the University are now very clear that, if you choose to sit/submit an assessment, you are declaring yourself as fit to do so. The only exception to this is where you attempt an assessment and are subsequently impacted by circumstances that relate to a protected characteristic, or a caring responsibility.


This means, that if you are appealing on the grounds of extenuating circumstances for assessment(s) that you did sit/submit, you will need to explain and evidence how your circumstances meet the criteria above AND how they relate to a protected characteristic or caring responsibility. If your circumstances do not relate to a protected characteristic or caring responsibility, the fact that you submitted an assessment is seen as a declaration that you were fit to do so. The only way we can see the appeal being successful in that case, is


  • if you can explain and evidence that you were not fit to sit AND that you were not aware of this at the time; or
  • if you have some other good reason why you chose to submit an assessment when you were impacted by extenuating circumstances (such as being told by your School to submit even though you had severe technical difficulties). If this applies to you, please let us know and we will advise accordingly.


If you appeal on grounds relating to extenuating circumstances which were previously rejected by your School, you must specify why you disagree with the School’s decision to reject the circumstances.


If you did not report your Extenuating Circumstances by the deadline, you must explain and evidence good reason why you could not have reported your circumstances on time. 


Importantly, if you reported to request an extension and submitted by the new deadline, the extension would be deemed your remedy.


Appeals submitted for any reason outside of the three grounds listed above will not be accepted. You cannot challenge academic judgment or appeal because you think you deserve a higher mark.





If your appeal is successful, the outcomes the University can offer you are dictated by the Academic Regulations:


  • For Ground 1 appeals, the error should be amended and any decision on progression or award revised accordingly.
  • For Ground 2 appeals, the University can discount assessment marks where there is a defect or irregularity found. They may also be able to offer you the chance to re-do the assessment for a higher mark.
  • For Ground 3 appeals, if your Extenuating Circumstances are accepted, your case will be referred back to a reconvened Examining Board, who can:
  • Disregard any failed attempts and allow you a non-incremental re-sit. This means that, if you have appealed your 1st attempt, you would get another 1st attempt. If you appealed your 2nd attempt, you would get another 2nd attempt and so on.
  • Retrospectively defer your assessment(s) – this means that your grade would be changed to 0 and you would be offered a non-incremental re-sit as above.
  • If your circumstances relate to a Protected Characteristic, or caring responsibility, the Board can also discount marks for assessments that you have passed when calculating your classification, or offer you the opportunity to re-sit assessments you have passed, with a view to improving your mark.
  • The Examining Board cannot increase your marks for Extenuating Circumstances.


How to Appeal



Your assessment or degree results are formally decided at the Examining Board. The results will be confirmed when your transcript or results letter is issued to you. You have 28 days from the date of the email sending the transcript to you in which to make an appeal.


To appeal, you will need to log in to your Student Record via SIMS and click on the ‘manage/submit an appeal’ link. You will then need to complete the online form and include all of the evidence that you wish to be considered alongside your appeal. We recommend writing a draft of what you want to say for structure. The SIMS form does time out and you risk losing what you have written otherwise.


It is important to be clear, concise and compelling when writing your appeal and to include evidence to support what you say; you risk it being rejected if you do not. Please see our Writing Your Appeal webpage for detailed guidance on what you need to do.


Providing Evidence



You must usually provide evidence to support everything you say in your appeal. Evidence should ideally be independent and support all elements of your argument.


  • It is your responsibility to provide all the evidence and information that you want to be considered at the time that you submit your appeal.
  • The University will not contact third parties (e.g. doctors, tutors, police, School or University departments) to obtain this evidence for you.
  • If you are unable to present evidence with your appeal, you should detail why the evidence has not been included and indicate when it will be provided. The Head of Student Cases will consider if it is appropriate to allow you additional time to provide the evidence.


