15-Seater Minibus Training
MiDAS theory lessons for 15-seater minibus drivers will take place online via a link through the CTA. On completion of the course the driver will then take a test drive with a qualified MiDAS driver training.
If you're interested in attending a lesson, please email SUtransport@cardiff.ac.uk from your @cardiff.ac.uk email address. Keep in mind that being over 21 years old with a minimum of 2 years of driving experience is a prerequisite for driving the minibuses.
For 15-seater drivers, completion of the MiDAS theory lesson is mandatory before test allocation.
9-Seater (Classed as CAT B - Car)
Once you express interest in becoming a 9-seater driver, you'll be assigned to the driver test team, where you can choose your lesson dates.
Before any test drive, your driving license will undergo a check with DVLA. Individuals with points or more on their license will not be allowed to complete the courses.