What advice can you give when booking a vehicle?
- The Union has a limited number of vehicles and generally all Clubs and Societies plan trips at the same time. Saturdays and Sundays get very busy, so to avoid disappointment we advise that you book well in advance to confirm a vehicle. See how to book. On Wednesdays, ALL vehicles are initially pre-booked for BUCs, on Saturday and Sunday 2 vehicles will pre booked for BUCs but they may become available after all fixtures have been confirmed.
- Can I book more than one vehicle at a time? Having more than one vehicle at a time may be possible but at busy times, we operate a 1 vehicle per Club/Society rule. We try our best to meet demand but this cannot always be possible. We also offer you the option of hiring in external vehicles. See external hire.
- Do the drivers have to be registered and trained? All Drivers must register and pass the SU Driver Training for that class of vehicle.This can can take a few weeks to organise so please plan. All drivers must register online via the Student Portal. Please see driver prerequisites.
- After the vehicle is booked, is there anything else to do? Before we can release the vehicle, we need to have either:
- TRIP FORM - . This must include your destination, purpose of the trip and all participants with Student IDs. Trip forms are for day time trips outside Cardiff. (BUCS fixtures do not require trip forms) ... Unless BUCs Wednesday
- TRIP PACK - completed if the trip is overnight. (BUCs Weekdns will require trip packs) ... Unless BUCs Wednesady
These will contain more detail for the SU and can be found at https://www.cardiffstudents.com/activities/resources/
For local trips we just require the driver’s contact/phone number. For BUCS events outside of Cardiff please ensure a team sheet is submitted to the AU, this will act as your trip form.
How much do we charge you for using our vehicles? ... The Union charges it users on the follwing calculator ...
Trips outside Cardiff £70 hire and 70p per mile, Local £25. This charge incorporates all aspects of the vehicle including fuel. The SU will provided the drivers with fuel cards, we do not charge for fuel the driver puts in, just the hire/mileage.
Can we take Union Vehicles abroad?
We allow our Tourneos to travel to Europe under special agreement between the Club/Society and the Union. Unfortunately, SU minibuses cannot leave the UK. This is due to licence and vehicle restrictions. If you want to plan a trip abroad, please contact Julian for further information, hints, tips, and advice regarding journey.