About Us

Student Advice is a free, confidential and independent advice service for students of Cardiff University.


We are one of many departments in Cardiff University’s Students’ Union, this means that our service and the advice that we give is tailored to the needs of Cardiff University students.


Student Advice is independent of the University, this means that we can advise and represent students in University policies and procedures. Our fundamental role is to give you impartial advice and guidance and help you understand the options available to you.


Everyone within our team is really knowledgeable and approachable with the intention of providing high quality advice for any student seeking support. We are here to help you, as a student of Cardiff University, to understand, navigate and access the options that are available to you. We predominantly advise students on academic matters and housing rights and responsibilities, but we can also support students who may be managing concerns around their wellbeing, consumer contracts, or issues relating to money and funding. You can find out who we are on our Meet the Team page here.


To contact us, you can email advice@cardiff.ac.uk, call us on 02920 781410, or message via our web chat function on the bottom right hand side of this webpage. You can also stay updated through our social media: Follow us on Facebook ‘Advice CUSU’, Twitter and Instagram @CUSUAdvice.


In addition to the above, we also support the running and management of Cardiff University’s Student Led Services. Our Student Led Services (SLS) are, precisely, services that are run by Cardiff University students, to address specific needs. This currently includes helping students to meet new friends, eating well, mental health and wellbeing support, raising awareness of sexual health services in Cardiff and drug and substance help. Find out more about how to get involved in our SLS here.


You can find out more about other opportunities available to you and how you can get involved in your Students Union on our webpages, but remember Student Advice is here to help if you find yourself a bit lost, or in need of support.


Meet the Team


Jane Harding – Deputy Head of Student Advice

Shwmae! I have been a Student Adviser in Student Advice since 2008, and became Deputy Head in 2022. Every day I provide advice and guidance to students and colleagues in respect of academic and housing matters. I am a trained restorative mediator, and alongside my role I work with Cardiff University, the QAA and the OIA to improve the student experience.  This work has included collaboration on improving the academic appeal and complaint processes and a full review of the academic regulations as well as contribution to the Student Written Submission. My greatest job satisfaction comes through empowering students to overcome difficult times and achieve academic success.   


Poppy Dunbar-Jones – Senior Student Adviser

Hello! My name is Poppy and I am the Senior Student Advisers at Student Advice. I am here to provide advice and representation to students. I have graduated from Cardiff University with a degree in Psychology in 2022 and so have great insight on being a student in this city. During my first year I lived in Talybont Student Halls and joined several societies and groups, so I have first-hand experience of living in Cardiff and the student lifestyle. I hope you have a positive experience at Cardiff University, but I am here to support you if needed!


Karen Jenkins - Student Adviser

Shwmae! I'm Karen and I am a Student Adviser. I am here to support, help and advise students on a range of issues that they may experience during their studies at Cardiff University. During my career I have gained a wide range of experience from working in the Residential Lettings sector, financial support to education. My aim is to help students to enjoy their time at Cardiff University and to have the best experience that they possibly can.


Isabel Selwyn - Student Adviser

Hi I'm one of the Student Advisers at Cardiff Students' Union. I have a degree in Sociology from Swansea University and I love working within a large student community. I have a background in hospitality and previous experience in a Student Union Advice team. I enjoy being able to advise and represent students with a variety of issues that they may experience whilst at University. Please get in touch if you feel that you could benefit from extra support during your studies!


Confidentiality Statement

Student Advice is committed to providing confidential advice, information and support.


Student Advice is committed to providing advice and information on a range of issues that relate to students’ academic, welfare and general advice needs.


Student Advice is a confidential and independent service.


If you are concerned about disclosing information in our reception area please ask to speak to someone in private.


Student Advice does not share the information you give us with other individuals and/or organisations outside of Cardiff University Students' Union without your express permission except in very exceptional circumstances; for example, if we believe that you or other people are at risk of serious harm.


Customer Care Statement

The Student Advice service is one that is committed to providing strictly confidential, neutral and non-prejudice support and guidance.


We see every student as an individual and treat each student with respect and dignity as these are the core values within our service.


With approachable staff, we pride ourselves on providing a warm, friendly and open minded service. Each adviser strives to achieve the best possible outcome for every student, whether it be looking for housing or an academic appeal.


Intertwined within our core values is our confidentiality agreement. This ensures that all students who use our service are provided with the upmost discretion.


We provide support in a number of areas and tackle each problem with a ‘can do’ attitude. However, we will be honest and transparent if we do not believe it is possible to achieve the desired outcome. With our core values in mind, we endeavour to support students to help themselves through their time at university. 


Withdrawl of Services Policy

Student Advice delivers free, independent, confidential, impartial advice to students at Cardiff University. There will be situations where it is no longer appropriate / a justifiable use of resource / safe to continue to provide assistance to a student. In these circumstances students will be signposted or referred on to another agency. This can be done after discussion with the Head of Student Advice or Director.

If an adviser feels, despite the information and resources available, that Student Advice is not the appropriate agency, the student will be provided with active signposting.


Student Advice will routeinly refer students to University Student Support, if they are the more appropriate source of advice.


The following is a non-exhaustive list of where service may be withdrawn:

  • The student is violent or abusive
  • There is a potential of fraud
  • There has been a loss of confidence
  • The potential user is not a priority / target group
  • The student has not taken any action and returns to the service repeating the original inquiry
  • Student presents to Student Advice repeatedly without any real advice needs
  • The student is being threatening, or the Adviser feels threatened
  • The student has given false and/or misleading information to Student Advice.
  • The relationship is no longer that of client and adviser
  • The nature of the case changes and this change means that Student Advice is no longer appropriate or the best source of advice
  • The student transfers to another University
  • The students’ behaviour is in breach of our Equal Opportunities policy
  • The student has seriously breached the trust of staff e.g. theft from Student Advice

Verbal abuse, or perceived threats to members of the Student Advice team, will never be tolerated. Where Student Advice's service is being withdrawn, the client will be informed verbally and if possible in writing, with the reason(s) why this is the case, with suggestions of where else they can seek help and informing them of their right to complain if they feel this action has been taken unreasonably.


Contact Advice

+44 (0)2920 781410