Talk It Out

Loneliness is a common theme for students who may be struggling to build a community at University, and it can be all too easy to ‘bottle up’ how we feel. Talk It Out tries to combat loneliness by having open and empathic conversations, as well as running events to help break down the barriers between us.


Students who ‘talk it out’ can lessen their loneliness, vent their frustration, and even receive encouragement to help them find their way forward. 


Why it’s so important?


Research carried out by the Student Advice department found out that despite there being 32,000 students at Cardiff University, many students have noted feeling lonely at some time during their studies. This is particularly common during first year, where moving away from home and making new friends can be a daunting experience.


Why you should join


If combatting loneliness is something you are passionate about, then you would be an asset to our service. Perhaps you have experienced loneliness first-hand and can help those who are feeling similar. Or maybe you just want to provide your time to listen to others who are struggling. Either way, all our members are given the opportunity to attend training for active listening as well as other free opportunities that would enhance their ability to develop the SLS further.


Sign up


If you would like to get involved, then sign up below to be part of our committee, or email to find out more.

Please log in to view the committee.


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