What evidence you need depends on the ground of appeal:


  • Ground 1 Error in your results. You do not need to provide evidence for this, your mark will be checked for factual errors.
  • Ground 2 Irregularity in your assessment. You need to provide independent written evidence that the defect took place and, ideally, the negativ effect it had on your performance. An example of this would be the written information you received from your lecturer or an extract from the Assessment Guide.
  • Ground 3 Extenuating Circumstances. Your evidence should ideally confirm:
    • the circumstances you explain; and
    • the impact on you and your ability to study and perform at your usual level; and
    • why you could not have reported the circumstances on time.


If you are appealing on the grounds of extenuating circumstances for assessments you did sit/submit, you are also likely to need some evidence to support why you completed the assessment when you were not fit to do so. This is not mentioned in the appeals procedure but, seeing as an appeal on this ground is essentially asking the University to override your declaration that you were fit to sit, we expect that this will need to be evidence that you were not aware of the impact of the circumstances on you and your ability to study.


Please see our contact us for a template letter if you will need to request medical evidence, as this should help explain to your GP what is needed. You will usually have to pay for a GP letter and we have seen many that offer very little in terms of supporting your appeal.


If you can get evidence of the impact of the circumstances on you and your studies, you do not necessarily need evidence of the circumstances themselves. An example of this would be where you have experienced a traumatic event and are having counselling. In this case, evidence from the counsellor on how the event has affected you and your studies should be sufficient and you should not need to evidence the event itself. In exceptional cases the University may accept evidence of the circumstances as evidence of the impact and inability to report on time.


For most cases of extenuating circumstances, evidence will be in the form of a letter from a doctor, counsellor or other medical professional or support service. If you are requesting a note as evidence, make sure you explain that you ideally need confirmation of:


  • the circumstances; and
  • their professional opinion on the possible impact on your study; and
  • their professional opinion on whether the circumstances could have prevented you from reporting the circumstances on time.


Please let Student Advice know if you are struggling to think of what evidence you can get or if you have any questions about what is evidence is best.





If you would like to appeal, you have 28 days from the date of the email notifying you of your official result. Appeals submitted after this date will not be accepted for consideration unless there are exceptional circumstances and you are able to demonstrate that you were unable to submit the appeal during the 28 day period. 


If you are waiting to hear from your School or personal tutor, or if you are waiting for evidence or any other information, the University have advised that they will not usually consider this as  exceptional circumstances. They instead say that you should still submit the appeal within 28 days and tell them what information you are waiting for as they can decide to allow you some further time once the appeal has been submitted. From our experience, good reason for not submitting on time is usually, though not exclusively, an impairment of judgement caused by a mental health problem or a physical inability to submit.


An important point you need to be aware of is that once you have submitted an appeal, the process can take many months to complete.


The University regulations and the Office of the Independent Adjudicator require the University to conclude the Academic Appeal process within 90 calendar days of submission. There are occasionally cases where the University will breach those timescales, at which point you can consider making a complaint.


Late appeals



If you cannot submit an appeal within 28 days of the date of the email notifying you of your official result, you will need to explain in writing, to the Head of Student Cases, why it was not possible or reasonable for you to submit an appeal within the time limit. You will need to provide evidence to support your explanation.


To submit a late appeal you will need to


  • Complete the Word document appeal form and email it to;
  • Address your email for the attention of the Head of Student Cases;
  • Explain in your email why you could not have appealed earlier;
  • Attach evidence of your reason for not being able to appeal earlier;
  • Attach all relevant evidence to support your appeal.


The Head of Student Cases will consider the reason(s) for the lateness and will decide whether or not to accept the late appeal. If your appeal is rejected, you may challenge the decision in line with the University Review Procedure.


How your appeal will be processed and considered


Once submitted, your appeal will be sent to Student Cases. The Student Cases team is responsible for considering academic appeals in accordance with this procedure and is independent of your School.


Once you have submitted your appeal it will be reviewed by a Student Cases Officer, who will decide if your appeal is within the permitted grounds and has relevant evidence. If so, it will be considered. If not, your appeal will be rejected. You should be informed of this decision within 14 days.


The Student Cases Officer may then contact the Chair of the Examining Board for your School and request further information, such as any extenuating circumstances forms you previously submitted. You are usually expected to submit everything you want to be considered at the time of your appeal but, in exceptional circumstances, Student Cases may request further information from you or ask for clarification.


The Student Cases Officer should then make a decision on your appeal and consult with a senior member of the Student Cases Team to ensure their decision is proportional to the circumstances. The Student Cases Officer can decide to:


  • Reject your appeal if it does not meet one of the stated grounds.
  • Uphold your appeal (either completely or in part) and refer your case back to a reconvened Examining Board. In some cases, the decision of the Board may not change but the Examining Board will be asked to reconsider your case, taking into consideration the error, irregularity or extenuating circumstances as appropriate.
  • If arithmetical error has been identified, confirm the correct outcome in a re-issued transcript and amend your student record.


You should receive an email confirming the decision within 60 days of the appeal being received by the Student Cases Team. The email should also explain any reasons for the University’s decision.


If your appeal is rejected, or only partially upheld, and you feel your appeal was incorrectly processed or unreasonable, you can challenge the decision under the University Review Procedure.


We appreciate that this information may seem complicated, so please let us know if your circumstances don’t seem to fit into any of the above and we can allocate your case to an adviser for some more specific guidance.


Contact Student Advice
+44 (0)2920 781410


Y Weithdrefn Apelio

Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd yn eich galluogi i herio penderfyniadau a wneir gan y Bwrdd Arholi mewn perthynas â'ch graddau, dilyniant a dyfarniadau o dan y rheolau a nodir yn y Polisi a'r Weithdrefn Apeliadau Academaidd. Mae'r rhain yn rheolau llym sy'n cynnwys y seiliau y gallwch ddibynnu arnynt wrth wneud apêl, y dyddiad cau y mae'n rhaid i chi ei fodloni a'r dystiolaeth y mae angen i chi ei darparu.




Mae’r seiliau ar gyfer apelio wedi’u diffinio’n eglur yn y Weithdrefn Apeliadau Academaidd ac fe’u gelwir yn seiliau apêl. Mae’n bwysig eich bod yn deall y seiliau sy’n eich galluogi i apelio, y camau y bydd angen i chi eu cymryd, a lle gallwch gael help pan fyddwch yn gwneud apêl academaidd. Os nad oes gennych sail i apelio, bydd eich apêl yn cael ei gwrthod.


Mae’r seiliau ar gyfer apelio wedi’u cyfyngu i’r canlynol:


  • Gwall rhifyddol neu wall ffeithiol arall yn y canlyniadau a gyhoeddwyd yn dilyn penderfyniad y Bwrdd Arholi. Er enghraifft, lle dyfernir 55% i chi am fodiwl pan fydd eich marciau asesu yn adio hyd at 58%. Mae'n RHAID i'r camgymeriad fod yn gamgymeriad o ffaith, nid barn. Nid yw'r Brifysgol yn caniatáu i chi herio barn academaidd. Er enghraifft, lle mae eich adborth ysgrifenedig yn dweud eich bod wedi colli marciau oherwydd nad oeddech yn cynnwys tabl canlyniadau pan wnaethoch chi mewn gwirionedd; a/neu 
  • Anghysondeb wrth gynnal yr asesiad, y cyfarwyddiadau ysgrifenedig, neu gyngor ysgrifenedig sy'n ymwneud â'r asesiad, lle gellir dangos bod hyn wedi cael effaith andwyol ar y canlyniad ac nad oedd y Bwrdd Arholi yn gwybod ar yr adeg y bu'n ystyried eich canlyniadau. Neu, lle bu hyn yn hysbys i'r Bwrdd Arholi ac maent wedi gwneud penderfyniad afresymol.  Enghraifft o hyn yw pan na chaniateir i chi gael yr amser y dylech ei gael neu, o dan yr amgylchiadau presennol, pan fod amser cyflwyno’r asesiad yn newid yn annisgwyl. Efallai bydd papur arholiad wedi’i eirio’n anghywir oherwydd diffyg yn y cyfarwyddiadau ysgrifenedig. Neu, efallai eich bod wedi cael cyngor ysgrifenedig gan oruchwyliwr traethawd hir ond yna cawsoch adborth i ddweud eich bod wedi colli marciau am ddilyn yr adborth hwnnw; a/neu 
  • Amgylchiadau esgusodol y gellir dangos eu bod wedi cael effaith andwyol ar eich perfformiad academaidd, nad oedd y Bwrdd Arholi yn ymwybodol ohonynt, ac na allech fod wedi eu hysbysu i'r Bwrdd Arholi cyn dyddiad cau'r Ysgol. Neu, lle bu hyn yn hysbys i'r Bwrdd Arholi ac maent wedi gwneud penderfyniad afresymol. Mae diffiniad y Brifysgol o amgylchiadau esgusodol wedi'i nodi yng Ngweithdrefn Amgylchiadau Esgusodol y Brifysgol, sy'n dweud bod yn rhaid i'r amgylchiadau fod yn: 
  • ddifrifol ac eithriadol; ac 
  • anrhagweladwy ac anochel; a, 
  • RHAID iddynt fod yn agos at yr Asesiad yr ydych yn adrodd amdano, neu mae’n RHAID i chi egluro sut y parhaodd yr amgylchiadau i gael effaith ar eich perfformiad academaidd. 


Mae'r rheolau ar amgylchiadau esgusodol wedi newid ac mae'r Brifysgol bellach o’r farn bendant, os ydych yn dewis sefyll/cyflwyno asesiad, eich bod yn datgan eich bod yn addas i wneud hynny. Yr unig eithriad i hyn yw pan fyddwch yn ceisio asesiad ac yn cael eich effeithio wedyn gan amgylchiadau sy'n ymwneud â nodwedd warchodedig, neu gyfrifoldeb gofalu.


Mae hyn yn golygu, os ydych yn apelio ar sail amgylchiadau esgusodol ar gyfer asesiad(au) y gwnaethoch eu heistedd/cyflwyno, bydd angen i chi egluro a darparu tystiolaeth sy’n dangos sut mae eich amgylchiadau'n bodloni'r meini prawf uchod A sut maent yn berthnasol i nodwedd warchodedig neu gyfrifoldeb gofalu. Os nad yw eich amgylchiadau'n ymwneud â nodwedd warchodedig neu gyfrifoldeb gofalu, ystyrir y ffaith eich bod wedi cyflwyno asesiad yn ddatganiad eich bod yn ffit i wneud hynny. Yr unig ffordd y bydd yr apêl yn llwyddiannus yn yr achos hwnnw yw:


  • os gallwch egluro a dangos tystiolaeth nad oeddech yn ffit i eistedd AC nad oeddech yn ymwybodol o hyn ar y pryd; neu 
  • os oes gennych ryw reswm da arall pam eich bod wedi dewis cyflwyno asesiad pan effeithiwyd arnoch gan amgylchiadau esgusodol (megis eich Ysgol yn dweud wrthych am gyflwyno er bod gennych anawsterau technegol difrifol). Os yw hyn yn berthnasol i chi, rhowch wybod i ni a byddwn yn eich cynghori yn unol â hynny. 


Os yw sail eich apêl yn ymwneud ag amgylchiadau esgusodol sydd eisoes wedi’u gwrthod gan eich Ysgol, rhaid i chi egluro pam yr ydych yn anghytuno â phenderfyniad eich Ysgol i wrthod yr amgylchiadau.


Os na wnaethoch roi gwybod am eich Amgylchiadau Esgusodol erbyn y dyddiad cau, rhaid i chi roi rheswm da pam na allech fod wedi rhoi gwybod am eich amgylchiadau ar amser. 


Yn bwysig, pe byddech yn adrodd i ofyn am estyniad ac yna’n cyflwyno’r asesiad erbyn y dyddiad cau newydd, ystyrir mai'r estyniad yw eich datrysiad.


Ni dderbynnir apeliadau a gyflwynir am unrhyw reswm y tu allan i'r tair sail a restrir uchod. Ni allwch herio barn academaidd nac apêl oherwydd eich bod yn credu eich bod yn haeddu marc uwch.




Os bydd eich apêl yn llwyddiannus, mae'r canlyniadau y gall y Brifysgol eu cynnig i chi yn cael eu pennu gan y Rheoliadau Academaidd:


  • Ar gyfer apeliadau Sail 1, dylid diwygio'r gwall a diwygio unrhyw benderfyniad ar ddilyniant neu ddyfarniad yn unol â hynny. 
  • Ar gyfer apeliadau Sail 2, gall y Brifysgol ostwng marciau asesu lle ceir diffyg neu anghysondeb. Efallai y byddant hefyd yn cynnig cyfle i chi ail-wneud yr asesiad i gael marc uwch. 
  • Ar gyfer apeliadau Sail 3, os derbynnir eich Amgylchiadau Esgusodol, bydd eich achos yn cael ei gyfeirio'n ôl at Fwrdd Arholi, a all: 
  • Diystyru unrhyw ymgeisiau a fethwyd a chaniatáu i chi ail-sefyll nad yw'n gynyddrannol. Mae hyn yn golygu, os ydych wedi apelio yn erbyn eich ymgais 1af, y byddech yn cael ymgais 1af arall. Pe baech yn apelio eich 2il ymgais, byddech yn cael 2il ymgais arall ac yn y blaen. 
  • Gohirio'ch asesiad(au) yn ôl-weithredol - mae hyn yn golygu y byddai eich gradd yn cael ei newid i 0 ac y byddech yn cael cynnig ailsefyll nad yw'n gynyddrannol fel uchod. 
  • Os yw eich amgylchiadau'n ymwneud â Nodwedd Warchodedig, neu gyfrifoldeb gofalu, gall y Bwrdd hefyd ostwng marciau ar gyfer asesiadau rydych wedi'u pasio wrth gyfrifo'ch dosbarthiad, neu gynnig cyfle i chi ail-sefyll asesiadau rydych chi wedi'u pasio, gyda'r bwriad o wella'ch marc. 
  • Ni all y Bwrdd Arholi gynyddu eich marciau ar gyfer Amgylchiadau Esgusodol. 


Sut i Apelio


Bydd canlyniadau eich asesiad neu radd yn cael eu penderfynu’n ffurfiol gan y Bwrdd Arholi. Bydd y canlyniadau’n cael eu cadarnhau’n ffurfiol i chi pan fydd eich trawsgrifiad neu lythyr canlyniadau’n cael ei anfon atoch. Mae gennych 28 diwrnod o ddyddiad yr e-bost sy’n anfon y trawsgrifiad atoch i wneud apêl.


I apelio, bydd angen i chi fewngofnodi i'ch Cofnod Myfyriwr drwy SIMS a chlicio ar y ddolen 'rheoli/cyflwyno apêl'. Llenwch y ffurflen ar-lein a chofiwch gynnwys yr holl dystiolaeth yr hoffech iddi gael ei hystyried ochr yn ochr â’ch apêl. Rydym yn argymell ysgrifennu drafft o'r hyn rydych am ei ddweud ar gyfer strwythur. Mae'r ffurflen SIMS yn gallu cau yn awtomatig ac rydych mewn perygl o golli'r hyn rydych wedi'i ysgrifennu fel arall.


Mae'n bwysig bod yn glir, yn gryno ac yn gymhellol wrth ysgrifennu eich apêl a chynnwys tystiolaeth i gefnogi'r hyn a ddywedwch; gall eich apêl gael ei gwrthod os na wnewch hynny. Gweler ein tudalen we Ysgrifennu Eich Apêl i gael arweiniad manwl ar yr hyn sydd angen i chi ei wneud.


Darparu Tystiolaeth


Fel arfer mae'n rhaid i chi ddarparu tystiolaeth i gefnogi popeth rydych chi'n ei ddweud yn eich apêl. Yn ddelfrydol, dylai tystiolaeth fod yn annibynnol a chefnogi pob elfen o'ch dadl.


  • Rydych chi’n gyfrifol am yr holl dystiolaeth a’r wybodaeth rydych am gael eu hystyried ar yr adeg pan fyddwch yn cyflwyno eich apêl. 
  • Ni fydd y Brifysgol yn gallu cysylltu â thrydydd parti (e.e. meddygon, tiwtoriaid, yr heddlu, adrannau neu Ysgolion y Brifysgol) i gael y dystiolaeth hon ar eich rhan. 
  • Os na allwch gyflwyno tystiolaeth gyda’ch apêl, dylech egluro pam nad yw’r dystiolaeth wedi’i chynnwys a nodi pa bryd y bydd yn cael ei chyflwyno. Bydd y Pennaeth Achosion Myfyrwyr yn ystyried a yw’n briodol i ganiatáu amser ychwanegol i gyflwyno’r dystiolaeth. 


Mae’r dystiolaeth berthnasol yn dibynnu ar sail eich apêl:


  • Sail 1 Gwall yn eich canlyniadau. Nid oes angen i chi ddarparu tystiolaeth ar gyfer hyn, bydd eich marc yn cael ei wirio am wallau ffeithiol. 
  • Sail 2 Anghysondeb yn eich asesiad. Mae angen i chi ddarparu tystiolaeth ysgrifenedig annibynnol bod y diffyg wedi digwydd ac, yn ddelfrydol, yr effaith negyddol a gafodd ar eich perfformiad. Enghraifft o hyn fyddai'r wybodaeth ysgrifenedig a gawsoch gan eich darlithydd neu ddarn o'r Canllaw Asesu. 
  • Sail 3 Amgylchiadau Esgusodol. Yn ddelfrydol, dylai eich tystiolaeth gadarnhau'r canlynol: 
  • yr amgylchiadau rydych chi'n eu hegluro; 
  • yr effaith arnoch chi a'ch gallu i astudio a pherfformio ar eich lefel arferol; 
  • pam na allech fod wedi rhoi gwybod am yr amgylchiadau mewn pryd. 


Os ydych yn apelio ar sail amgylchiadau esgusodol ar gyfer asesiadau y gwnaethoch eu heistedd/cyflwyno, mae'n debygol y bydd angen rhywfaint o dystiolaeth arnoch hefyd i gefnogi pam eich bod wedi cwblhau'r asesiad pan nad oeddech yn ffit i wneud hynny. Nid yw hyn yn cael ei grybwyll yn y weithdrefn apelio ond, o ystyried bod apêl ar y sail hon yn ei hanfod yn gofyn i'r Brifysgol ddiystyru eich datganiad eich bod yn ffit i eistedd, bydd angen i hyn fod yn dystiolaeth sy’n dangos nad oeddech yn ymwybodol o effaith yr amgylchiadau arnoch chi a'ch gallu i astudio.


Gweler ein llythyr 'Rhowch i'ch meddyg teulu os oes angen' os bydd angen i chi ofyn am dystiolaeth feddygol, gan y dylai hyn helpu i egluro i'ch meddyg teulu beth sydd ei angen. Fel arfer, bydd yn rhaid i chi dalu am lythyr meddyg teulu ac mae llawer yn cynnig ychydig iawn o gefnogaeth o’ch apêl.


Os gallwch gael tystiolaeth o effaith yr amgylchiadau arnoch chi a'ch astudiaethau, nid oes angen tystiolaeth o'r amgylchiadau eu hunain o reidrwydd. Enghraifft o hyn fyddai lle rydych wedi profi digwyddiad trawmatig ac yn cael cwnsela. Yn yr achos hwn, dylai tystiolaeth gan y cwnselydd ar sut mae'r digwyddiad wedi effeithio arnoch chi a'ch astudiaethau fod yn ddigonol ac ni ddylai fod angen i chi ddangos tystiolaeth o'r digwyddiad ei hun. Mewn achosion eithriadol gall y Brifysgol dderbyn tystiolaeth o'r amgylchiadau fel tystiolaeth o'r effaith a'r anallu i adrodd ar amser.


Ar gyfer y rhan fwyaf o achosion o amgylchiadau esgusodol, bydd tystiolaeth ar ffurf llythyr gan feddyg, cwnselydd neu weithiwr meddygol proffesiynol neu wasanaeth cymorth arall. Os ydych yn gofyn am nodyn fel tystiolaeth, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn egluro eich bod yn ddelfrydol angen cadarnhad o'r canlynol:


  • yr amgylchiadau;  
  • eu barn broffesiynol ar yr effaith bosibl ar eich astudiaeth;
  • eu barn broffesiynol ynghylch a allai'r amgylchiadau fod wedi eich atal rhag rhoi gwybod am yr amgylchiadau ar amser. 


Rhowch wybod i Gyngor i Fyfyrwyr os ydych yn cael trafferth meddwl ba dystiolaeth y gallwch ei chael neu os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau am pa dystiolaeth sydd orau.


Terfynau Amser


Os hoffech apelio, mae gennych 28 diwrnod o ddyddiad yr e-bost yn eich hysbysu o'ch canlyniad swyddogol. Ni fydd apeliadau a gyflwynir ar ôl y dyddiad hwn yn cael eu hystyried oni bai bod amgylchiadau eithriadol a’ch bod yn gallu dangos nad oedd modd i chi gyflwyno’r apêl yn ystod y cyfnod o 28 diwrnod. 


Os ydych yn aros i glywed gan eich Ysgol neu diwtor personol, neu os ydych yn aros am dystiolaeth neu unrhyw wybodaeth arall, mae'r Brifysgol wedi cynghori na fyddant fel arfer yn ystyried hyn fel amgylchiadau eithriadol. Yn hytrach, maent yn dweud y dylech barhau i gyflwyno'r apêl o fewn 28 diwrnod a dweud wrthynt ba wybodaeth yr ydych yn aros amdani gan y gallant benderfynu caniatáu rhywfaint o amser pellach i chi unwaith y bydd yr apêl wedi'i chyflwyno. O'n profiad ni, rheswm da dros beidio â chyflwyno ar amser fel arfer yw nam ar farn a achosir gan broblem iechyd meddwl neu anallu corfforol i gyflwyno.


Pwynt pwysig y mae'n rhaid i chi fod yn ymwybodol ohono yw, unwaith y byddwch wedi cyflwyno apêl, gall y broses gymryd misoedd lawer i'w chwblhau.


Mae rheoliadau'r Brifysgol a Swyddfa'r Dyfarnwr Annibynnol yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i'r Brifysgol ddod â'r broses Apêl Academaidd i ben o fewn 90 diwrnod calendr ar ôl cyflwyno'r cais. Weithiau, bydd achosion lle bydd y Brifysgol yn torri'r terfynau amser hynny, ac ar yr adeg honno gallwch ystyried gwneud cwyn.


Apeliadau hwyr


Os na allwch gyflwyno apêl o fewn 28 diwrnod i ddyddiad yr e-bost yn eich hysbysu o'ch canlyniad swyddogol, bydd angen i chi esbonio'n ysgrifenedig, i'r Pennaeth Achosion Myfyrwyr, pam nad oedd yn bosibl neu'n rhesymol i chi gyflwyno apêl o fewn y terfyn amser. Bydd yn rhaid i chi gynnwys tystiolaeth i ategu eich eglurhad.


I gyflwyno apêl hwyr bydd angen i chi


  • Gwblhau’r ffurflen apelio dogfen Word a'i he-bostio i
  • Anfon eich e-bost at y Pennaeth Achosion Myfyrwyr; 
  • Esbonio yn eich e-bost pam na allech fod wedi apelio yn gynharach; 
  • Atodi tystiolaeth o'ch rheswm dros beidio â gallu apelio yn gynharach; 
  • Atodi’r holl dystiolaeth berthnasol i gefnogi eich apêl. 


Bydd y Pennaeth Achosion Myfyrwyr yn ystyried y rheswm/rhesymau dros eich apêl hwyr a bydd yn penderfynu a fydd yn derbyn yr apêl hwyr ai peidio. Os gwrthodir eich apêl, gallwch herio'r penderfyniad yn unol â Gweithdrefn Adolygu'r Brifysgol.


Sut y bydd eich apêl yn cael ei phrosesu a’i hystyried


Ar ôl ei chyflwyno, bydd eich apêl yn cael ei hanfon at Achosion Myfyrwyr. Mae’r tîm Achosion Myfyrwyr yn gyfrifol am ystyried apeliadau academaidd yn unol â’r weithdrefn hon ac mae’n annibynnol o’ch Ysgol.


Bydd eich apêl yn cael ei hadolygu gan y Swyddog Achosion Myfyrwyr a fydd yn penderfynu a yw eich apêl o fewn y seiliau a ganiateir ac a oes tystiolaeth berthnasol i’w hystyried. Os felly, bydd yn cael ei hystyried. Os na, bydd eich apêl yn cael ei gwrthod. Dylech gael gwybod am y penderfyniad hwn o fewn 14 diwrnod.


Yna gall y Swyddog Achosion Myfyrwyr gysylltu â Chadeirydd Bwrdd Arholi eich Ysgol a gofyn am ragor o wybodaeth, megis unrhyw ffurflenni amgylchiadau esgusodol a gyflwynwyd gennych yn flaenorol. Fel arfer, disgwylir i chi gyflwyno popeth rydych am gael eich ystyried ar adeg eich apêl ond, mewn amgylchiadau eithriadol, gall Achosion Myfyrwyr ofyn am ragor o wybodaeth gennych neu ofyn am eglurhad.


Bydd y Swyddog Achosion Myfyrwyr yn ymgynghori ag uwch aelod o’r tîm Achosion Myfyrwyr i wneud penderfyniad ar eich apêl a bydd yn sicrhau bod y penderfyniad yn gymesur â’r amgylchiadau. Gall y Swyddog Achosion Myfyrwyr benderfynu:


  • Gwrthod eich apêl os nad yw’n dod o fewn un o’r seiliau sydd wedi’u nodi. 
  • Cynnal eich apêl (naill ai'n llwyr neu'n rhannol) a chyfeirio eich achos yn ôl at Fwrdd Arholi. Mewn rhai achosion, efallai na fydd penderfyniad y Bwrdd yn newid ond gofynnir i'r Bwrdd Arholi ailystyried eich achos, gan ystyried y gwall, anghysondeb neu amgylchiadau esgusodol fel y bo'n briodol. 


Dylech dderbyn e-bost yn cadarnhau'r penderfyniad o fewn 60 diwrnod o dderbyn yr apêl gan y Tîm Achosion Myfyrwyr. Dylai'r e-bost hefyd egluro unrhyw resymau dros benderfyniad y Brifysgol.


Os caiff eich apêl ei gwrthod, neu ei chadarnhau'n rhannol yn unig, a'ch bod yn teimlo bod eich apêl wedi'i phrosesu'n anghywir neu'n afresymol, gallwch herio'r penderfyniad o dan Weithdrefn Adolygu'r Brifysgol.


Rydym yn deall y gallai'r wybodaeth hon ymddangos yn gymhleth, felly rhowch wybod i ni os nad yw'n ymddangos bod eich amgylchiadau'n cyd-fynd ag unrhyw un o'r uchod a gallwn ddyrannu eich achos i gynghorydd er mwyn cael canllawiau mwy penodol.


Cysylltu â Chyngor i Fyfyrwyr
+44 (0)2920 781410